Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch. 20: "I LOVE HIM!"

Alice's POV:
"Alice, its me." I get up and stare at my brother. He stares back at me, thats when I noticed he had blood on his hands.
I slowly back away from him, he was one of the four killing everyone. "Alice, whats wrong?" " killed all those people." "You mean those vampiras?" He had disgust in his voice.
I glare at him, "one of them is my husband." He glares at me this time, "no he's not." "I SWEAR IF YOU KILLED ALEX, JACK!!!" "And how does it matter to you!" "I love him!!!"
"Your under a spell, I know you are." "No I'm not Jack. I know what I feel is real."
He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the window. "Jack! Let go!" "Your coming home!"
He opens the window, holds me close to him and jumps out.
He picks me up and runs through the dark forest, "JACK PUT ME DOWN!" He ignores me and keeps running.
We finally stop and he puts me down. I glare at him and push him hard on his chest.
"Alice what is wrong with you! He's the enemy!" "He loves me! He's always loved me! And I love him!" "He's just playing you!" "No he's not!!"
I hear more running and see Rian and Andy holding someone on his back along with Zack. Zack looked pissed but didn't talk.
"We tried to convince my sister to come with us, but she refused to." "I knew she wouldn't Zack, she still hates me."
Andy puts the person down and I stare at her. It was Janice.
We just stare at each other, why was she here?
I look over at Andy and Zack, they were just standing there awkwardly. Guess thats what happens when you don't see your siblings for years.
"We need to keep moving Jack, they'll catch up with us if we don't run."
Jack picks me back up and runs off. I just hold onto him, I still hated him for taking me away from Alex.

Alex's POV:
I wake up in my room, where was Alice!? My friend Ian runs in, "Alex! Alice is gone!"
I stare at him, she can't be!
"Someone took her, and Zack is missing to. We don't know where they are." I get out of my bed and run towards the door but Ian stops me.
"Where are you going?" "I'm going to go look for Alice, thats what I'm doing." "You can't go alone!" "Then come with me!" "Are you crazy!?" "Alice is the only girl I ever loved, and I'm not about to let her slip away. So if you were really my friend, you would go with me."
I run out and find the tunnel that I made when I was younger when I wanted to sneak out. Ian was right behind me.
"I'm coming with you. I know that you and Alice are meant to be."

Alice's POV:
I sat there glaring at my brother. They ran the entire way back to grandmother's. Everyone went crazy as soon we stepped inside. Zack was sort of welcomed, but because he's part vampira they don't trust him.
I was still in my wedding dress, stained by blood and dirt. Grandmother was giving me a lecture on how careless I was for falling for a vampira, and that I should know better. That the right way of life was the vampire life.
Janice was taken to a bedroom, far away from me. This is not the way of life. Life should be about freedom and having our own voice.
Jack just stood there and nodded, agreeing with every damn word that grandmother was saying.
"Alice, are you even listening!?" I look up at her and glare. She doesn't know what she was talking about.
"Yeah. I was." "Well answer me when I ask you a question!" "And what was it grandmother." "Do you realize what you did was wrong!? A human from a vampire higher class family marrying the vampira prince!! That is unspeakable."
I stand up and glare at her. I had enough of this.
"There is nothing wrong with Alex, grandmother. I love him and he loves me." "You are not in love with him!" "Yes I am!" "Alice don't talk to grandmother that way!"
I glare even more at Jack, he used to never agree with what grandmother said.
"You are under a spell!" "No I'm not!" "You can't tell if you are! Thats why it feels real!" "I don't need a damn spell to control my feelings!!! I know what I'm talking about!!"
I get up and walk out of her office, up the stair case and to my old room. I lock the door and look around, everything was still the same. But I hated it here now. Nothing was the same, and everything was a lie. I wanted to be with Alex, living in the normal human world. Before any of this crap happened.