Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.4: Truth Hurts

Alice's POV:
I wake up the next morning, drained from little sleep. I kept dreaming of the boy from last night with the burning gold eyes. His skin was cold, and paler then Jack's, dad's and Jack's friends.
I get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen in my boxer shorts ad tank top that I wore to bed last night. Jack was already eating and drinking a glass of his morning blood. "Why can't you wear normal pj's," Jack yawned. "Why can't you wear pants, not just your boxers." Jack smiled and nudged me and I nudged him back. I grab the OJ, milk, and Cocoa Puffs. "Already got it out for you to eat." Indeed he did, there was already a bowl of cereal and a glass OJ waiting for me at my bar stool.

I put everything back and sit in my seat and start eating. "How pissed was dad last night with me running off." "Really pissed, his...his fangs came out." I stiffened up, dad's fangs rarely came out, except when he's really angry. "So he was really angry at me." "Yeah, he was so keen on sending us today." I sigh and rest my chin on my hand.

Jack finishes the last of his breakfast and cleans up, "I'll go ahead and take a shower." "Don't you dare use up all the hot water again. My shower was freezing last night." He laughs messes up my bed hair. I stick my tongue out at him and laughs more while going upstairs.
"Come on Alice!!! I still have to go to my school after I drop you off!!!" "Hold your damn horses!!" I take one last look in the mirror, grab my backpack and head downstairs. He was dressed in his black school uniform with a red tie, while I was dressed in jeans, old purple converse, and a black Breathe Carolina t-shirt. "Well lets go! Today is exam review."
While we walked, Jack stayed close by me, looking at our surroundings. "What are you looking for." "What? Oh, nothing." Suuuure. When we reached my school, Janice was outside waiting for me on the front lawn.

"Hi Alice!!" She smiles and runs up to us. Her green eyes shined in the sun, and her long red hair was tied back in a ponytail. She looks at Jack then does a double-look at Jack, actually everyone around us did. No one from his school never comes hear ours. Everyone just thinks his school is a private school that is very selective of their students. They do allow humans to apply, but they never get in obviously, its just so they don't raise questioning from the town. "Uh, hi Jack. Haven't seen you in a while." Jack gives her a quick wave, still looking around. "Well bye Jack." "I'll pick you up." "Jack!" Jack walks off, no clever remark or goodbye. "What is up with your brother?" "Don't ask, because I don't know either."
All day was exam review for Seniors, we finish our finals the day before we graduate, which means we graduate next Friday. By the time the final bell rang my brain was fried. Me and Janice go to the cafeteria to help with restocking packed snacks and drinks. Mainly we do it because they give us free food, so we don't usually eat lunch. After we finish we sit on one of the lunch tables and eat. There is always leftovers from lunch, today we got Spicy Chicken sandwiches with Pepsi. "I can't wait till we get out of here and go to Kentucky State together " That pierced me in the heat like a hot knife. Me and Janice had both applied for Kentucky State, and we both got in. We were going to be roommates. She applied for Kentucky State because her family has always gone there, while you already know my reason.

"Janice...I have to tell you something." She looks at me while taking a drink of her Pepsi. I look away from her and stare at the floor. "I'm no longer going to Kentucky State." "Is it because they took away your scholarship!? You need to contact the adviser to get that back!" "No...its not that. My parents are forcing me to transfer schools, same with Jack." "WHAT!!" She stands up, leaving her food on the table. "You can't go Alice!!." She was on the verge of tears. I looked away from her, "I don't have a choice Janice."

My lower lip was trembling, my eyes stinging from the verge of tears forming. "You do to have a choice, you're 18!!" I shake my head and close my eyes. "I really don't have a say in this. I leave the next day after we graduate." "BUT ALICE!" I look up at her, she was crying now. "I'm sorry Janice!! Their forcing me!" I'm leaving Janice to go off to Kentucky State alone, while I go off to somewhere in vampire land. I was crying now, and Janice stares at me, she leaves when I didn't respond. I cry harder now and bury my face into my hands. My best friend, I'm leaving my best friend forever.

"Its ok Alice, you'll see her again." I sniff, me and Jack were walking home now. "How do you know that Jack. Last time I checked, the higher class doesn't allow humans unless they come from a vampire family. Janice normal." I wasn't. I was far from normal. "You never know Alice, she might be." "Doubt it," I mumble. I have been over to her house every weekend ever since we became friends in third grade. There is no sight of a vampire living there. She and her family are normal humans.

"You'll see her again." "You're only saying that 'cause your friends get to come with you." Jack stayed quiet for the rest of the time we walked home.

When we got home I ran straight upstairs and into my room. I don't feel like talking to Jack right now.

I know the kid from last night said not to go out alone at night, but I wanted to go to the hideout to clear my head. I grab a flashlight, hoodie, and a thermos of hot chocolate. When I get outside, I turn on the flashlight and run through the woods until I reach the hideout. I walk in and turn on the camp light before laying on the couch. I laid for a while, reading my book. After 20 minutes I decided to drink some hot chocolate, it was the kind with mini marsh mellows I take a sip, and turn a page. The only noises were coming from me, and the bugs outside. I heard footsteps coming and Jack walks in, hearing pj pants and a hoodie. "I had the same idea I guess." I nod, not paying attention to him. He sits down at his computer chair and pulls out a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "Want some." I had to fight to say yes, but shook my head no. He knew that my weakness was chocolate chip cookies dunked into hot chocolate.

"Ok, suit yourself." He grabs the thermos from me and pours himself a cup. I hear him chew on the cookie, making my mouth water. "What do you really want Jack." He was using it to draw me in. "Look, I know your upset." "No shit." "But maybe dad will let you go to Kentucky State with her." "Ha. I doubt that." "Come on Alice." I look up at him, "Jack he won't." I sit up straight and stare him in the eyes. "He won't. You know it and I know it he won't allow it to happen." He went quiet and held out a cookie. I turned away from him and started to pack up. "Alice." "Jack. You just don't understand." "What do you mean." "I mean its a human thing." And walk out, he will never know how I'm feeling. My future is being stripped away but his is increasing. He can say how much he hates it, but his life is only going to get better in the vampire world.