Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.5: Graduation and Moving

Alice's POV:
Graduation day. The day that I have waited for four years. The day that is supposed to be the most memorial day from your high school years. I look around, everyone in my class wearing black graduation gowns and caps. Their all happy, smiling. Excited to start college in the fall with their friends.

While me. Tomorrow I leave for hell.

My name gets called, and as I walk across the stage, I see my family sitting in the stands clapping and shouting my name. But I don't hear it, I hear no sound. I am savoring each last moment of my human normal life. Jack graduated last night, all his friends are coming with us.

When I get off the stage I look around for Janice, she walked before me but she's no where. She might have gone back to her seat waiting for me. When I get back to my seat, Janice had switched spots with the guy that was sitting by her so I would no longer sit by her for the rest of graduation.

When it was time for everyone to cheer and throw their caps up, I stayed in my seat, staring into my hands holding my parents graduation gift. A gold heart shaped locket with our pictures in it, and on the back was the date of my birth and then today's date. I hold it close to my heart and close my eyes, when I open them everyone was running off to find friends and family while I stayed in my seat.
"Alice!" I look up at see Jack running towards me. I stand up and when he comes up to me we give each other a hug holding each other tightly. "Congrats honey," my mom says with a smile. Dad doesn't look at me, he looks everywhere to avoid eye contact. "Lets go find Janice." "No." I say no because I know she doesn't want to see me. We haven't spoken to each other since our fight two weeks ago.
As we walk away from the football field where our graduation was held, I take one last glimpse at it, this will be the last time I see it.

The next day we left early, Ian helped me carry down my suitcases and trunk to the car that was waiting outside for us. Dad said to dress nice, so I decided to wear the dress that mom had laid out for me while I was in the shower.

Mom said it was appropriate for me to wear because we might have tea when we get there. And since I have nothing on the definition of "nice" that she explained, I stuck with it. She had also laid out white flats with bracelets.

It was a struggle to walk down the stairs in the flats for being brand new, so I kicked them off and walked out with Ian to the car. Well I heard it would be a car, turns out its a limo. Oh joy. We're going to gain attention. We finish packing up the limo and say bye to mom and dad. When we get inside the limo it was more roomy then I pictured. The seats were made out of soft white leather, the floor was covered in dark purple carpet, lights hung from the ceiling, and there was a TV and mini fridge. As I climbed in, Ian and Heith push themselves in, causing me to fall backwards and hit the cement. "HEY!!" They smile at me, "sorry." Mom spent 20 minutes doing my hair this morning, and my makeup was awful. All I ever wear is eyeliner and sometimes foundation when I have a nasty breakout. I stand up and wipe the dress and run back inside to grab my iPod, cell, book, and flats.

As soon we were all settled, Jack and his friends had dibs on the TV which I didn't care for, we drove off. The windows were tinted and had little black curtains on them so we couldn't see where we were going. I turn on my iPod and rest my head against the window behind me and closed my eyes.

"Alice, wake up. We're here." "How long has it been?" "Four hours." At least I know how far I am from home. I yawn and stretch, the limo was still moving. but then slowed to a stop. The door opens and sunlight streams in, I saw white gravel on the ground. "Ladies first?," I heard a woman say. I gather up my stuff and walk out. I look up at the mansion and my jaw drops.

This wasn't a mansion that I have seen on TV, this was a castle. I could only imagine how big it is on the inside. Jack and his friends get out and I heard them gasp some words. The large front door opens, a staff wearing black and white uniforms come out with a women behind them. She smiles at us, well she had to be the owner of the castle. "Welcome grand children, Alice and Jack." Grandmother!? I knew vampires could take a potion made by a witch to have them stay the way they looked when they took the potion so that they would never grow old looking, but I never thought our grandmother would do that. I was expecting a old women.

"Come in come in. We have lots to share and show you." We follow her inside, the main foyer was huge.

The floor was made up shiny smooth misty green tile. While the walls were a bright sky blue. There was a large staircase in the middle, a door on each side, and two hallways were downstairs leading away from the staircase, and two more at the top. "Each of you will have a escort around the property and the house. The reason for that is because I promised your father that I would." So this was dad's mom.

"Liam, you will escort Alice. And Alec you will escort Jack. Jack your friends will be able to choose their own." "Welcome Ms. Alice, I'm Liam." I look up and see a boy my age bowing.
He was really cute, his green eyes were sparkly. He smiles at me and holds out his elbow for me to hold. I couldn't control my smile, Jack had a guy while Ian and Heith chose a girl to be their escorts. "Now we will be having tea in 20 minutes, that should give you four enough time to have a look around and see your rooms."

She smiles at us and walks off into the right hallway. "Right this way Ms. Alice." Liam leads me upstairs and we go the left hallway while Jack and his friends go into the right one. The hall was huge, paintings of different people from different times, I'm guessing that these are my ancestors. "The ladies always get the best room, more spacious and comfortable for your stay here Ms. Alice." "I prefer to be called Alice, just Alice." He smiles, "Mistress will have a fit if she knew we weren't calling you by Ms. Alice." I sigh and we keep walking till we reached a door. "This is your chamber." "My what?" He lets out a soft laugh, "a chamber is another name for bedroom."

He opens the door and I gap at it. The room was 10 times bigger then my one back home, there was a king size bed against the opposite wall with a light purple canopy made out of lace. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, a black dresser matching the bed frame same with the desk and bookshelf. The carpet was white while the walls were light blue like my room back home. The bookshelf was already filled with books and magazines, a stereo sat on the top of it, and a flat screen TV was on the left wall where a black couch with a coffee table was facing in the TV's direction. "Does it suit to your taste?" "Yeah, it does." I kick off my flats and walk across the carpet, it was soft and squished between my toes.

I run across the room and jump into the bed, it was so comfy and soft. "This. Is. AWESOME!" I turn my head to the left, and there was a door. "Where does that lead to?" "That leads to your bathroom and closet." Huh. I get off the bed, promise I'll be back soon comfy bed, and open the door and gasp. The bathroom was something you see in a celebs house, white tile, gold bathtub, sink, and toilet. A fancy shower to the right, and a counter that already had makeup stuff to fix my hair. I walk more into the bathroom and see the closet, which looked more like a bedroom.

It was beautiful, there was already clothes hung up with shoes and other accessories "This can't be a closet. Its bigger then my room back home!" He laughs and smiles. "Your a delight to watch and hear Ms. Alice. Now I will leave you to rest for a bit, and will be back for you to take you down to the garden for afternoon tea." "No lunch?" He smiles again, "Ms, this is lunch." I swear there better some soda and energy drinks in this place with junk food.

"Wait, Liam can I ask you something?""That if I'm a vampire? Yes, there is a town near by where I live with my family. Most of the towns people are humans, but there are some vampire families. We work here so that we can be around our own kind." "But doesn't that seem kind of...wrong? To work for another vampire as a servant?" "Well, I am basically doing the same job as a human escort, do you agree?" "Yeah." "Then look at as a vampire living a human life style." "That makes...since." He smiles, I think I'll never get tired of that adorable smile. "I'll be back for you soon."

As soon he leaves I run back over to the bed and jump into the soft comfy cushion. "Mind if I can come in?," I look up and see Jack poking his head in and grinning. I smile and sit up. He walks in and whistles, "dang sis. We might have to switch." I laugh, "what do you mean?" "My room is smaller then this." "Well Liam did say the girls get the best rooms," I grin at him. He grins back runs over and jumps on me. I squeal and try to push him off. "Jack! Grandma will not be happy if you mess up my hair and dress!" He laughs and lays by me. "So what do you think of the vampire life now?" I hit him on the stomach, "shut up. I have a odd feeling that there's more to this then we know of." Jack goes quiet for a minute, "I have the same feeling."

Well there has to be a reason why grandma is having us to have a escort no matter where we go around the property, right?

We all walk out with our escorts, Jack's escort was built and huge who looked like he could crush Jack with one hand. The garden surrounded a lake, there was flowers that I have never seen before and many fountains each with their own design. We stop a white tea party style table and chairs in the middle of the garden where grandma was already being served. Grandma excused our escorts for 30 minutes. Ian and Heith were still inside doing who knows what, I guess since their not grandma's precious twin grandchildren they didn't have to join us.

"Do you two enjoy your chambers?" "Yeah, I love mine," I say in a polite way. "Its nice, but how come is Alice's room bigger." Grandma laughs and smiles, "Jack my dear boy, its a custom for the sister to get the bigger room." "Well that doesn't seem fair." "And also I do believe that Alice is older, so the eldest get the bigger room." If I did't have to act all polite and petite, I would have totally spit out my tea from laughing. Instead I held it in and hid my big goofy smile.

"Tonight you two can dress a little more casual, but still nice. Its a special occasion for dinner." "Why?," we asked at the same time. "Because your going to meet your cousins. Your aunts and uncles couldn't make it tonight." Our cousins. Mom and dad have never told us how many cousins we have. We didn't even know we had cousins. But I'm pretty sure they knew about us.
♠ ♠ ♠ Alice's outfit