Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.6: Family Reunion

Alice's POV:
For the rest of the day I hung out in my room, switching from the TV, to browsing on the internet, reading a book, and I admit it, I did a couple laps around the closet.

When it was 30 minutes till dinner, I decided to get ready. She said dress casual but nice, right!? I took off the makeup mom had done, and took down my hair to redo it. I did my makeup what I would usually do for a interview, and my hair was in a side low braid tied with a pink ribbon. Liam comes in and smiles at me. Damn it, why can't I marry him!? He's just so cute, and I love his Irish accent! And who wouldn't want to have those sparkly green eyes stare into yours everyday? "You look very nice Ms. Alice. Mistress will be very pleased of your selection. Shall we go." I get up from the stool in front of the mirror and run over to him. "Easy Ms. Alice, we don't want you to fall do we?" I shake my head and walk down with him to the dining room. Or shall I say ballroom?

In the middle of the ballroom was a really long table with a white table cloth and candles. A huge chandelier hung in the middle of the room, and the tables were ceiling high. "Wow." Liam pulls out a chair for me and I take a seat. Jack sat across from me who was wearing a dark blue polo and nice jeans.

"Are we early?" "I don't think-" "BON!ZIIIE!!!!" A boy comes in screaming and soars across the whole table making me and Jack jump back. He lands on the table in the middle of us and we stare at him. He looks up at us and smiles.

I couldn't call him a kid. I knew who this was. "YOUR! YOUR! YOUR!!!" I stammered and screamed. My eyes were wide and I was pointing at him. He laughs and jumps off the table swiftly. "I'm assuming your a fan of my band?" "YOUR ANDY!!!," I screamed and hugged him tightly. He laughs and lightly pushes me away. I had a huge a crush on him!! Well now this is awkward. DAMN IT! I used to have fantasies that we would get married!!

I look up at him and he's smiling showing off his fangs. "I don't normally get this kind of reaction from a relative but I like it," he laughs. I blush and step back from him. "I love you!," I squeak. I can't believe one of my cousins is Andy from Black Veil Brides!

"ANDY! I'm going to kill you!!!" A girl comes in screaming with a scowl on her face. Her skin was pale, green eyes, jet black hair that was done in the Scene style.

"You don't look like Andy's sister!" Andy is supposed to have a sister and brother! "Oh, that is pretend. The people playing my sister and brother are our escorts who have grown up with us. Its to protect the family." She turns to me and smiles. "You must be Alice. I'm Celia. The younger, better sibling." Andy gives her a goofy grin and messes with her hair like Jack does to me when I'm mad at him. Huh.

"We're Dina's kids, your mom's sister." Two cousins down, two more to go. I think. One walks in quietly while the other runs in.

The girl had blonde hair with black streaks, done in the Scene way just like Celia's. Her skin was tanner though, blue eyes, and a lot shorter then us. The boy had black hair that hung over his eyes, and a little paler then the girl. He was a couple inches taller then her, but had blue eyes as well.

The girl looked 15 while the boy looked 13. "HI! I'm Serena!!!" She giggles and holds out a pixi stick. "Serena," my boy groaned. "She's hyper on pixi stick sugar." No shit, Serena looked like she could bounce off the walls. "I'm Caleb." And he took a seat. Well then. "Excuse my brother, he's just grumpy because your brother took his room when we stay here. And you must be Jack!!" Serena squeals and runs over to Jack, giving him a tight hug. Jack looked like he couldn't breathe. "They have a older brother and sister, but we don't know where they have gone. Couple years ago their dad and older siblings left without a trace. We don't know what happened," Celia told me.

"OH! OH! Can I do the guess!?," Serena squealed. "Sure Serena," Andy groaned. "My guess is...that Jack is the vampire and Alice is the human! Am I right!?" "How did you know that?" "I could smell it!," Serena smiles. So she must be the vampire. Caleb added, "yep I'm the human who has to put up with a hyper active vampire sister." "HEY!" Andy laughs, "well you already know I'm a vampire." "Human," Celia chimed in. "And there's nothing wrong with behing human Andy!!" Andy laughs and leans over to me, "she's just mad because I hid her cell someplace she can't get to."

"Everyone take your seats." Everyone went quiet and took a seat as grandma came in and sat at the head of the table. "I expect that everyone is getting along? And that nothing is broken," he stares at Andy. "Grandmother I swear I didn't break anything this time." "Oh really," holding up a broken plate. "Whoops." "Yes whoops." She sighs, "now I assume you all know who is who. And I have a big announcement." "Am I finally going to choose who I marry grandmother!!! Because I'm 24 damn it!!," Andy yells. "ANDY!!!" Andy goes quiet and looks down. "No, you are not. Seeing how your busy with your music and band, you will not choose your wife. Your cerimone will not happen until we are sure you will not be busy for a year." "But grandmother," Andy whined.

"That is final. But someone is having their cerimone though." I wasn't paying attention, because obviously it wouldn't be me and jack. We grew up as regular class, they grew up higher class. "Jack and Alice, your cerimone will take place in a month." Our heads shoot up and stare at grandma. WHAT!!