Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.7: Cerimone Rules

Alice's POV:

Me and Jack stare at grandmother in disbelief. HOW! How are we having our cerimone's first!? "I know you six do not understand of my decision. But seeing how they are the oldest-" "I'm the oldest grandmother!!!," Andy yells. "The oldest who are free to be married are first in line to have their cerimone's Andy! You will be having this discussion as well with your parents! You knew the sacrifices you had to make once you decided to start that band with those humans who don't even know about vampires." Andy stares at her, gets out of his chair and leaves. Is that what grandmother really thinks of humans who don't come from vampire families...?

"Well I'm just happy I'm not going to have my cerimone anytime soon," says Celia. "I rather be single until I can choose who I want to marry." Grandmother sighs, "Celia we talked about this. Since you are the younger sibling you do not choose who you marry." "Your only saying that because I'm human!" "No, I am not saying that at-" "Did you love grandfather when you chose him?" "Yes but thats not-" "The point? Grandmother I know what your going to do and I don't agree with it." Celia pushes back her chair and leaves like Andy.

I knew there was nothing normal about being higher class.

Serena and Caleb left after they ate, they were quiet the entire time. "How old is Serena and Caleb?," Jack asks. "Serena is 15 and Caleb is 14." I knew it. "But since they are the youngest they have a couple more years to wait and more studying to do." "Studying?" "Yes, it is tradition that children in the higher class to learn and study about the vampire history before having their cerimone." "But I already know all of that grandmother," Jack says loudly. Course, he didn't learn human history at school. But wait that means...

"Are you kidding me!?" Grandmother nods, "yes. You have a month to study everything so that you can hold the knowledge of the vampire history and law. Seeing how Jack already knows it does not have to." "Well thats stupid! Look where he went for his whole school life!!" "I understand that your upset but-" "Oh I'm not upset. I ticked." "Well I am ticked how your parents didn't teach you two in the first place!" Jack eyes went black but stayed in his chair. "They were right," Jack growls. "What are you talking about Jack." "I mean they were right by keeping us away from the higher class." Jack quickly runs out of his chair and was by my side in a second. He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him out of the room.

I lay on the couch and stare up at the ceiling in my room watching the fan rotate. "Alice?" I turn my head and see Celia and Caleb standing in the doorway.

"Yeah?" "I know we just met and all but..." "You guys can come in," I sigh and sit up. They close the door and sit on the couch with me. "Look, we know that you and Jack won't agree with the tradition of the higher class." "Believe us when we say this, we think its kind of weird too. Its why Andy attended human school behind our families back, to live a normal life. Now he's doing something that he loves and broke out of the tradition." "Then why is he so mad about not having his cerimone first." "Its because of his girlfriend. She's human, and is hoping when he does have his cerimone that he can choose her to marry. But grandmother founded out that she doesn't even come from a vampire family. Which is why he can't have one." "Wow..." Celia nods, "look. What I said back there before I stormed off-" "I was going to ask you anyway what you meant by that." Celia sighs and looks at Caleb.

Caleb nods and looks at me, "she meant that grandmother was going to have someone choose you. And she already has in mind who is." "WHAT!" "But don't worry!! Theres a possible chance that the guy might not even choose you. He has to choose between 9 other girls." I stare at them in disbelief.

"The vampire chooses who they marry, not the human." "Your kidding.""We aren't." "But wait, how does the guy know who he wants to choose after one night." "Don't freak out on us, but the guy gets files and other stuff to read about each of the 10 girls he has to choose from. The one he chooses is the one he likes the most, obviously. And the girls are usually a good match. All of our parents are, aren't yours?"

I always think back to how dad and mom would stare in to each other eyes. The way that their meant to be and are truly in love..... "Yeah...they are... But how do you know it will be the same for us." "We don't know. But the match usually works in the end. Hey, its better to be chosen the first time instead of having to be the last person and might not get a guy who you don't like." "What if I don't like the first guy?" "Learn to love?" "Or true love at first sight?" I sigh and rest my head in my hands.

Who knew I would have to learn all this crap in one day. "Wait, so that means Jack has to do that list thing." Caleb and Celia nod and I burst out laughing. They look at my confused. My eyes were watering from laughing to hard. I take a couple of breaths and held in my laughter. "Jack isn't the type to just choose who he wants to date. So this is going to be torture for him!!," I laugh again. Pay back is a bitch Jack! This is what you get for making me date Heith!!

"But you still have to learn vampire history with us and Serena." I stop laughing and slouch. "Its not that bad really. We'll finally have someone else to learn with." "Plus Serena and Caleb will someone new, I'm getting tired of splitting up their fights." "Did someone say my name!!!!"

Serena runs in and jumps on us. She giggles and looks up at us. "Serena did you have energy drinks again!!!!," Caleb yelled. So there is good drinks here! Serena jumps off us and couldn't stay still. "Oh come on Caleb!! You can't tell me what I drink!," she giggles. "You hyper annoying vampire sister!!" "You annoying control freak human brother!!" They lunge at each other and me and Celia get between them. Celia smiles at me while she pushed Serena back and I held Caleb away. So this is what she meant. And to think I thought they were quiet and well-behaved!