Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.8: Tutoring

Alice's POV:
After me and Celia were able to separate Caleb and Serena, all three of them left to go in their rooms.

Now its the next morning and the four of us are in the large library with our tutor. I had a huge pile of books, some so think that they were bigger then my head. All of the books had leather covers and the pages smelled of rotten eggs. Our tutor was a old skinny guy that smelled of cheese and wore all gray. But his attitude was not something to be messed with. He's already slapped his wooden ruler on my hand five times.

"Pay attention Alice!!! Now where were the first vampire clans located." I groan, I answered this 10 times already. "London, England." "WRONG!" And he slaps my hand again causing the ruler to snap. "The first clan was located in Scotland. Did you not read this last night!?" "No. I did not. Because there was nothing for me to read." He glares at me because he couldn't slap me again with his broken ruler. "Watch your tone Alice, that is not the attitude of a wife." He leaves to go to the other end of the library to get more books. "He's actually in a good mood believe it or not," Caleb whispers. "He's been our tutor since we started school. Home schooled if you wanna call it that way." "How do you meet people?" "Parties, events, you know, vampire stuff." Well I'm just happy I'm not the only one studying. Jack was somewhere in the castle practicing is etiquette and learning about the 10 girls who will be at our cerimone.

"How much longer of this," I whisper more quietly this time keeping a eye out for the old bat. "Another hour, but we usually sneak out by now." He comes back over and drops more books on the table. "I need you to read these tonight and I will quiz you tomorrow. Seeing how you didn't learn enough. Now, if you four don't mine I'll be in my office." And he leaves through a door that had a window showing his office. "Thats how. He sleeps in there, we call it his bat cave." I let out a small laugh and we run out. "Don't worry about reading all those books, take this." Celia hands me a notebook that looked worn out. "Its Andy's. He used it when he had to do this and he gave it to me. The three of us have been using it all these years. We don't need it anymore." "Thanks!" "Ms. Alice?" I turn around and there was Liam.

"Your so lucky," Celia sighed in my ear. "He's the hottest escort here." "To bad I can't date him," I whisper back. "Who cares, you got one of the hottest guys I've seen as your personal escort." She giggles and makes kissing noises. I turn red and turn back to him. "I see that the four of you are done?" I nod and smile at him. Liam holds out his elbow for me and I hold onto it with joy and walk off with him. "Where we going?" "Dance practice."

"NO! NO! NO!," the old bat screeches. She could make the mirrors in here break. Me and Jack were in a dance studio wearing dance shoes. At least I'm not the only one who has to go through this torture. The old bat, I'm sorry Ms. Rayn was teaching us how to waltz. Jack being my partner.

"Follow my count! Not the music!" Jack groans, "I'm going to kill mom and dad for this," he whispers in my ear. I hold in my laugh but smiled. She starts the music again and start dancing. "NO! NO! NO!!!!," she slams her walking stick onto the floor and the end of it breaks. "I'll be right back," she growls and leaves. Me and Jack sit on the floor and kick off the shoes. "So. How was tutoring this morning."

"Horrible. The tutor slapped my hand with a ruler six times." "Ouch." "How was etiquette and learning about your potential brides?" Jack groans, "horrible. I swear you should see these girls profiles. Some are out of the country. And it doesn't matter what is on paper, I know these girls are going to be bitches." "And why do you say that, Celia and Serena are alright." "Their our cousins, and last time I checked we're the only family that has broken tradition. These girls have been keeping to tradition their whole lives. How am I supposed to relate to them." Couldn't blame him, its going to be the same with the mystery guy.

Jack sighs, "the only girl I really ever been close to has been you." "Yeah, that is true," I grin. "I am fully aware that I've never had a girlfriend. It was because I already thought I had a fiance and didn't want it to turn ugly once we met if I had a girlfriend at the same time." "That is true. I swear if he's anything like Hieth and Ian I'm going to shoot myself."

Jack laughs, "sorry about making you date Heith." "Would you have killed him if he took my v-card." "Course. And you have no idea how weird it is for me to see you get married, seeing how I know what will happen after the wedding." He shudders, "that guy isn't going to live if he does anything before the wedding." "Chill Jack, you know I can take care of myself after all of our fights." "True." "Its your girl who has to be warned." "What do you mean by that." I grin at him, "trust me I've seen it and its not impressive." "HEY!!" He tackles me and I laugh.

"NO MESSING AROUND! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!," the old bat yells. We laugh, get our shoes back on and stand up.