Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.9: Clubbing and Slaying

Alice's POV:
Ms. Rayn had us practice for 2 hours till we got to a place where it was at least acceptable. The only dancing we've ever had was at school dances, sheesh.

It was the next day, and me, Serena, and Celia were hanging out in Serena's room. Her room looked like mine, except different color scheme. Her walls were bright bubblegum pink, white carpet, white couch and matching furniture, and pink canopy. And there was posters taped to one of the large walls of her favorite bands and movies.

"You guys seriously haven't heard of prom!?" I was shocked, I mean Serena I get, but Celia is human! They shake their heads,"nope. Been stuck in vampire higher class life our whole lives. Like we said, we been home schooled. Another reason why Andy went to a human school behind our parents backs," Celia explains. "How do marriages work in the regular human world?"

"The person proposes to them. Most of the time the person gets down on one knee, asks if they'll marry them, and holds out the ring." "That is so romantic," Serena sighs. "Yeah.... If only that could happen for us," Celia sighs to. "Don't you guys have the internet?" "Yeah, but grandmother bans us from using human websites. Which is pretty much every website out there." "Huh. I wonder if she banned me."

"Doubt it. I heard your parents made sure you and Jack were still connected to the regular class no matter what. Haven't you called any of your friends?" I sigh and look down at the couch we were sitting on. I haven't heard from Janice ever since our fight. Most likely she's on vacation with her family before she leaves for Kentucky State. Dad cancelled my classes half a year before graduation. Which means they planned this way before they told us.
"Well tonight one of our friends invited us to the club in the closes town. We were wondering if you and Jack wanted to come." "And don't worry about keeping a secret who you are. This is a vampire club, and they expect the human siblings to come anyways." Never been to a club before....

"No." "Why not Jack?" "Because we are not going to a club full of horny vampires." "Oh come on." "Alice, you haven't seen how horny vampires are." "Yeah. I have." "Most are worse then Heith, Alice. Way worse. I've seen it." "Well we haven't been to a club before. And they told me its really safe there. Please? One fun night before we have to be tied down?" Jack sighs and looks up at me. "Fine."

Serena and Celia told us to wear something we would normally wear to a club. Which I don't own anything for. So Celia let me borrow one of her dresses.

I actually liked it, Jack hated it. "Damn Alice. Liam would hate to see you get married if he saw you in that." Andy laughs and grins, making me blush. It was 12 am and we met in the middle of the garden. Serena was dressed in the pink version of my dress, while Celia was wearing a black pencil skirt with a purple strapless top. "Celia. Serena. Why do you have to wear that?" Caleb and Andy were annoyed pretty sure they were not okay with what their sisters were wearing. So I wonder what Jack was thinking.
"Ready to go?" "Do I really have to Andy?" "Yes Celia." Serena giggles, "come on Caleb! Hop on!" "Why couldn't I have been the vampire!," Caleb groans and jumps onto Serena's back, Celia jumping onto Andy's. "Uh...what are you guys doing?" Jack was confused as I was. "Running. Didn't you know vampires have amazing speed Jack?" "Uh. Yeah. I just never though of having Alice on my back while running." "Oh really now. Thats so nice of you." Serena giggles, "just follow us, its not that far from here."

I hop onto Jack back, my dress coming up to my butt. "Ready guys?," Andy asks. "Yeah." Andy and Celia were gone in a blink, and then Serena and Caleb. "Ready?" "Yeah." And we take off. My hair was blowing behind me, my feet like they were going to fly off my legs, and if Jack wasn't holding onto me, I'm pretty sure I would have flew off. When he stopped I opened my eyes.
All six of us were standing in a dark alley, and sirens were coming from someplace faraway, but I didn't see a door anywhere. "The entrance is through here," Caleb points to the wall behind him. It had weird graffiti on it, when I looked closer I realized the graffiti was actually symbols and had a glow to them. "How come I can see them?" "Because you have the vampire trait, Celia and Caleb can see them to," Jack explains.

"The humans that live in this area think its just graffiti during the daytime. But when its nighttime, there's an invisible barrier around this alley. They can see into it, but the barrier is making us invisible, does that make since?" "I....guess?" Andy laughs and walks through the wall, yes, walks through the wall, like on Harry Potter. Celia walks in after him, Serena pouts pixi stick sugar into her mouth and runs through with Caleb right behind her.

Jack sighs and looks at me. "Ready?" "Yeah. Are you?" "I think so. I mean, I been around vampires my whole life right?" "Yeah." I grab hold of his hand and we walk through. The wall seemed to dissolve around us, then it felt like we were walking through water. I didn't dare to open my eyes until I heard the thumping of loud music. I open my eyes and was amazed.
The floor was black glass, the walls were black glass to besides the one we just walked through. The walls were covered in heavy think black curtains. The ceiling was a black sky, and the stars were flashing colorful lights around the room. The DJ set was lit up and floating. There was two floors, the first floor was the dance floor, while the second floor was attached by a black glass staircase, and it had booths with a bar in the same design as the DJ set. Fairies were floating and flying above us, while the vampires, people transforming into werewolves, and most likely human siblings, were on the floor.

"I don't smell a witch anywhere," Jack yelled over the music. "Really?" "Yeah. Witches live in clans away from civilization. But once in a while a young witch would travel off, but someone from a higher class or royal family would capture them. So that the witch can make them the potion."

"You mean the potion to stop someone from ageing?" "Yeah, haven't you noticed grandmother doesn't look like her age?" "Yeah. But why make the witch stay?" "Because the potion doesn't last forever, so the family keeps the witch hostage where they live to make the potion when they need it." "Wait. So your telling me that-" "That grandmother is most likely a witch hostage in her house and we don't know where. Ever since we arrived, I been searching the castle late at night for her. I just hope I never find her, because I don't want to think of grandmother as evil. Which is exactly why I didn't want to come tonight."

Celia runs over to us, her breath reeked of alcohol, “hey guys!!” She had a slur to her voice. She grabs our hands and pulls us towards the dance floor where Serena and their friend were. Serena pours more pixi stick sugar into a shot glass full of purple liquid and gulps it down in one swift movement. Their friend stops dancing and smiles at us. “Hey! I’m Kalia. You guys must be Alice and Jack!! I've been waiting so long to meet you two!!” “Thank god she’s not one of the girls on my list I have to pick from,” Jack whispers. I can see why. Her chest was practically coming out of her dress and the dress was the length of a long shirt.

“Are you guys thirsty!? Its getting hot down here!” She grabs our hands and pulls along up the glass staircase. When we got on the second floor, Andy and Caleb were taking shots of the same drink Serena had earlier at the bar. “About time!!,” Andy slurs.

We all cram into a booth that was near by, that already had the shots they were drinking at the bar. Celia accidentally knocked over one of the shot glasses with her elbow, staining the wooden table with purple gunk. “What is that,” I ask in disgust. “Fairy Brew. The bartender’s special.” Andy points over to the bartender, a fairy with porcelain skin, white hair, white sparkly wings, and a tight black dress. “She makes the best.” “I’m sure she does,” Jack said annoyed.

“So what’s the human world like!?” Kalia yells in excitement. “Uh….human like,” I say confused. “Oh you know what I mean!!” No. We don’t.

There was a loud crack sound and everything fell silent. We look over at the wall we came through and there was a large crack on it. “That is impossible,” Andy whispers. There was another loud pound and the crack expanded. Then multiple things happened at once. The wall broke open and people came running in wearing all black, and had black masks. Fairies were flying above us, and the others were running away from the people in black. People were screaming, and pushing each out of the way to the exit on the first floor. One of the people in black had put explosives on the staircase and when it was lit the staircase shattered. Leaving everyone on the second floor trapped, including us.

Vampires and werewolves jumped off the second floor gracefully and ran off, but some stayed to catch their human siblings. I soon realized that Jack and everyone was gone, they must have been on the first floor and gone through the exit already. I look over everyone, trying to find Jack, but saw a girl using a whip on a fairy. The girl had ginger hair, but her face was covered. The girl could have been my age.

I decided to just jump and run for the exit, which was a stupid idea. When I had hit the floor, I landed wrong on my right ankle. I screamed out in pain and fell towards my right grasping my ankle. I knew it was broken. It was chaos everywhere, the people in black capturing people, and people screaming and running the other way. The girl ran towards me, her eyes shown through the masks holes. They were bright green. When she got a few feet away she stopped and stared at me. I stared back, and we stayed that way for a minute till she backed away and ran off.

“ALICE!!!” I spin my head around and see Jack running towards me. “Alice!! Oh my god! I hate myself!!” He lifts me up and runs towards the exit. “I thought you were with us! How could I be so stupid!!” “Jack what happened!?” “We managed to get down the staircase before it shattered and I thought you were right behind me. When we got out, I realized you weren't with us and ran back in. Alice I’m so sorry!!”
As soon we got outside in another dark alley he ran off.

“I am so glad you six were not at the Lyceum last night. Slayers broke in and captured three fairies, four werewolves, and a vampire.” As soon we got back last night, they didn't explain to me and Jack who those people were and why they attacked.

“I am so happy you six are safe here. I am making security stronger on the outlines of the property.” I look down at my ankle, it was bruised and broken, but I wore long sweat pants to cover the cast that was on it from grandmother. I managed to walk find on the way down to breakfast this morning with Liam, but I have no idea how long I can pretend till it heals.

“I am so sorry Alice,” Jack holds my hand tightly and whispers lowly in my ear. I shake my head, and made sure grandmother wasn't looking. “No, its my fault. I’m the one who wanted to go and made you come with us.”
♠ ♠ ♠ Alice's club outfit