Status: Being written

The Magic Adventure

Chapter 1: Ogod y

It was just another afternoon for hippie bob. Chillin out relaxin, playing some b-ball up by the school. A couple of dudes where up to no good and kicked bobby out of their neighborhood. As he was leaving the neighborhood, he notices a group of teenagers, all white with dreadlocks and tie-dye. Yeah, he knew what was going down. He approaches the group and proceeds to mumble incoherently something about some of that sweet stinky plant matter. He took a few drags off the Jay that was going around and saw one of the smellier teens had a bag in his pocket. In the bag he saw what looked like the phallus of god. Cubensis. Magic mushrooms. He knew what he had to do. He was just about to leave, as he was so heavily stoned that he knew that the others could tell the air was hitting his arm weird. He proceeded to very un-sneakily grab the bag and run. They didn't chase him, as they were WAAAAAY to stoned to follow. Bobby was going to have an interesting night. WITH SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK n ROLL.
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This story is supposed to be bad. Just so you know.