Flykarth 200 Prompt Challenge

Basically I've decided there isn't enough Flykarth in the word and as much as I love Jalex, I almost feel as though I've read it all. So have a series of one-shots about one of my favorite pairings..ya know, if they're any good..let me know if they suck or if you'd actually read them because, well, I've never written a fic bye.

Edit: so um apparently it's not allowed to post one-shots as chapters like I plan on doing so to just make this clear and make it acceptable: yes, they are all one-shots to their own story, but they're still the same story, ja feel? Like you can read each chapter individually or as a string and it wouldn't I just don't want to get in trouble here..
  1. Shattered
    Prompt: destroy. The one where Alex shatters a mirror and Matt has to glue his life back together.
  2. Better
    Prompt: bittersweet. The one where Alex burns his finger and Matt kisses it better.
  3. Character
    Prompt: love. The one where Matt meets his favorite character and Alex coos at his adorableness.
  4. Mine
    Prompt: hate. The one where Alex kisses Jack and Matt makes sure he knows his place.