Status: SLASH/ This is complete

Property of Black

Property of Black

Chapter One

The thick dark mahogany red blurred through my vision suddenly turning to a gaping black hole of nothingness. And I finally fell into a peaceful bliss I never thought possible.
Three months earlier
Why did my Uncle and Aunt move during the middle of the school year, I pondered to myself as I slowly ambled into my new High School. They weren't thinking of me obviously only themselves as usual. I know the only reason they tolerate me in their home, not mine, mind you, but "theirs" is because of the money. I look like a pale tattered rag doll while their skin is bright with a glow around them. They also have designer clothes a maid three times a week and a freaking gardener. They treat the help better than they treat me.
I opened the heavy doors with a beating of my heart so fast I thought I might have a heart attack. I shifted my head so it was tilted a little down and covered my eyes with my long thick mascara and black eyeliner clad eyes so I could scan the hallways without directly having to look at anyone. Yup. It is the same. The school may be on a different street in a different town with a different name but the kids were all the same. The jocks and cheerleaders on one side, trying to show off how awesome they were, while the freaks and geeks were trying to not be visible to many people. Also there were the few kids that stood alone, like me actually, wishing they would vanish in thin air. As I glanced around for another moment a group of guys were in the back corner of the hall pushing some freshman around. Great the bullies are the same too. I sighed and started looking for signs to the main office so I could get my schedule and locker. After a minute or two I saw the sign and rushed towards it without bumping into a single soul. Phew.
I waited for the secretary in the office to notice a presence in the room. And waited. And waited. And waited. After her fourth phone call, which was of a personal nature, she looked up at me and gave me a slight scowl. Ugh. Friendly much, lady? I thought to myself.
"What do ya want?" She asked in a stuck up nasally tone.
"I'm new and I need to get my schedule and locker, please," I asked in a hushed tone. "Um, my name is Damon Ryker."
She punches keys on the computer she is abusing and abruptly spins her seat around towards a fifty year old printer. As the document prints, which seems like an eternity, she taps her nails on the counter it is resting on. Finally the thing grinds to an ominous halt and she tears off the two pages and shoves them at me. I look at her for a moment and think what have I ever done to her to make her so bitchy towards me. Then I hear it. The long, high pitched howl of the bell. Damn it. I am going to be late. I look up at the woman and she sighs and says with regret in her voice, "I suppose you want a pass?"
"Yes please," I reply meekly. She grabs the pink pad and scribbles something on it and shoves it towards me and before I can grab it she released the paper as I watched it flutter to the floor. Bitch. I pick it up and walk out of the office. Thank the beings, their is no one in the hall. I take a glance at my schedule and locker and groan out loud. My classes are in B and C blocks while my locker is in A. Who is the stupid prick that devised that? Depending on where the locker is I may just take all my stuff with me all the time. Ugh. That will be heavy.
I trudge to Block A and know right then and there I will never have time to go back and forth to my locker during each class. I'll take my morning supplies with me and then at lunch drop them off and grab my stuff for afternoon classes. I know if I go down and ask for another locker the beast at the desk will have a field day with me and take joy in my suffering.
I walked into my first class of the day about fifteen minutes late. Sigh. I hate being the center of attention. The teacher looks to me with a "Why the fuck are you interrupting my glorious tale of Hitler's reign in World War 2 speech?" I hand him over my late pass he takes a quick look at it, then gives me the once over, like he is checking me out, eww. Then scowls at me. He turns away and yells out to one of the other students to go in the back room and get a textbook and syllabus and then looks at me and growls out to me to sit down at an empty desk. Before I could get to a desk he goes off on Hitler.
The kid that got my stuff walked over to me and dropped my books onto the floor right next to me. He then turned around walking back towards his desk and mumbled underneath his breath fag. Wonderful. I live in a town that has the mindset of people from the 1950's. This is going to be the longest six months of my life, I sigh to myself and start listening to Mr. I'm so into Hitler speech and begin to jot notes down.
Second period is Chemistry with Mrs. Miller, an old haggard woman that should have retired centuries ago. I can hardly understand her because her voice quivers so badly and words get lost somewhere in between.
By third period I was thoroughly disgusted with the school. I'm in Math with Mrs. Christopher as she drones on about some mathematician that has been dead for a hundred years. Yet behind I can hear these two guys chatting loud enough for me to hear but soft enough so the teacher can not pick up on it. They keep snickering and poking me in my back saying 'You a fag or what?', 'Maybe it's a she and an ugly one to boot.', 'Maybe I will give her sympathy fuck since I bet no one has ever touched it.' Then a little louder I hear this guy's friend say,"Dude, I wouldn't even give it a sympathy fuck, that is just nasty. What the hell are you thinking?"
"Come on, Cole, I was kidding I would not put my dick within spitting distance of that freak," he sneered.
So I dress a little different from most of the guys and I like to wear mascara and eyeliner and when I feel the need I have been known to wear black lipstick. And no I don't want to be a girl. I just like the way it looks on me. I know I am ugly so I feel like it hides my face from people.
Next thing I know the guy that would "never get within spitting distance" of me laid his hand on my back for a moment. I shivered even though I knew his hand felt warm through my threadbare t-shirt. I couldn't help that his touch sent electricity straight through my entire body. I've never experienced a feeling quite like it before. But all good things must come to an end. That is when I felt it, a stinging pain that radiated into my right shoulder blade that left my t-shirt feeling damp. Thankfully I am left handed and I was able to hold my grasp on my pen and stifled a scream as I bit on my lip. I grabbed at my things and tossed them into my bag and got up and ran out of the class. The last sounds I heard were Mrs. Christopher yelling for me to get back in there and the guys behind me laughing like hyenas.

Chapter 2
I had absolutely no desire to go back to the house. My Aunt would be there with her pretentious friends having lunch. Lunch my ass. All those snots do are drink flavored martinis and gossip about everyone in town. They usually come over to my Aunt's because she does have the largest home out of all the women in her circle. Stupid gossips.
I know I have to clean my back off before I figure out anything. I get the feeling of drowsiness spreading through my body. Everything is looking rather cloud like in appearance. I can't pass out here on the street. I keep going and keep repeating that I cannot pass out on the street. I decide to walk to the center of town, there must be a clinic to get it looked at. Hopefully they can bill me.
I trudge out of the clinic with 6 stitches in my upper right shoulder. Apparently, I lost quite a bit of blood from the deep gash in my back. She asked me what happened and I said the quickest thing that came to mind. I said I was in the woods and a tree branch got me. Yeah. She bought that. Not. Whatever, I don't care. I just needed it cleaned.
I walk to the town's cemetery just to try and relax before going back 'home'.
I'm sitting by a gravestone that has 'Here lies my brother, my soul, my love' inscribed on the cold whithering marble. The name on the stone is John Wesley Miller, 1887 - 1909. He was only 22. But what gets me is the creepy epitaph written on it. Just sounds so wrong. I took a peek to the stone on my left and it was from a different family. However, the marker next to it had the name 'Patrick Henry Miller, 1887 - 1909'. Now that is creepy. But what was written blew my mind. 'Here I lie next to my brother, my soul, my love, forever together'. All I can think about that this guy must have killed himself after his brother died. Very macabre. Also, I'm thinking they must have been the talk of the town. Now I feel a need to find out who these two guys were and what their story is. Maybe this weekend I'll go peek in the library.

Chapter 3
I opened my eyes to see nothing but pitch black all around me. Damn, I must have fallen asleep at the cemetery. It seems like there is no moon out in the sky. I tried to move my head but I felt a pull in my neck. Like my neck had fallen asleep like your arms and legs do. Weird. Never had that happen before. So I went to jerk my hands up to my neck to figure out the problem but my arms wouldn't budge. In fact they were sore too. Then as I was thinking about this I figured I would see if my legs fair any better. The answer to that was a big N.O. Naturally I stay calm and start to sing show tunes to help me think. Yeah right. I open my mouth to scream but absolutely nothing but a small squeak would emanate out of it. A squeak? Really? I have such a low pitched voice that I can't imagine what was done to me to make me sound like a little scared mouse. Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! What the hell is going on? I hear myself whimpering in that minuscule tone and I feel the need to throw up. But laying on my back without being able to move would mean I would choke on it.
I feel my eyes get a bit used to the endless black that surrounds me. I angle my eyes so I can somewhat see what may be going on with my arms. As I squint through the heavy sheath of ink that surrounds me I notice my arms are pulled up to each corner of the top of the bed and are chained and cuffed without a millimeter of give to them. I assume that is what is going on with my legs and neck also.
I start to panic again and I get shivers raking through my body. I feel myself start to shake but there is really no way my body can physically shake being chained so taunt. Then I realize why I am so cold, beside being scared shitless, I am naked.
I just don't understand how or why this could have happened. I've only been in this town for a week and just started school today. Yesterday? Hell I don't even know what day it is. Maybe my Aunt and Uncle had me kidnapped to get me out of their lives for good. I am going to die keeps running in and out of my brain.
I'm a decent guy for God sake. Okay, so I am gay, whatever. It's not like I've ever been with anyone before. I never get close enough to people because we moved a lot and rumors would always start to circulate within the first week of my arrival. I don't even know how they would start. I bet my aunt says things during her luncheons and those women must have kids my age so they tell them. What could she conceivably say about me?
I know. She would stand up and viciously point up to my room screaming to her girlfriends that I am not her son. She would never have conceived such a homely unbecoming boy who is ingrateful and a slob.
I try to do everything in my power to clean up after anything I do. But she never notices because her husband is the filthy sleazeball that leaves crap everywhere. Naturally she assumes it is me. I don't get it, I wear clean, laundered clothes, I always shower and I have a neat appearance. Yet that heathen of a husband doesn't care because he is rich and gets away with most anything. I know I am not much to look at but all in all I can pass through society without many problems. I am about 5'7" tall with a medium built frame with some muscle hiding beneath my pale alabaster skin. I have to give it to my eyes in the looks area. I even like my almond shaped shinning silver/periwinkle colored eyes. My nose is smallish with a slight slope to it and may be a tad bit too long for my face, but what can you do? My pouty pinkish lips have a tendency to always curve down and my hair is a deep glistening black that has a choppy front and side cut that sometimes gets in my eyes and the back of it hangs a couple of inches above my shoulder. I of course being me needed to embellish myself to feel a bit better so I added a pair of snakebites to my lower lip, an eyebrow ring on my right side, pierced my tongue and I have a tattoo of a rose with a stem of thorns protruding out.
While I was chained and cuffed and in deep thought I must have fallen asleep again because all of a sudden I feel like I am going blind. The room is glaring back at me in a bright white light. It seems like it is a flashlight pointed to my face except it flows throughout the entire room. I keet my eyes closed tight and listen to figure out if someone might be in the room now. All I manage to hear is the crackling of the fluorescent lights that surround me. Besides being scared stupid, naked, blinded, and bound I wasn't doing to bad. Sure. Who am I trying to kid? Obviously me since no one is in sight. Which is probably a good thing for me right now due to the facts stated previously.
Now my thoughts are getting all jumbled up and I know I am not in my right mind. I open my eyes slowly and see the sickest pictures I've ever seen in my entire life. Guys posed in leashes and collars sitting on the floor by a guy petting him absentmindedly. Also there is one of this guy bent over a dog bowl looking as if he is eating but his entire body including his face, not his hair, is covered in some white stretchy material. All he has on over the white skintight catsuit type thing is a pair of laced up leather arm warmers, black boots and a small pair of black laced up leather short shorts. And as I try to look around more I see people suspended in ropes, more bound and collared. And some gagged. Holy shit I am in hell...
Chapter 4
I think whomever snatched me up just wants me to die a slow painful death. My lips are so parched and my mouth feels like I've sucked on a hundred cotton balls. I am so hungry yet I feel the over whelming urge to vomit. I keep waiting for something to happen or someone to come in but nothing does. It is like I am in a complete and absolute void never to return 'home'.
I am now on the verge of trying out my voice to see if I can start screaming yet. Before I even get my lips opened a centimeter the door to my prison is being unlocked and opened. My abductor, I presume, strides into this waking hell I am in and it seems like I should know who he is. He is very familiar looking. He is a few inches taller than six feet with hard sculptured abs. His shirt is so tight it leaves nothing to the imagination. His face is very chiseled with a prominent bone structure to it. He walks in and stops a couple feet in front of the bed I have been confined to for how long, I don't know. He has short dark brown hair that would be curly if it were longer and these luminescent molten chocolate brown eyes that scream power, lust, anger and interest all at the same time. I want to run away. I feel scared, yet his eyes are drawing me into him. I blink to collect myself and try to say something. I guess it is a good enough time to see if I can speak yet.
Before I even let out my breath he juts his arm out in front of him and holds up his hand as if to stop me from speaking. I wait. He walks closer to the bed and sits down next to me and gently caresses my cheek. I liquefied from his touch. I know who I am looking at now. The guy from my class that sliced my back. His touch still feels the same as it did that day, still electrifying my body. I feel disgust wash over me. How can his touch do so much to me? His touch turns me on, repulses me, sends shivers through my back and goosebumps of fear into my being. So to make it all stop I decided to break down and cry.
He just sat there wiping the tears off my face with his thumbs and then he would lick his thumbs as if my tears were a delicacy. Finally I calmed down. And he finally speaks.
"You are wondering why I took you. Am I correct?" He states in his slow husky drawl. Once again I open my mouth to speak but he quickly covers my mouth so I am not able to answer him. "I don't need an answer, my little rag doll. Your voice is still going to sound rough for a few more days but by then you will be in my control." He gave me a sickening grin that twisted my insides up and if I wasn't chained I would be crawled up in a ball trying to hide from him. Wait. Did he just say under his control?? What the hell is that suppose to mean? He must have realized exactly what I was thinking because he began to answer my unvoiced question.
"You are mine now. You will be possessed and used by me and me alone. Nothing is yours anymore. I own you body mind and soul. If you disrespect me or don't obey an order I give to you, you will be punished according to severity of your disobedience. If you understand use your right hand to make a fist, if you do not understand make your left hand into a fist. Do you understand, my rag doll?" His voice is overpowering, strong, aggressive and authoritative. I was so scared I could barely blink. Thus I couldn't even get my brain to tell one of my hands to conjure up a fist. He then bends down looks at both hands and then does the unimaginable, he slaps me on my cock! What the fuck? I tried screaming but as he said all I can still do is squeak.
"Do you not understand anything? Right fist yes, left fist no." He says in a perfectly calm tone like he didn't just get upset with me and hit me in my private area. Oh my God. Right hand I squeeze together first. Then I reran the question he just asked through my muddled brain cells and pulled together the fingers of my left hand. As my mind is trying to figure out what is going on I hear his hearty, robust laugh. I looked up shocked.
Just as before he is answering my unspoken question. "My pet," he voices to me, "do you understand what I said when I told you you are mine? Your body mind and soul are mine. Anything you get will be from me but I have the right to take it back if I desire. Your lips are mine." He leans down and seizes my lips with his just for a brief moment. "Your nipples are mine." Once again he leans over and licks my left nipple to get the little nub to stand up and then bites down quite hard on it. I groan out. He looks at my eyes and never releasing his eyes from mine he adds,"your dick is mine." And proceeds to giving me a couple strokes up and down my shaft. Holy hell. I am rock hard and I feel like I am going to cum. As soon as I was ready to explode his hand stopped moving, he looks down at me with a smirk and says, "Your orgasms are mine. I tell you when you can come and when you can't. And it goes without saying that I will be informing you of when you can bathe, shit, piss and eat. You no longer have a name. You will be referred to as pet, rag doll, mine or if I think of something else later I may start calling you that. You never and I mean never talk back to me. You will only say 'Yes, Master or No Master', unless I say you can speak. Do you understand so far, my pet? Remember right hand yes left no." He concludes with a deranged little smile forming on his lusciously plump lips and lust oozing out of his eyes. All I think is I am now a sex slave. His sex slave. I close my eyes and a tear falls but I clench my right fingers together to answer his question.

I've been living in this tiny dwelling for a little over three days to my best estimate. I just count the meals he gives to me. The food is okay. Nothing special. I usually get this spicy oatmeal with milk and juice in the morning. No caffeine, he says as it effects people's senses. Well, I've never heard of that before. But who am I to argue. I am the one chained in a room by a deranged lunatic. Lunch is either a grilled chicken sandwich with broccoli, milk and juice or a small piece of grilled fish with cauliflower, milk and juice. Dinner is a bit better as it is a little larger portion than lunch. I get Grilled chicken with a small amount of pasta and sauce and carrots, milk and juice or a ratatouille with a small piece of bread, no butter, yuck. How do you eat bread without butter? He also gives me either grapes, an orange or an apple.
I can not figure out the days because there are no windows or clocks in here. He says since I don't have a say in anything that happens to me there is no need for my brain to worry as to what day, month or even year it is. Years? I can't imagine living like this for years. He says there are a lot more rules he needs to teach me and I think I've just about had it with his rules and 'discipline.'
Some of the rules he has told me so far, in my opinion, insane. One is that since I am not allowed to touch myself and he doesn't know if I can hold back, that I will be wearing some sort of device on my penis. Something akin to a chastity belt, but for guys. It is a horrible device. He put it on me yesterday, It looks like a cage with thick steel going up my cock like rings then a steel piece that goes behind and in front to hold it in place. Also there is a cock ring he put on me that has a damn padlock to it. And he locked the two together and walked out of my prison leaving me here without anything to do but wait for his return. Oh one more thing about this jail for my dick... I have to sit down like a girl to take a piss since it holds my dick down I can't grab it and position it correct for peeing.
Another ridiculous rule is that I am to be nude 24/7/365. Unless he decides otherwise. He has the right to enjoy my body. Pftt. What nonsense. I have to get out somehow. I don't know how though. Oh did I mention he has a collar around my neck now and ankle and wrists cuffs on my appendages? So I am chained by these huge bands of leather with chains clanging all the time. I can't make it to the door or the bathroom.
These couple of days have been horrifying. One day I had to pee so badly that I couldn't hold it until he came to get me. Needless to say when he did come get me he was not pleased. He uncuffed me from the chains in my little nook of the world now and strapped a leash onto a ring on my collar and walked me down (rather dragged me) since I was not keen in going anywhere with this psycho to another room. A room so scary I thought I was going to pass out. Before I could look everything over, he had me chained all spread out on a St. Anthony's cross. Before he started doing anything he came up close to my ear and said this punishment is for peeing on the floor and not heeling to me as we walk. That just meant walking one pace behind him without resistance. He proceeded to whip me until I passed out. Maybe even after I passed out he whipped me but by then I was gone. Today the pain is excruciating. He hasn't been in this morning, maybe morning? As I have not gotten breakfast yet. But who knows? Who cares. No one apparently since I am still caged.
Daydreaming my day away I hear the door unlock. In walks my tormentor. Master. I hate to even think of him as my master. I don't even know his real name. But a second after he steps in the room I hear another guy's voice and I freeze. I know who that is. Cole. He saunters in and I take a peek at him. He is a touch shorter than his buddy here, with these fierce green eyes that just cut through you. Then I remember what the problem is. As soon as he comes in or anyone else for that matter I am suppose to drop to my knees, open my thighs as wide as possible with my feet together, push out my chest, have my head up but my eyes are cast down, and my hands behind me clasp at the small of my back.
Oh boy. I am in big trouble now.
Chapter Five

"Did that maggot just put his eyes on me, Black?" Cole hisses at Black. Hell, I know his name now. A lot of good it will do me since I won't get to call him by it.
"Don't worry about it, Cole. It'll get a good punishment for its disobedience." Black gritted out through clenched teeth. "Remember, asshole, I told you not to say my name in front of my toy? It is only suppose to think of me as Master. Now my name is out there it may go through its brain and spill out of its filthy mouth."
"Dude, sorry. I forgot." Cole replies in a bored tone. "But, hey, can I punish it for looking at me?'' He perks up some with that thought voiced. Oh please no no no. I don't want someone else touching me, hitting, whipping me. Not that I want Black to do it, but at least he doesn't call me a maggot. I almost looked up to eye the boys in front of me speaking to each other as if I weren't even in the room. But the light sting and burn that shrouded my body reminded me to stay in my place.
"No," Black asserted curtly. "I am not playing games, buddy. And any property I own I never share. You know that, Cole." Black articulates to Cole.
"I know you don't like to share, never did. But I figured since this twerp is only your first you wouldn't mind me playing too. Come on, man," Cole pushes.
"How can I explain this any more than I already have?" Black explodes into a quiet, calm anger that is quite terrifying to hear. I bet if I could see those eyes of his they would be blazing a molten gold and chocolate. "My brother taught me how to do things the right way. How to get them to respect their Master. He has been doing this for over ten years now and not one of his slaves have ever remained resistant. They all bowed down to him. Most sooner rather than later, but they all ended up submitting in the end. I am not going to mess with his ways, dude. I just won't. I probably won't have more than one at a time as he does but that is my choice and I will not veer from the structure my brother has set out for me."
Sighing Cole remarks defeated, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I just thought this once..." he trails off. "Black, why a guy? Why not get a chick, then at least you can bang her instead of just busting on its ass?"
"How do you know I won't 'bang it?" Black reveals with a smirk I can just see on his face. "Now get out of here I have shit to do." Black pushes Cole out of my 'little place in heaven'. Haa. Heaven my ass. If this is heaven then I think hell would be a lot better.
I feel myself starting to shake because I have tried not to move and now my body is reacting and getting stiff and sore. I just want to go to bed and wake up back in the cemetery and run home to be ignored or yelled at. A tear drops out of my left eye. I want to desperately wipe it away but one move and my punishment gets more harsh and a lot longer.
Black must have noticed my distress because he walked over to me and told me to rise. As I tried to get my legs moving again, I crumpled to the floor. Pins and needles struck me everywhere and I feel like I have no limbs. Everything is so numb. I tried to stop the onslaught of tears but there was no way they were just going to stop at my command. Maybe all I am is an object to be treated like a dog or in my case worse than a dog. I cannot even get my body to follow orders I make.
As I lay crumpled on the cold hard cement floor Black reaches down and grabs me under my arms and moves me to my bed. Once again he is wiping the tears off my face and licking them up from his fingers. In a low soothing voice, right by my ear he whispers, "Don't worry about Cole I won't let him put a finger on you, my pet. And just for the record, I will cherish our time together. I knew the moment I saw you walk into my class that first day of yours that you were the one I was destined to keep. As I said to Cole I will only have one pet at a time, unlike my greedy brother, and we will bond in every known way possible, pet. I will be hard on you and I will require your complete and utter obedience but that will come in time, it will, pet. And you will never want to leave your Master. So stop crying and take a nap. I'll be back in a little to bring you lunch and take you for punishment from this mornings misunderstanding. Sleep now, pet." I barely hear his final words as I am falling into a deep sleep. And dammit to hell he was able to stop me from crying.
I felt a gentle touch whispering up my neck to my face, I shivered from the feel. I must be having some sort of sex dream. Because next thing I know I feel a wet kiss on my neck. Then a tongue gliding up and licking my lips. I moan and the tongue slips into my parted mouth. I need to wake up, I think to myself. This is too intense for me. I feel as if electricity is running through my entire being like when Black touched my back that first time. Before I thought, I moaned out, "Black, don't stop." As fast as the assault began it stopped. Damn. It was not a dream and I just said his name. "Get up." The command came from a rough and thoroughly irritated voice. "Damn him for saying my name," Black grumbled mostly to himself. As soon I was up and standing Black pushed down on my shoulder to get me to kneel in front of him. "Now that will be two punishments for today, rag doll. One for looking and one for calling out my name and not the name you should be using in your every waking thought and in your dreams." He smirked. "I am Master. Nothing else. I am not him, or he or Black or Mr. I am master. Say it. Who am I?" He spoke calm but with a slight labor to his voice.
I opened my mouth and after days of not being able to speak I croaked out a stuttering, "Master."
"Louder!" He declared.
"Master." I said a bit louder, yet still feeling as if there was a frog in my throat.
"Louder!" He demanded.
"Master." I bellowed with all my might.
Black took his hand off my shoulder and with his palm upwards rose his arm to signal me to elevate. And I did so. "Look at me," he authorized. I looked up into his vibrant, amused eyes and he continued, "When you speak, if in fact I ever let you speak again, I am Master. Do you understand? All I want to hear from you right now is Yes, Master or no, Master. If any other word spurts out of your mouth I will cut out your tongue. Do you understand, my pet?"
As I contemplated what he just said my mouth took over, thankfully and responded with a very weak and pathetic sounding yes, Master.
"No!" He bellowed. "Say it so it sounds like you are worshiping me. As you should be. Or at least very soon will be."
Is he for real? I need an escape. I cannot go on like an animal. A caged... Before I could process any more of my musings I felt a tug to my upper body and then landed on Black's lap with my ass pointed straight up in the air. What the hell?
"Owww!" I screamed as he smacked my ass with a wooden hairbrush. "This is for..." whack, "not answering..." crack, "me right away," thump, whack, whack, whack. By this time I was howling like a wounded beast, yet he continued smacking that damn brush on my ass for at least twenty strokes. When he was finished I noticed two things. First off and most obvious my ass throbbed painfully even as Black soothed my skin with his palm and some salve. But secondly and most disturbingly my dick was also throbbing and leaking erroneous amounts of pre-cum. Since I have the chastity device on, my dick can't get hard, but it obviously wants to. So now I am stressing out that I need this device off so I can cum. Black must of noticed my lack of attention to my sore butt and immediately started to laugh. "I knew," he said through chuckles, "I knew you would be the one. Look at how much your cock is straining through the steel I put around it, pet. I did this to you." He smiled up at me and quietly I uttered, "Yes, Master." He pulled me up and placed me on my bed and left me lying there wanting him. Bastard, I thought. But then he sauntered into the room with some cheese, crackers, fruits, vegetables and juice and sat on the chair by my bed. He placed the tray of food and drink on the little table beside him, turned towards me and with his index finger motioned for me to go to him. I did as I was ordered. This is new. He never eats with me, I thought.
I thought right. He isn't going to eat with me. "Get down on your knees, here facing me, pet. Position yourself the same way - thighs open nice and wide and arms behind you in the small of your back. Head up, eyes down." I did as I was told. "Good, dolly." He petted my head. I wanted to scream at him and find a gun and shoot him. I am not an animal. I kept chanting in my head.
I heard him - Master - pick up something from the tray, with his right hand he tapped me on my lips. I guess to open them. Then a bright radiant light swooped down upon me and I realized he is going to feed me! I didn't want to eat it. I wanted to refuse, but I was so hungry from not having breakfast that my will power didn't last after I saw the berry that was held a bit in front of my lips in his hand drip with red, sweet smelling juice. I had to move my head slightly forward and use my tongue to grab a hold of the juicy berry. He continued to feed me and hold my juice cup for me to drink from until I was full. "Good, my pet," he cooed and left me sticky in more than one place.

Chapter Six
I've been here for about two weeks now. Black lets me... Um Master lets me go out for some fresh air on warmer days. I keep screwing up and calling him by his real name. He told me the way to truly wipe out his name is to never think of it. Just use Master even when I think. Although Master says soon all my thoughts will be memories. I'm not quite sure what he... Err Master means by that but I will find out in time, unfortunately.
I tried to find a way out, to no avail. Even if I did locate a secret escape route the chains that bind me are not forgiving and I would never be able to break out of them.
I still get punished everyday even if I think I did everything I could to please him...Master. Usually Master likes to use the wooden brush because he can get quite close to me and tease my cock. His... Argh Master's cock. Not my cock anymore. Everything that is/ was mine is not. All I am is Master's property. He... Damn. Master plays with me whenever he chooses.
He hasn't let me relieve myself since I got here, but everyday sometimes more than once a day he will bring me so close to that feeling of bursting over the edge and just smirk and leave me here quivering in merciless pain. Master cums whenever he wants and wherever he wants, if you catch my drift. Sometimes I have to stay with his cum on my face or chest or back for hours on end. Master says this is all for my obedience training. I so desire to go home.
I stopped crying about everything, but that has more to do with Master than myself. After my fifth breakdown in three days he got sick of my sobs. He decided to beat me into oblivion. Almost my entire body including my dick, hands, and feet were covered in whip marks or welts from a paddle or brush, My face and ribs took his fists for the most part. I was out for a while. I'm not sure exactly how long, but I woke with a three o'clock shadow. So it must have been about two days or so I lay unconscious. But Master is kind. He told me he came in to feed me and put salve on my... No wait. On his wounds. They are his. Master inflicted them onto his rag doll so he is responsible of taking care of his things.
It feels to be around dinner time. My body has the routine Black has started with me. I get hungry at about the same time Master walks into the room. My body, oh no. His body. His body. Not me anymore. I am not Damon Ryker, I am Master's pet, his play toy, his rag doll. Anyway, continuing, his body has conquered the toilet issue it had when it first arrived here. I no longer void on the cement inside my shoebox of a room. Master takes me three times a day to use the toilet. The first time is as soon as I wake. He leashes me and walks me to the bathroom and then chains my collar to a hook that hangs from the ceiling. The bathroom would be gorgeous if it weren't for the hook that adorns it. The hook or harness attaches to the ceiling and a heavy chain hangs down from it. The chain looks fused onto the harness so I doubt it will ever budge. I can walk and get to the toilet sink and tub, but the chain stops me literally two inches from the threshold of the exit.
I take a morning shower and have to shave all my hair from my body, except from my head. Thank goodness. Master likes me smooth and silky. I have to make sure I am clean inside and out if you follow me. If you don't then I won't ruin your day with horrid details. My nails need to be clean and cut. I use the toilet and brush my teeth. Master allows me fifteen minutes in the morning. The first few days were the worst. I couldn't discern how long fifteen minutes is and when he heard the water stop running on the first day of his new routine for me he came in, sighed, looked at his watch and then held his hand out to me and with his index finger wiggled it left and right and went tsk tsk tsk, pet. He then informs me that I was in for over a half an hour and will be punished accordingly. He never helped me with my time. I finally got it down after the forth straight day of harsh whippings.
My second bathroom time is right after lunch and I get five minutes to just do the normal things like brush my teeth and such.
The last bathroom time is right before bed and it is ten minutes in length. I brush, pee, etc. Plus I must clean myself up from the grime and torture my day held for me. I must use a washcloth, soap and water and give myself something of a sponge bath. Why he won't let me just shower again is beyond me. And since I cannot speak to him to ask anything I have no clue. As a matter of fact, I basically know nothing. Only things I do know is what I've overheard when Cole came over. Have I mentioned how much I hate my new situation in life?
This is pretty much my day in a nutshell. Or at least so far it is. I know it will change as Master gets me trained more for his liking. So I get up, do bathroom time, get fed breakfast. Sit locked and bored out of my tree, until lunch, unless he wants me... No. No. Master. Master. Unless Master wishes to play with his doll. Use the bathroom after lunch. Sit wait. Maybe get to see Master. Then dinner arrives. He will feed me dinner. Every night he has done so. Depending on his mood and what his day looks like. Sometimes I get to eat on my own. Although every now and then on my own means I get a meal in a dog bowl, get my arms bound behind me and eat with just my mouth. He, Master seems to enjoy watching me struggle just to eat. He will stay and watch me as I eat. Also if Master feels affectionate he will rub my head as I eat. Other times he chuckles if food drops from my mouth or if juice slips down my chin. Then he reminds me I must lick up my mess I made. I feel so humiliated and degraded when he does this. I just want to be able to go over and smash his teeth down his throat. Or drown him. Or mutilate him or throw him in the ocean to be eaten by sharks...
Ugh. I shouldn't be... I mean his pet, Master's pet should not be thinking like this. I must trust master knows what is right for me and know there is a reason he chooses to treat me the way he does. But still if I could just wrap my hands around his throat and choke him...
A bit after dinner is settled I get my punishment for the day. By this time I am exhausted so I use the bathroom and then go to bed. Unless Master wants his play time with his rag dolly.
Chapter Seven
I know something is going to be different today. When Master walks in I can see it in his walk. He seems to have a bit of spring in his step this morning. Too bad I cannot get to look at his beautiful eyes and see what is going on inside there. As soon as he walks in I jump out of bed, with the chains that enslave me jingling to their early morning song. Right away I get down on my knees in front of Master and cast my eyes down. "Good boy." He commends me as he pats my head. Eww. I hate that. I am not a fucking dog I want to scream at him. Uh oh. He must have noticed something going on inside my head. "Tsk, Tsk, pet. I will always praise you and give you something for a reward. It being a pat on the head or a pinch on your butt," he smiles wickedly.
Now today, boy, we are going to start training you to trust me with your body, mind and soul. Look at me. Answer me," He snaps at me.
I look up at him from my kneeling pose and answer him the only way I am allowed to. "Yes, Master." Oh God I want to crawl away and have my life back, no matter how shitty it was. It was my life. Mine! I decided what I wanted and how I wanted it. My brain doesn't even function right anymore. I used to have real complicated issues to deal with now I literally have one thing to deal with and that was pleasing Master. I drop my head back down and hold in a sob. I haven't cried in over two weeks and now I just want to clamber my way back to bed and hide under the sheets and never come out again.
"Pet. Pet. Pet!" Ugh. I was not paying attention to Master as he spoke. I nod my head that I heard him and then he started in on me, again.
"I've told you, boy, you are no longer a person, an entity, you are a plaything. You," he points his finger down at me, "are here to serve me and only me. Pet," he sneers, "You should be over this part by now. You shouldn't think of yourself. Do you hear me? Do you understand what I am saying?" Master gets a little louder, but not much, but I know he is really pissed off at me. I am so done for today.
"Yes, M-master." I stutter.
"You do not think. I don't care if you did not choose this way of life. Understand me, pet? I saw you and knew exactly what you need to survive. Even if you don't know it yet. I do." Master's voice lowered at the end and he actually sounded sincere. Like he bought all this bullshit he is spewing at me.
He fed me and I did my morning routine but then Master took the chains off my cuffs and collar and hitched the leash onto it. I stayed behind him a little to his right walking one pace behind without letting the leash get too slack or too taunt. He took me to the back of his home, which is enormous I have to say. I wonder how he got all this money. Probably human trafficking trade. Bastard. Master led me down a dark corridor I have never been to and unlocked a monstrosity of a door. It looked as if it weighed a ton and has all this intricate patterns carved into it. If this door was to never open or I never had to step foot in there I would have loved the door. Unfortunately it did open and I followed Master inside.
My eyes bulged out of their sockets and my jaw dropped down to the ground. I started to shake like crazy. I think I am having a panic attack. This room... No, not a room. A dungeon. A dungeon of torture devices.The devices - everywhere my eyes could see without actually raising them and looking up.
In one corner I saw a low leather, maybe leather bed that had holes on both ends. But that is all I could see. That might be okay to lay on. But everything else! I could see one of those tables they have in doctor's offices with the stirrups on them. There was a tray next to it and a cabinet that probably held all sorts of things I don't want to think about. On the far wall of grayish concrete hangs whips, floggers, canes, binding devices made from leather or plastic, who knows. All sorts of gags, hoods and masks were neatly placed on a shelf by height!! There are some machines that look like power tools, but can't possibly be used for anything on a person, right? Oh wait. I am not a person am I? I think I am going to be sick.
Hanging from the ceiling was some sort of swing looking contraption. Just looks weird. At the far end of the room and I use the term room loosely, is a cage. Something you would put a large dog into. A few feet away from that a piece of furniture that resembled a stockade stood. Oh no. I can't look any more. I stopped my eyes from roaming around the room and then the unthinkable happened. Sobs. Loud painful, agonizing sobs, rippled through my entire being.
I was not able to keep my pose behind Master. I felt myself spiraling out of control, out of my mind. I don't want this. I don't want this. I kept saying that. I think it was out loud too so Master heard me. He must of felt me as my body slowly collapsed in on itself.
I woke up, chained, in my bed. I felt a little groggy still, but okay. What happened, I wondered? I remember Master talking to me this morning about how I am not me, not a person anymore or some crap like that, he fed me and I bathed. Then what?
I heard the door click as the lock was released. Isn't a lock on a door with no windows inside said room and a person, yes I am a person, cuffed and chained a little bit overkill...
"Pet.": Master uttered. I went to get off the bed to go to him but he put his hand out to stop me. "Don't get up. You will be dizzy. I gave you some sedatives to calm you down." He said with a sigh as he came over to my bed and sat beside me. He opened his arms to embrace me. I went to him and snuggled into his chiseled chest. Mhmm. He smells so good and feels even better. "my little doll," he began to speak. I think more to himself as thoughts then to me. "I think I have to go a different route than how my brother and father trains their pets. I know they insist it works every time on anyone, but I don't think it will work on you, my sweet pet." He squeezed me in his arms a little tighter and I felt like I never wanted to be anywhere else.
He left after a while telling me to go to bed early and be rested for tomorrow. Maybe he cares for me, in his own twisted way. I tried to convince myself before I fell into a deep dreamless slumber.
I awoke about a minute before Master came through the door and I was already down in my pose in my usual spot, waiting for him. He walked in with a slight grimace on his face but as soon as he saw me on my knees waiting for him he grinned the biggest one I ever saw on his face. I felt proud knowing I made him satisfied with me. When he came over he petted my head affectionately and I actually moved my head into his hand to feel it more. He smiled and took my chin in his fingers and tilted my face up to his, I still left my eyes cast downwards. "Look at me, pet," he murmured. I looked into his eyes and they were still like molten chocolate glistening in the sun.
Master tilted my chin up a bit higher and he crooked his head down closer to me and placed his sumptuous lips on mine and kissed me softly and sweetly. He never tried to get into my mouth to my chagrin. After a minute or two he moved his lips from mine making me shiver from him moving away from me. His lips stayed close to me and his voice vibrated through my body as he spoke in a soft husky tone. "Pet, I am going to play with you now. After we play I'll feed and bathe you this morning. Then, don't get frightened, then we have to begin the lesson from yesterday." He wasn't asking me, merely stating a fact. "Yes, Master." I replied in an equally turned on voice. He smiled and then added, "I give you permission to moan, groan, whine, scream or call out Master. I do not give you permission to cum. Understand, my sweet rag doll?"
"Y-yes M-master," I stammered out. I'm so nervous. I've never done anything with anyone before... Before I could finish my thought Master was on the bed and flipped me onto my back and hovered over me. "Have you been with anyone, pet?" He asked.
"No, Master," I mumbled because I am so inexperienced.
"Have you kissed anyone, my pet?"
"No, Master," I say as I start to feel really inadequate. But as I glanced up at him he had a huge smile on his face.
"Good. I am glad. You are unspoiled and I can teach you everything." As soon as the last syllable came out of his mouth he pushed me back onto the bed and began kissing me in earnest. I did not feel the need to try to get the upper hand. I turned into putty as his lips reached mine.
He licked at my lips so I quickly parted them for him and his tongue took control of my mouth. He licked everywhere he could reach and then started sucking on my tongue. Oh dear lord... I felt the moan slither up my throat and out my mouth before I had the opportunity to stop it. I felt Master smile as he kissed me. After a long session of kissing he let me take my mouth back but he then trailed kisses down my neck and towards my chest. He stopped at my already hardened nubs and licked each one and blew on each one. I trembled as his warm breathe past over me. Before I gained control of my body he had my right nipple in his mouth and sucking on it. It started to hurt a bit and I groaned out. He must have thought it was a groan for pleasure because before I knew what happened he bit and nipped at the nub standing up at attention. "Master. Master." I keened. I felt like he was going to bite them off me. That was the time I realized my cock was free from that chastity apparatus. What a sneak. How did he get it off without me feeling it? Then it occurred to me. I'm hard as a rock. And I can't release. At that moment I started to writhe and growl a bit. Master got off me and walked behind my bed and tightened the chains to my wrists so my arms were over my head and my legs were spread wide. I guess he didn't like me moving...
Master got on top of me and started rubbing my dick. His hand felt so warm sliding up and down my shaft. Stopping once in a while to play with the slit. I nearly lost it. As I felt myself dripping pre-cum I imagined every gross disgusting and vile thing I've ever heard or seen. I must not cum, I chanted to myself over and over. Master is a relentless man. He pumped me until I could not bear it one more second. I know I am going to cum. He set me up. How can I not? With what he is doing to me?
Suddenly all sensation ceased. His hands weren't on me and I felt his weight lift off my naked body. I shivered from the loss of heat. I felt my chains go slack and then his hands gripped me and shoved me down on the ground. I was surprised because my knees did not land on hard cement but a soft and squishy pillow. He stood before me and unbuttoned his jeans. "Pet, pull my cock out for me. Start to stroke it like I did to you," he instructed me. I followed his directions and within minutes his cock was like a long and wide solid steel pipe. I smiled a bit to myself for getting him this way. "Stop," He commanded. I did. "Open up, pet."
He wants me to suck him. My eyes nearly jumped out of my head. Master chuckled. "I know you've never done this. Don't worry." He stroked my hair and in one swift movement he grabbed my head and thrusted his dick into my mouth. I choked a bit because, well, it is huge! I never knew someone's piece could be that big in real life!
"You are not thinking of me, my pet. You are drifting. Focus on my cock. It is your God right now." He growled out in a sexy menacing way.
I relaxed as much as I could and began licking and sucking him. "Mhm, good. Now open a bit wider and I want you to gently graze your teeth up and down your Master's dick." Master moaned out.
I think my jaw is going to fall off... No. Dick. Master's dick. Maybe If I kind of hum as I do it I can get some air.
"Oh. Oh." He vocalized his pleasure. I got to his tip and licked and poked my tongue at his slit like he rubbed mine with his soft manly hands. Master got extremely excited and pushed his hips towards me so his dick was all the way in. I felt a gag coming on but could do nothing about it as he had my head grasped in his hands holding it and yanking my head so my mouth could pump up and down his member. I felt a pulse in his cock and all of a sudden his seed was flowing down my throat.
"Don't you dare lose a drop of that, you hear me, boy?" He commanded. "This is your life force right here. This may be the only think you get to eat for days on end. You hear me, whore?"
I nodded as best I could, I really didn't want anything to spill out my mouth but there was so much. It seemed never ending and I felt like I was going to drown. Finally Master's hot milky cream ebbed and I licked off his cock before he said anything to me. I just felt like that was the right thing to do. I felt his cum sliding down my face, but before I could get it his thumb trailed up its path and he drove it into my mouth and I sucked his thumb cleaning it for him. He pulled out and grazed my cheek with his fingers, nodded at me and said "Good boy."
I'm thinking to myself 'Hey I really need to cum!' He smiled down at me and began to walk towards the door.
Chapter Eight
I am waiting to hear the door open and click close thinking maybe I can get myself off discreetly. Master never put that chastity thing back on me before he left. I gave myself a little grin. But to my dismay, I heard Master stop before he got to the door and turned around to most likely look at me.
"By the way, my pet," he cooed. No cumming unless I tell you to. I will know if you did." I gave a little grunt. "But I will be back later so we can start the lessons of trust. Be good now, my sweet little pet, and maybe punishment will be a little more pleasant tonight..." He trailed off and started his way back towards the door, but once again, he stopped and I could hear him turn around, I wanted to look up at him so badly but I resisted.
"Look up at me, pet." He whispered. I slowly moved my head up and after I got it raised I lifted my eyes to look at Master.
In a deep low voice, which sent goosebumps through me and engorged my dick further he beckoned one last duty for me. "Cum."
I didn't even realize I was cumming until my head filled with stars and I felt wetness on my chest. It been a bit since he pleasured me and I truthfully did not think I would be able to cum on demand. I was horrified by the fact I can be trained like a dog. But the gratification of my orgasm washed that from my head for a little while.
After I finished, I opened my eyes and saw that Master was extremely turned on. He just stared at me for a minute with ravenous eyes licking his lips. I figured he would go, but he beckoned me to stand and walked over to him. In the same passionate tone he whispered in my ear, making it tickle, "When I get back here, you nasty whore, I want you cleaned up. There better not be a drop on anything in here." He spun around on his right foot and walked out of the room.
That is the second time he called me a whore. Jerk. I wouldn't be acting like this if he never got his hands on me. I mulled this over for a bit until the words he said right before he left sunk into my slowly diminishing brain. He won't let me use any of the sheets and I don't have access to the bathroom... Oh dear God.
I worked fast as my cum began to dry on my belly and chest. Wet is a little easier to handle then trying to eat dried up cum that is your own. Ick. I used my hand and scooped everything up and swallowed it down feeling a bit nauseous. After looking at myself 'all cleaned up' I saw, to my revulsion, some on the floor. I sighed and got down on my hands and knees and slurped up my remaining seed.
Later on Master strode in and started to look around to make sure I didn't leave a mess. Then gave me my signal to come to him and stand. He taught me the pose he wants me to use when he or someone else may want to "inspect" me. (Shiver) I have to have my legs spread wide, with my hands resting on top of my head, elbows pushed back, my shoulders straight and pulled back with my chest forward, stomach pulled in tight and my head bowed. This is very humiliating, let me tell you. I feel like a piece of meat getting ready to be carved. I suppose that is how Master wants me to feel. He looks at me from head to toe, front and back, gliding his fingers around my chest and nipples. I let out a slight moan. I almost dropped from my pose out of humiliation.
Master must have felt me tense up. Although he kept feathering his fingers up and down my chest and pinching and pulling at my hardened buds he said to me, smirking, "Never stop your moans or voicing how much pleasure your Master gives you. Because for me to have pleasure in my plaything I need it to writhe in delight or scream in agony. Good job, my pet. You did a fine job of cleaning yourself. However, you have lessons to be learned and I need you to stay calm today. If you decide to pull a stunt like yesterday, well lets just say I will be taking in your misery rather than your delight this evening."
Great. Just breathe and stay focused and don't look at anything in that dismal wasteland of torture I chanted to myself. He got me into my leash and we were at the grandiose door way too fast for my liking. I shaded my eyes so I wouldn't see anything. Master ended up stopping at the metal surgical table that looked like it was adjustable in many different ways and told me to climb up and lay on my back with my eyes closed. With shaky steps I did as I was instructed. I nearly rolled off the table as it was extremely cold. But I found that my body heated it up quickly. He removed my leash and attached chains through the links to hold me in place. 'I will not freak out. I will not freak out.' I told myself over and over again. I felt him put some sort of mask over my face. It felt quite stifling, like it was a plastic of some sort. The thing covered my whole head. This is too intense for me to handle. I could tell my eyes were definitely covered tight, my ears were free and so was my mouth. Must have a hole in it. I got startled a bit when I heard Master begin to speak. "Okay, my little pet, you need to learn to trust me implicitly. I don't want any doubts to go through your mind that I don't have your best interests at heart." He stopped for a moment and caressed my chest right over my heart. "I put a breathable latex mask on you. And you are chained so as not to move. After I am through giving instructions I will attach the ear pieces. Then on your mouth you will have an opened mouth gag on with a tube going into your mouth so you will be able to drink. The water will flow out at different intervals, but you will remain hydrated." He stopped and I felt his lips on mine for a moment. That little gesture seemed to ebb some of the nerves reeking havoc through my body. "I will insert a catheter so you will be able to pee." Master stopped again noticing my entire body start to shake with dread. He placed his hand lightly on the top of my thigh and rubbed up and down for a few minutes getting my breathing back in order. "Shh, shh, pet. It will be okay." He murmured. "After I get the catheter in I will leave you alone. Shh. Let me finish. I will be leaving the dungeon but I will be able to see you from my cameras that are placed around this room. If I see you in any distress whatsoever I will return and take you back upstairs and we will try tomorrow for a longer period. So right now I will put the ear pieces on and you will not be able to see, hear, speak or move. Don't worry, my little plaything, I will be watching you..."
Those were the last words I heard. My brain started to kick into overdrive. I felt like I was going to be sick. Without any senses I felt helpless and lost. "Arghhh! Argh!" I started screaming and pleading for him to stop. He must be inserting the catheter. Oh damn. That fucking hurts like hell. Next thing I feel is a tube slipping into my mouth and secured by medical tape, perhaps?. I can't take this. What does any of this prove? I am his punching bag. His puppet to do as he pleases. Please please I yelled in my head for someone to find me! Then I felt something cold going over my mouth and clasp onto the back of my head. It feels like a thick leather covered ring is in my mouth keeping in wide open with metal bars protruding from the ring holding my mouth open in an O shape. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate at any moment. I had to make myself calm down by saying Master will get me if he sees me in stress. Oh I hope so I pondered as screams and shouts went through my mind.
I can't get over this sensation of complete and total helplessness and isolation. What if a fire starts? I would be stuck here and burn to a crisp. What if an intruder gets in? I started to panic in my mind thinking how in the hell can Master tell if I am in a panicked state? I can't freaking move or speak! I tried to take deep relaxing breathes as the gag would permit. Time past. How much? I don't have a clue. All I know is that I am getting hungry and my jaw is beginning to ache like crazy.
After I talked myself out of my state of shear and utter dread I figured I could take a little snooze. As I drifted off to sleep the tube in my mouth filled and deposited water into me. Naturally. If I sleep I will drown. I so went from heart attack to plain attack mode. I want to grab a shovel and smash his brains to mush. As I was getting more frustrated with my situation I felt the tube from my mouth removed. Yay! I squealed in my messed up head. Maybe I can get out of this thing now. I felt something odd going on. I am certain he was not removing any of my bondage. It feels like the table is lifting me up into a standing positon. What the hell? Now I feel it being lowered. But won't I crash into the floor if it gets to low, I thought in utter panic. I never got crushed. But it did feel like my body was covered up somehow. I will have to take a peak next time I can see... Before I could talk to myself some more, damn I must be going insane, I felt something pushing into my mouth and through the ring holding it open. Holy shit. It is his shaft. Master's shaft! I guess I know why the gag is the way it is. His dick was fully in my mouth and buried deep in my throat now. Well, I guess he got horny, I laughed at my idioticalness. Ouch. He must be getting impatient with me because I haven't started yet. I felt him pinch the tip of my dick. I commenced with licking his shaft and playing with the veins around it. After a few minutes that was not enough to satisfy him. He began to pump his dick in my mouth in earnest. Hard thrusting in and out hitting my tonsils at every pump. I could feel drool dripping out of my mouth but I really was not in any sort of position to wipe at it. Damn, if I thought my jaw hurt before, it is in agony now. I can't say how long his dick has been inserted in my mouth but it seems to be quite a long time. All I am is a hole he can fuck. No wonder he calls me a whore. I really am one... I feel the need to cry, but I don't. He continues pummeling my mouth and throat while I lay still, almost dead.
In a split second I feel his enormous cock stiffen and his seed explodes down my throat. I try to get every bit of it down so I don't disappoint him any. I must be losing my mind. I go from loving his touch, to cringing from it and from holding him to smashing him to bits and pieces. I guess I don't know how I feel at all. One thing I do know I am not being removed from this metal table at this time. I feel it go back to its original table like state and I feel the tube going into my mouth again. Ugh. How long will this last?
Hours must have passed as I lay here thinking and going crazy. I just don't understand the point of this process whatsoever. I really wish he would explain things to me. Maybe if I understood I could accept my fate more readily. This is now my appointment in life. I have to be strong and either accept it, escape, or die. I don't think escape is an option. So there are only two rather bleak outlooks to my life. Or death. Is dying going to be better than this life of servitude and degradation? I don't know. I DON'T KNOW! I feel a tear trying to drop down my face but it just builds up because there is literally no room for it to go under the mask he has me adorned.
As I lay, waiting, mind in great disarray, I feel a hand shimmy up my leg to my thigh and stops to rest there. 'Oh he is back! Maybe now I can get out.' Happiness encompassed my entire being. I lay waiting as he keeps his hand gently on my thigh inching it up little by little to my crotch. He finally arrives at his destination and takes my hardening length in his hand and begins a gentle massage up and down causing me great arousal. Unfortunately his caresses were not enough for me to flood over in ecstasy. They were just enough to drive me insane. To top off matters I can't even scream out or move in anyway to get more friction going. So irritating... But ooh. Ahh. Mmm. His hand encompassed my entire length and his thumb is playing with the slit. I can feel my pre-cum gently roll down my cock. So much pleasure but no release is shear madness. I can't tell you the duration of this exquisite torment but it lasted much much too long. My dick has blood pounding through it and juices inside that want to flow out but it won't happen right now. It just isn't enough.
Finally Master stops ravishing my shaft with his agonizing ways. And I feel the catheter removed, which is not pleasant at all and I highly suggest being knocked out if someone ever wants to put one in or take one out. Next is the tube of water and the gag. I suck in a huge swallow of air and release it slowly. So much better. He unzips the back of the mask and begins to lift it up and off my head. As soon as it has left my ears I could hear and feel every vibration, creak or breath in the room. Master told me to keep my eyes closed so my eyes would not be over assaulted by the lights in here. Good thing I listened. Even through my eyelids I could see the light dimly glowing through and it was a little eye watering to me. Master told me when I was ready to open my eyes. After another minute of adjustment I was able to do so and when my eyes opened and adjusted I saw Master looking perfect as always with a lopsided grin shining on his face. He looked somewhat goofy, but in a masculine way. I sat on the table to await my next instructions. None came for a bit. We just sat there looking at each other. Well I kept shielding my eyes from his in case he got upset. But he didn't seem to be bothered at this moment. Finally he began to speak, "My pet, you did a fantastic job. I know there were moments of self doubt and doubt about me, but you will in time excel while in isolation or adornment and learn the enjoyment and satisfaction it will bring to you and to me. I know you don't understand a lot yet but as days go by and you learn more just by trusting in me, following me, my sweet pet, you will understand why these lessons were needed to be learned." He gave me a true, honest to God smile, like he was proud of me. I felt a surge of joy engulf my being and I know if I could see my face, it would be lit up like fireworks during the fourth of July.
Master took a step forward and his lips crashed onto mine in an enveloping kiss. He seizes everything my mouth has to offer and I am willingly sacrificing it to him.
Chapter Nine
Today started all wrong. From the moment I got up I knew something was going to be off. First of all, I've been waking up about five minutes before Master comes in to feed me and get me to the bathroom, however, I've been up for about half hour, maybe. Time doesn't really exist for me anymore. No Master yet. Sigh. My stomach is growling like mad. I truly wish it wouldn't because it just means my 'training' is going as planned for Master. I am like Pavlov's dog now. All the things Master has shown me almost always begin the same way or at the same time. I know I will be punished after dinner and my body starts reacting about fifteen minutes after I finish. My skin gets all goosebumpity, like that word, or rather non word. That is what happens when you are alone and have nothing to do. Start making up words. Anyway... So yeah, I get goosebumps and my skin begins to flush and for some pathetic reason my little friend threatens me and perks up a bit. When Master sees this he always chuckles and that is when he gets my leash and he takes me for my punishment.
At any rate, my stomach is empty, I am terribly parched and I have to pee badly. Ugh. I sigh to myself. I hear the door lock click open and I almost cry out Thank you Master. But I gathered myself and got down onto my knees so that I am ready for him. Unfortunately, I was not ready at all for what came through that door. Or I should say who came through it. Cole.
Even though I never looked up to see, I knew by the way he walked and shoes her wore that he was not Master and I know how his face must look with that half sneer half smirk and the ominous disdain I could hear through his hysterical laughter. I nearly dry heaved at that moment. But I got a grip. I can't, no I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me fear him.
Next thing I know he is right in front of me grabbing my collar and yanking me up to a standing position. I made damn sure I kept my eyes down because I remember what happened the last time I looked at him.
"Look at me, you little piece of shit!" He snarled and grabbed a hold of my collar tighter, almost choking me. I gradually raised my head and eyes to the monster in front of me. As soon as I looked up at him he used his hand that was not holding my tightening collar and backhanded me in my face. I yelped more at the surprise of his slap but not from the force since I've definitely had been hit more violently than that sissy slap he heaved upon me.
"You should say, 'Yes, Master,' when I speak to you, fuckface." His face contorting to that of a spoiled child that never seems to get what he wanted. Oh dear God help me keep my mouth shut. Master specifically told me never to call anyone else by his name. I must use Sir or Ma'am or Miss. No one but he was Master. I looked into Cole's cold stare and with all the determination I could muster up spoke, "Yes, Sir." With a hard emphasis on sir so he knew he was nothing to me. Nothing. I don't care if Master and Cole are friends, some friends don't deserve respect and he is one of them.
"What was that?' He bellowed. "I said call me Master, you dirty filthy fag."
I took a deep breath, calmly releasing it, I retorted, "With all due respect, Sir, you are not Master and Master made it crystal clear to me that I am never to address anyone but Master as such. I personally think sir is to polite for you, however, Master insists I be respectful to all his guests and I respect Master's wishes." Whew. I got it out without a stutter. Unfortunately for me Cole did not applaud my assertiveness towards him. Before I knew exactly what happened my feet were a few inches off the floor, my collar constricted the flow of air to my lungs as I fell slowly losing consciousness.
I awoke sometime later that day feeling very dizzy and sore. Agonizingly sore throughout my entire body. What the hell happened? I tried to remember. I remember Cole there. I recall telling him what I thought about him being called Master but everything after that was a complete and utter void.
I tried to sit up but to my dismay my chest had bandages wrapped tightly around it. I then heard him before I noticed the shadow in the corner of the room. "You are awake, my pet." He got up and walked to where I was laying. I tried to move again to go into my kneel position but Master stopped me. "No. Don't move, doll." He gently asserted. "I want you to know that I had no idea Cole would be so cruel to you. He knows how I f..." Master faltered at the end like he let something slip. He cleared his voice and continued in a harsher tone, "He knows what I am doing and the reason I am doing this. I never believed he is this sick and sadistic. I am apologizing because as your owner I mistreated you by having him take care of you for a bit." He stopped suddenly and I quickly glanced up and saw his eyes shine with unshed tears. "I want to tell you first of all he will never be able too harm you again. I spoke to my guard to make sure he never sets foot on this property again. Also, you have three broken ribs and a lot of bruising on your body from him punching and smacking you with a paddle. Your back has some puncture wounds from his belt buckle he used to whip you. When I got back..." Master trailed off again and turned around for a moment, I heard him inhale gravely and come back over to me. "When I returned, Cole had you lying belly and face down on the floor, whipping your broken lifeless body with that belt. I could see the force he exerted on your body by how your back collapsed at every single blow. Thankfully he did not do any internal damage or cause you any spinal damage, my pet."
He grew silent and I just wanted to hug him. He seemed so weak at the moment and I truly did not like seeing Master in this condition. He is strong and commanding. I sort of half coughed half cleared my throat to see if he would allow me to speak to him. At first it seemed like he had not heard me, so we just sat quietly for a little while. I was preparing myself to clear my throat again when he sat on the side of the bed and caressed my cheek. "Yes, pet. You would like to speak?"
"Yes, Master, please." I murmured breathlessly.
"Go ahead, my little toy doll. Also, you may look at me as you speak. In fact, whenever you talk to me I want to see your eyes." He smiled and waited for me to begin.
"Master," I articulated slowly, so as not to show any aggressiveness to the only person that has actually taken care of me. He is the only one, now that I've thought about it a bit more, that seems to care for me. My Aunt and Uncle never gave a rat's ass as to me and well, with my parents are out of the picture they don't count. I never had any friends at any of the schools I attended. I tried having a boyfriend once but all he wanted was sex... As my thoughts came to me at the pace of light I heard Master clearing his throat a bit. Oops. "Sorry, Master," I whimpered. "I... I just wanted to say thank you for getting, um, ah, Sir Cole away from me. And I want to let you know he wanted me to call him Master. I looked up and gave him a piercing glare and told him I would never call him Master. I only have one and he could never compare to you. Um and also," I bowed my head in shame, "I also kind of told him if it weren't for you I wouldn't have even called him Sir, since he hasn't earned that title yet." I peeked through my thick eyelashes to see what kind of expression Master held for me. For a split second I thought he was going to hang me by my collar and never turn back. I must really be off on reading him because before I realized it, the bed sunk a little on my left side and I felt warmth crawl over my bruised legs and Master scooped me up and placed my head on his chest. "Sleep now, pet. No punishment for today since it appears someone handled it, although poorly, and not to my knowledge... I am truly sorry, pet." He whispered to me over and over until I fell into a deep peaceful sleep feeling warmer than any night I have ever known.
The next few days Master stayed with me and helped with cleaning the puncture wounds and changing bandages. He fed me at every meal not letting me lift a finger. He even bathed me in the mornings and gave me my rub down in the evening. Master slept with me each night. I curled around him and he put my head on his warm chest. I listened to the beating of his heart and felt the warmth of his breaths each night and at this particular moment I was happy to be here with him.
After about the fourth day I was able to move around better and without wincing at every step. Master looked pleased. So very pleased. I was ecstatic that his eyes shine bright for me.
Tonight Master seemed a bit off, like he was nervous. It was very peculiar to see him like this. I am the nervous one. I took it in stride. He fed me again tonight but the food was different than the usual fair.
"Pet," He sighed into my ear, "Come down here next to me, get on your knees." Even though he fed me these past few days he allowed me to sit on the bed, but tonight Master wanted me back on my knees. I can do this, I hope. I slowly rose from my bed when he interrupted me. "Crawl to me, dog." He growled. Oh no. He seemed pissed at me now. I think Master may have multiple personalities.. "Now!" Master bellowed as I forgot about him due to my thoughts. Those are going to get me in trouble soon I told myself. Tentatively I got to my knees and started my path to Master. My knees scratched along the cold concrete ground. My hands were freezing and my teeth decided they needed to clatter. I crawled with my head down and my eyes almost closed. I know crying is not an option but Master's been so kind and loving and this, this humiliation, just makes me hate him. I feel like when I get to him I want to tear through his flesh with my fingernails and cause his skin to peel off.
I reached him but before I could kneel into position he placed his heavy hand on the small of my back and made me sit/kneel with my head down and my arms a little bit in front of me like I was a dog. He began to pet me and say, "You been such a good boy haven't you? You kept your cool and showed me you do listen to me. I know you have a lot of questions that swirl in your mind still but you need to stop thinking of them. I will never give you answers you want nor will I let you ask me any questions. As I've said before your only thoughts ought to be about how to please me, but then again, pet, I always tell you how to do that. You need to stop the gears from turning. I like having a lively doll but if I catch you not paying attention to my orders I will have to find a way to get your brain to rest and that usually kills the personality of pets."
He stopped there and brought the food he carried from the kitchen onto the table and started to cut pieces and dividing vegies. I lost my appetite. If I screwed up he will remove my brain? I started to quiver ferociously. Master must have felt it because I heard the utensils drop onto the table and the legs of his chair scratch on the floor as he pulled the chair out from under the table. Master walked around me so he could sit on the bed. "Up." He summoned me onto his lap. I went as quickly as possible so he knew I heard him and was paying attention to him.
Master released a quiet breath and tilted his head down to me so his lips almost touched my ear. "Just be good and do as you are told and what I told you about the operation will be forgotten. I will not tolerate insubordination from my pet." His voice rising, "Do I make my self clear you ingrateful little peon?"
I immediately looked at him and replied, "Yes, Master."
"Good boy. Hop down and get your ass over here so I can feed you."
Maybe Master is bipolar... Schizophrenic perhaps? I think insane may cover it. I crawled as quickly as my body would allow and got to Master. I kept on all fours. Master took a chunk of my hair from the crown of my head and yanked me up to kneel. I saw black spots surround me for a few seconds thinking here we go again. I'm going to pass out. He let my hair go and grabbed me under my chin tilting my head in an uncomfortable position, I thought my neck would pop right off from my shoulders. Master harshly pulled my head to his and smashed us together lips to lips then began his assault on them. Master was not being gentle. He opened his mouth and nipped on my bottom lip so hard I tasted the salty metallic taste in my mouth. Apparently blood did not offend him. In that moment he shoved his tongue as far into my mouth as he could get and licked everywhere it was able to touch. The pain from the bite stung but with his invasion of his tongue it felt like bliss. A moan crept up from deep inside me. I released it as I felt my dick firm up. Master's erection was erect. I could feel it pretty much sticking straight up through his jeans. Master grabbed me under my arms and stood up from his chair. He then lifted me and made me wrap my legs around his waist. I quickly put my arms on his shoulders and let my fingers glide through the little bit of hair he has. I felt like I would explode at any given moment and the noises that escaped my lips made me sound like a cheap whore writhing on the Vegas strip. I was not able to keep the noises in. Master appreciated that it seems. Every time a really loud groan or cry escaped my lips I felt his cock give a twitch. I was so hot for Master, pre-cum flowed over my cock and down my thighs which meant my juices fell onto Master's jeans. Speaking of jeans I need him to take them off soon. Or rather now. Yes I need them off him now! I don't know if he is a mind reader but with his left hand he grasped my ass right in the crack and pulled me away from him a bit. I cried because I thought it was over. I realized he had his right hand on his jeans buttons undoing them and with the final button open his jeans shimmied down his taught thighs passed his knees and onto his feet on the floor. He was going commando. Master lifted his legs up and out to untangle himself from the vile grip they held him in. He started on getting his shirt off. I helped with this. Master held onto me with his hand somewhat in my crack but I felt his finger stroking my hole and it sent shivers all the way up my spine. Is he going to take me tonight? I became excited, nervous and scared all at the same moment. I tensed up and Master just placed a hand on my head and petted me until the tension released.
He continued with torturing my mouth, tongue and lips. Licking, sucking slurping, and biting at them. My moans filled up the room and I was slowly turning into a puddle. I felt him move his hand from my ass and bring it to my lips. I sucked on his fingers until they were slobbered with saliva. His hand went back down and I felt the intrusion immediately. Although it was not painful at first I knew there would be pain. The first finger glided right up and in me and the second finger slowly followed. My mewls were growing steady and at a rapid rate. A third finger juts up into me. I nearly jumped from his arms. Good thing he held me tight because I would be running. The fingers played inside me for what felt like an eternity. I knew he was stretching me. All of a sudden I yelped and a lustful cry left my lips. He found my spot. He found it and tormented me. His eyes looked for mine and in a husky lust filled voice reminded me of a rule... "Remember, slut, you better not cum. If you do, I will personally make sure you will never cum again." He snickered at the end.
Asshole. Asshole Asshole. That is all I thought for a moment until I felt his fingers retreat from my aching man hole.

Chapter Ten
With a sinister glare and a voice dripping with anticipation Master said, "This will hurt." And as soon as he finished his words his huge dick pressed into me in a moment of agonizing pain. I felt like my entire insides were ripping apart. As soon as he was in all the way he pulled out and thrust inside me again. All I could do was scream in pain. Agonizing, excruciating pain. I wonder if he forgot I've never done this before. He probably does not care.
I can't move since he has me cuffed tightly to the bed on my hands and knees, ass sticking up in the perfect position for him to fuck me like a bitch in heat. All I can do for the moment is scream and wail and beg.
"Please Master, please. You are hurting me." I shriek.
I feel him pause for a moment whilst he is inside me. Thank Goo... "Arrrrrrr!" I howl as he pulls out and shoves it back inside me harder and deeper. He stops pulling out completely and leaves his head in but as this begins every attack in me gets harder, deeper and faster. It feels like he is using a jackhammer inside me. Not that I would really know what that feels like but you can imagine, okay?
Why am I gay? I think to myself while I scream, cry and shake in agony on my outside. How can anyone take this? As if Master knew I was not paying attention to how he was reacting to me, something happened. I felt a wave of pleasure wreak havoc through my body. But as he kept hitting that spot, I felt his right hand move off my back and to my cock. He is going to let me cum, I hope. As his dick jabbed at my pleasure spot I felt a surge of electricity go through my piece! My head went back and I howled as my body convulsed from the shock of electricity bolting through me.
"That's it you twisted, cum sucking whore..." Master panted. "You like that didn't you, hmph umph?" He asked grunting to the pace of his stabs. I was just getting out from the shock (ha, no pun intended), when a second wave hit me with a bit more zing to it. I couldn't help but feel repulsed at my body. I noticed that my dick abandoned my brain. It was so hard and full, it throbbed, twitched and leaked copious amounts of pre cum, I felt my stomach churn. Why did I feel so turned on when obviously my head said no dumb ass this fucking hurts? I felt like I was moments away from spilling my entire load when suddenly Master reminded me as he huffed and puffed, pushing in and pulling out at a furious almost non-human pace, "NO CUMMING, you fucking slut." With a final push and electric current whizzing through my writhing body my ass clenched up, me trying not to cum as Master's seed pulsated into me.
Master let his body go for a moment and rested it on me! He is like twice my size and I couldn't even move to lay down due to the restraints. His head rested on my shoulder and I felt the warmth of his breath near my ear. He uttered one simple word to me, "Cum." Do you know what? My back stabbing body came!
Master smirked, rubbed my head saying, "You are so good, my pet. Becoming so well trained. I knew you would take kinder to this type of training." Ugh. I hung my head in total and utter repulsion. What have I become? Or will become if I stay here much longer. I feel the cuffs loosening and I am free for a moment. He grabs the leash and brings me to the toilet to clean up.
As I am about to exit the shower, Master whistles at me so I look at him and he puts his hand up to stop me from leaving the shower. I stand in the shower, shivering and dripping wet with my hair plastered to my head waiting for my next command. "Down." Master grunts. I go to my knees instantly. "Such a good boy," He coos. I smile for a second because I made him happy. Then my brain kicked my emotions out through my ass and said I should be pissed off. I am not a pet, I fume to myself.
I wait kneeling, for how long? I don't know. All I know is Master is just standing at the door looking at me because I can feel those eyes penetrating throughout my being. After a long cold wait, my knees slightly giving out on me, I decided I would ask Master to let me dry off. Just as I'm opening my mouth Master elicits another demand in his deep slightly husky from post sex voice to me. "Cum."
I look at him for a moment before quickly shading my eyes and everything in me spills out and onto my chest, some hitting my chin and then finally dripping down my thighs. Oh my God! I thought. I didn't even realize I was hard again. He made me cum just by keeping me kneeling and him staring.
I hear Master's grin. "You pathetic slut. Look at you all covered with your own cum." He stops for a moment and places his forefinger on his lips, tapping, thinking, then begins again. "Hmm. I believe I should punish you." He looked down on me and must of seen my face turn into a picture of shock for a moment. He is the one that told me to cum. Bastard. Now he wants to punish me? Argh. I can't do anything right. I want to go home, dammit. I pondered, biting back the tears slowly forming in the corners of my eyes.
"Get up, cunt. Come over to me, now." Master snarled at me.
Once again I do as I am told. I hate when he talks to me using those words that I am not even close to being. Or I guess never was close to being, because now I do feel like a whore all the time.
He takes the leash and latches it onto my collar and tugs me along, naked, dripping in my own cream, back to the room. Master stops as do I and he slowly wraps the leash around his hand forcing me to move closer to him. He has the entire leash wrap and I feel a tug at my collar. It starts to get tighter around my neck. Holy shit he is strangling me with the leash! I try fighting and squirming and just anything else that comes to mind but he is too strong. I finally stop movement knowing that there is no use anymore. I can feel all the air leaving my lungs and my lungs trying to cling on as long as possible. But my windpipe is constricted and no air is getting in. I start to see white dots float around my eyes and then the world becomes dark as I pant to try and get some oxygen. Unfortunately, the oxygen never came and I went slack in front of Master, not even falling to the floor because of how tight he held my leash. Black washed over me as my breath stopped.
Chapter Eleven

Entry Log number 22
My pet's been with me for twenty two days now. I really wonder sometimes if there is such things as fate or destiny. There has to be. I stayed back in second grade and then again in fifth grade. So I am twenty even though I am still a senior. No one knows my age. I had my brother call in some favors and got me some fake ID's made up and all my files for school are filled with lies and half truths. Except my grades. But the point I am getting at is if I never stayed back twice, I would never have found my little rag doll. I truly find him so appealing in every possible way.
My brother and father always told me I would know when I found my pet. They said don't rush it just feel it and when you meet her you will know. Little did I know my pet turns out to be a delicious ravened hair boy. My father and brother's pets are mostly all female, the only roles their few male pets are of Butler or pony. My dad and bro each have a few in their 'slave pit' as they call it. I don't want more than one. My pet is exactly perfect.
I realized he would be a tough one. He had spunk. I truly don't want him to become a lifeless, inanimate blow up toy. But I do need him to only think about me and my needs and no one else, including himself. He is MINE. His folks or siblings or whoever will never find him. I still think he believes he will escape, but there is no way he could. My security system will see to that. That is why he will never leave me. My system cost me over $95,000.00. Yes, I am wealthy. My ancestors were all wealthy slave traders and as boys grew to men the details of the business were thrust upon them. If we decided we did not want to do this then we would be kicked out and left penniless. Which is what happened to me.
When I turned eighteen I told my Dad and bro that I have no intentions of getting and training slaves, for either work or pleasure. They said fine. Stripped me of all my clothes including my boxers, took everything in my wallet, including the wallet threw my I.D, at me and had a guard physically remove me from the premises.
I am weak without money. I can admit it. I lasted exactly six days, fourteen hours and thirty seven minutes without a dime. I literally crawled back home and begged to be taken back. And I would learn the business. At first I thought I just wanted a servant. Someone to clean and such, but as I got older, I knew a maid service would work just as fine. What I really wanted was someone to love and that someone to worship me. I know how awful that sounds but that is how I am. I want one thing and when I get it I keep it and treasure it. My pet is my one and only thing that matters to me now.
My brother will have a hissy fit if he ever sees my log. All this book should have are dates, times and what activities were taught or punishments given. Also how my pet is coming along. Well tough shit bro! I need to get my thoughts out so I do it here then I write all the information at the end of the log page at the end of the day. Sometimes...
I loathe being interrupted while I am writing. I lose my train of thought. But this bit of information I received was somewhat worth the interruption. I just found out that my 'best friend' Cole was stabbed to death by his girlfriend, Kaelyn. I wondered when that girl would snap on that bastard. Yup I called him a bastard. And he is or I should say was. Ha. I've known him for a few years and since he knew what my family did and all, he would come to the house and grab any information he could about training. Apparently Kaelyn said she had enough when he brought out a razor blade to carve his initials onto her. She said her mind went into 'Batman' mode as she likes to call it and pushed him so hard in the chest he tumbled over. Then she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a skillet and the biggest knife she could see, and bolted to the door. As she is telling me this all I can do is laugh because she is a tiny little thing and all I can picture is this girl trying to lift one of those heavy ass iron skillets in one hand and a butcher's knife in the other, then tumbling over due to the skillet's weight. Apparently, before she could make it out the door Cole got to her. And hell hath no fury like a woman almost carved upon. She whipped herself around holding the skillet and knife together by the handle and heaving them with both hands, smashed him on the side of his body. He dropped from loosing some wind in his lungs. Can you imagine getting smashed on your side by one of those cast iron pans? Damn they are heavy. Anyway, she tosses the skillet at him while he holds his side and it smacks him right on the nuts. By this time I am crying with laughter. I mean, really? Carve the poor girl? I told him he needed to be able to feel their inner submissive and be called to that person. But no. He says this cute young girl is the one. I could tell the moment I laid eyes on her she was no sub. Anyway after the pan goes landing on his nut sack she stabs the fucker in the throat! She then bolted out of the house and called her bff to see what she would do in a similar situation. That was my final straw. I was in such a state of utter hysteria, laughing like a bloody hyena, I told her through gasps and gulps I needed to pee badly and hung up. I'm still chuckling now.
Yeah, well... I really never made friends in school but he latched on and decided we were besties, gag, vomit... So good luck in hell you stupid mother fucker! Feel the burn.
Oh my poor log has been so defiled over the past twenty two days. I never wrote but it feels so good to get some things in print.
Aww. My little pet is curled up on the bed in the room I gave to him. He is so hot looking with all the cuffs and chains attached to him. Mhmm. His collar. I love the way he looks in it. Yeah, I have cameras in that room so I can watch and see what he does. I know by the end of next month my little pet will be molded to the wanton sex starved toy I have been dreaming about for over a year. He will fall to his knees and be by my side through everything I do. He will kneel beside me at parties, beg me for kindness or pain. With pain comes the pleasure, with kindness comes approval and praise. My toy won't be able to cum unless he is shroud in some form of torture. Oh how I can't wait to start with more of that.
These next couple weeks are going to be devoted to the pain/pleasure phase and more of the sensory phase of his training. All I say is that he will be the center of attention at all the parties I will throw in a few months.
So cute. He woke up. He still looks a little out of it like he doesn't know where he is. I know in an instant when he remembers whats going on. I hate seeing that look of pain and loss in his beautiful eyes. I know. I know deep inside he will stop having that look and his eyes will shine with only me reflected.
Soon I will be putting him in my room to spend the nights. I need him in case I need a hole to use. I hate running to the room all the way across the house. By the time I get there my boner has deflated. I turn around and slink back to my room to sleep. I will know when he is ready for his new accommodations. Which I pray is soon.
Oh. I haven't noticed him doing this before.
The 3rd of January
2:57 p.m.
New Action:
Pet just got up from a nap. He began a work out routine today.
Used chains as weights.
Did about 10 sit ups. Must be difficult and heavy with chains.
Tried to do push ups and got to about five and collapsed.
Well my wonderful log I will now sign off and come back to you later with my pet's full day.
End of Day:
I am exhausted. I whipped my boy's ass for about twenty lashes. He was so naughty and mouthy this afternoon. He actually whined at me. I was saying that this week will be new lessons. He looked up at me and asked which lesson now in an overly irritated voice. The mouth of my pet gave a slight smirk then his lips turned into an O shape because he knew he was in the wrong. I said 10 lashes. And you will know when we start. That is when he whined. So I gave him ten more. But what I noticed after his little outburst he visibly relaxed. I think he is going to be a wonderful little plaything for me for a long time to come.
By the way. Screw you, you dumb log. I am ass backwards tired so no notes.
Chapter Twelve
I am free, sort of anyway. Well for at least a couple hours. I won't have to hear the chains clank as I walk in the room I dwell. Master is taking me out for a couple hours. He won't tell me where and I don't ask because I would get punished. He put me in a plain white t-shirt, black sweatshirt, really tight jeans, (go figure?) and a pair of pristine white sneakers. I still have to wear my wrist and ankle cuffs along with my collar. I thought this will be an easy escape. But I was highly mistaken. On the reverse side of the sweat shirt laid three buttons going down from mid back. The buttons got attached to the thick piece of leather on the other side. And at the last button at the hem of the sweatshirt was another piece of leather that was connected to the shirt so it wouldn't ride up on me. . Master put the leash on me, drew it under my sweatshirt and closed the strips to the buttons over the leash. Now he could hold the leash close to my body without any people seeing or it riding up my back. How ingenious? I will never escape.
"The rules," Master began with his voice in that low and gravelly tone, which I get hard for now every time he uses it, "Number one, pet, you are to stay one pace behind me and to the right as we walk. No looking up always eyes down. Never utter a word, I want my pet obedient and highly regarded because his Master trained him so well. So what you do today will reflect on me and if you do something silly or become unruly your punishment will be severe," he growled a bit at the end. "If I ask you a question, you respond 'Yes, Master or No, Master'. If one of my friends or colleagues ask you a question you will say yes, sir or no, sir. Nothing else. No movement, no eye contact. Do you understand, pet?"
I stayed kneeling head and eyes lowered, "Yes, Master."
Master pet my head, then pulled up on the leash so I would stand. I stood and got to his right side and stayed one pace behind as we walked to a car. From what I could see it looks like a limo. The driver opened the door for Master and Master tugged me into the car. The driver shut the door and returned to the front. I began to sit on the seat, but Master put his index in front of my face, wiggled it left to right and in his tsk, tsk noise, "No, pet, first you will kneel in between my legs on the floor." He paused for a moment or two then with a lecherous smirk on his face added, " By the way, find something useful to do with that pretty little mouth of yours."
That was easy to figure out what he wanted from me. I got in position in between his legs and nuzzled up to his groin area. My hands slowly traveled up his muscular legs first rubbing them on the outside then switching around and really feeling the strength and power of his inner thighs. Master sat back and little moans came out of his beautifully shaped mouth with the light pink, moist lips singing my favorite song.
"Why did you stop?" He barked at me. Uh Oh I got so carried away fantasizing about his lips I forgot what I was suppose to be doing.
"Look at me, my pet," He reeled pulling my head up by my hair. I looked at him, slightly trembling. I did not want a severe punishment today. "What was so important that you lost track of pleasing me?" His voice was in that angry/ calm mode which is very frightening.
"I'm sorry, Master," I replied meekly. "I was fantasizing about your mouth when I heard you begin to moan. I must have got to caught up in your lips." He stared at me for a couple minutes, me not being able to read his expression, made me quite unnerved. His head went back and a huge guffaw fell from his lips. All I did was stare like he was a crazy person. Before I knew what was happening he grabbed me under my chin, pulled me up in between his thighs on the seat. His dick poked me from his trousers. Master let go of my chin, I almost fell backwards but before that happened he clenched each side of my face and pulled my head towards his and gave me a slow passionate kiss. I've never felt this kind of kiss from him before. Master wasn't trying to claw at me or shove his tongue in fast and furious, but he was slow and sensual about it. The kiss seemed to last forever. All my thoughts were with Master. When he was done he let go of my face, shifted the hair out of my eyes then put his hand on my shoulder to push me back down. I will not daydream again.
I got to work with a fierce desire to prove to Master I could do something without losing track of my task. I slowly undid his button and fly and put my hand over his boxers and caressed him for a minute or so. He pushed up on his arms so it would be easier for me to get his jeans and boxers off of him. I gently tugged them out and then down to the floor of the car and took in his oozing cock. I do this to him, I thought, with a Cheshire grin on my face. Suddenly, I dug into giving Master his blowjob. I licked the tip of his head and ran my tongue down the underside of his thick, swelled cock. As I was near the base I sucked on his balls and gave them a little tickle, I knew he liked. With a pop I retrieved my lips from his salty sweet taste and swiped my tongue up to his tip and delved my tongue into his slit, slurping any of his pre cum that came along. My head was grabbed ferociously and forced down onto Master's cock. I gave a slight chuckle at this and Master writhed from the sensation that traveled through his body. He moved my head up and down as far as he wanted. Master didn't move his body except for his arms. I was once again a hole to him to fuck. I refocused my thoughts back to getting him off. Finally, after a long and grueling sucking and my jaw aching he came. Streams of hot creamy cum filled me and I swallowed as fast as I was able as to not lose a drop of his precious gift to me. I slurped up every drop on his piece and sucked on his tip to make sure every drop was out. Master dropped his hands from me and I pulled away licking my lips getting the last remnants of his juices.
Master sat there, legs spread wide, dick hanging out and relaxed for a minute to get over his orgasm. He stood up a bit so I could secure his clothes for him. "Almost there, pet," he cooed and rubbed his hand through my hair. I laid my head in between his thighs, sighed, smiled and fell asleep.
Chapter Thirteen
Master pulled me up under my arms and placed me on the ground where the limo idled. I looked up and saw an ominous looking house, maybe a home of a friend, not quite sure. It looked like a two story Colonial home. However, there were tons of cars parked in the lot next to the house. The house seemed regal almost like the plantation homes you see in the South. The door leading into the house was covered by four large columns and a grand looking staircase rose to meet it. Now the off thing about the house are the windows. They were narrow like the old Colonials I've seen, but the panes of glass were a shimmering onyx color. You could see very light shadows of people but absolutely nothing else.
Master took the lead as I ghosted his every move one pace behind him. We climbed the stairs to the elaborate looking door and Master turned to me and told me to open the door. I was hesitant for a brief moment thinking shouldn't I knock first. But before my hesitation was noticed by Master I opened the door which weighed a ton and held it open so Master would enter first and I follow.
Nope, not someones home, I thought to myself. The door opened to a mammoth of a room, lit only by candles on the walls. Shadows played throughout the place making everyone look somewhat eerie. From the little I glanced I saw many men in various stage of dress and sex. I can't believe these people have sex in a roomful of strangers. I only hope Master doesn't want me to do this. Master walked in and showed an older gentleman some sort of card then was handed a stack of paperwork. Master said his thanks and took me to a door on the far left side of the enormous room. We stepped in and it looked like any locker room out of a high school or gym. Master sat on a bench and pointed to the floor so I knew to kneel by him. By the way, tile, not so comfy when you are on your knees. Master looked down at me and told me to skim through the pages and sign and initial in several places. I took the stack from him and on top in big bold letters was printed The Silver Cage. I guess that answered my question as to what the place is. I skimmed through the book and basically got that I enter here at my own risk, no one is forcing me to stay. Even though I am being held against my will, I haven't been out of that damn room in ages. I initial the part about being against my will anyway. I signed and initialed everything else on the lines and handed them back to Master. Master rose and gestured for me to do the same. With a slight smirk on his glorious face he simple said, "Strip. I am going to give the papers to Marvin, I'll be right back and you better be naked for me, boy." Master walked out.
Maybe he has an outfit hidden in one of the lockers, I hoped and hoped and hoped. After a moment of dread I stripped out of my clothes and Master walked back in and gives me a nod of approval. He takes the leash, as we walk to the door he says, "Do everything I tell you to do or you will be very sorry, pet. Do you understand?"
Meekly I replied "Yes, Master." I couldn't believe I am going into a club naked, except for my collar and ankle and wrist cuffs. I followed him to the other side of the room to where another door was. I heard catcalls from many of the patrons saying who is the new meat. He looks quite tasty. Right before I stepped into the door, a gentleman, and I use the term loosely comes over and asks Master, " Master Black, I am Master Reed, I believe we've met a few times?"
"Yes, I recall, how may I help you?" Master says a little loud because of the music pounding in the background.
"I am wondering," Reed lasciviously grins at me, "if you are planning on passing your new toy around this evening?"
The corners of Master's mouth turn down a bit and in an unnerving voice spoke to the creepy man. "No. He is new and I don't share." Master tries to turn around to head into the door but the man states he is willing to pay to have me! Wait. What? In my head I keep saying, say no, Master, say no please.
"Did you not hear what I just said? I do not share and I don't need your money. My rag doll is for me and only me. Now please leave us."
This time he pulled me with a little more force than usual into the door.
I briefly looked up at Master with eyes pleading, asking him if I could speak. He looked at me and said speak, boy.
I got down on my knees in front of him and looked up and in a whisper he would hear I said, "Thank you, Master, for not letting him use me." I bowed my head back down and stayed on my knees until Master was ready for me.
I felt a sudden tug on my collar and I stood up in front of Master. Like a bat out of hell Master had his soft, delectable lips on mine, kissing me fiercely and passionately. I melted right into his strong arms thinking that any kisses after this one would never compare to the ecstasy I am feeling right now. Master pulled back, smiling with his eyes full of lust that I almost dropped to my knees to please him. He stared at me for a moment then gave a slight chuckle understanding the perplexed face I showed him. Master brought his lips close to my ear, I could feel his warm breath on my lobe and I shivered. "A little later, pet, you will get your reward."
I smiled and began to follow Master to a desk in the room. I tuned him out for a few minutes just to look around. I couldn't believe what I saw. All sorts of bondage and fetish gear hung on the walls, furniture displayed on the floor, dildos, plugs, beads, masks enclosed in glass cases, It was unbelievable. I had no idea what ninety percent of the stuff would be or could be used.
Unaware of Master I heard the clicking of locks and my collar and cuffs fell off and hit the ground. Was he releasing me? I felt a twinge of despair at the thought. Then mentally kicked myself for feeling something for my kidnapper. Master gently pushed me over to a smaller man with round spectacles, leather pants, and a mesh tank. And let me tell you this man should not be in leather. He was a bit portly with a thick uni brow going across his entire forehead. Poor thing I thought to myself. He began to measure each wrist then ankles and then my neck. When I thought he was done he measured, to my horror, the length and girth of my flaccid dick. "I'll be back in a moment, Master Black," he called out as he walked away to another door. After he left I looked at Master with a worried expression on my face. "shh, shh, pet. I am just adorning you with fitted cuffs and collar so it will always feel comfortable for you. He tweaked my nose and pointed to the floor for me to kneel.
About ten minutes later the little leather man comes out with a huge bag. He sets it to the side of me, opens it and hands a gorgeous steel collar to Master. The collar has a few loops for a leash or two, a tag hanging from one which I find out says Property of Black, and is about two inches wide with diamonds and blood red rubies running through the center. Only thing I don't see is a lock. Master takes it from the guy's hand, comes over to me and places the collar around my neck and that is when I felt the soft leather that covered the inside of the collar. It was heavy but it fit me like a glove. Master placed the cuffs on, they were all the same as the collar except there was no dog tag on them. I heard him click the ends together of the final cuff, before he stood he whispered to me that whatever I do, don't move. That is never a good thing to hear. Before I knew what was going on I heard sparks and saw orange and blue fly around my face. The little man was sawdering on all my new gear. Which means I can never take it off... All of a sudden a wave of nausea swept over me and I waved and pointed to a trash basket. The man noticed and brought it to me just in time for me to release all the contents I consumed from the day. I wiped my mouth the best I could and looked up at Master with tears in my eyes begging him, without speaking, to forgive my outburst. Master walked away from me and I felt like I would lose it again. A minute later he returned with a bottle of water for me and a napkin. "Thank you, Master." I whimpered, tears still trickling down my face.
I drank the water down and wiped myself up as best I could. I stayed kneeling in front of the men head bowed in shame. I heard Master's clothes rustle a bit and felt him pick me up and he put my arms around his neck and then grabbed a leg and encircle his waist, my other leg followed suit. He told me he has a surprise for me later then Master held me there for a little while whispering calming words I could not comprehend at the moment. He held me like no one in my life ever did. Not my Aunt or Uncle. I don't think my parents really hugged me. They loved me, yes, but big hugs to calm me or make me feel wanted, not one I can recall. My one ex boyfriend would only give me the half 'man' hug. I clung on to Master for my life, not sure what my feelings were. I was sickened at first by the permanent collars and cuffs but now in his warm, snug embrace I feel wanted and loved. My poor muddled brain is having a huge argument with my heart right now. I don't even know which one will win or which I want to win.
Chapter Fourteen
Master lowered me from his warm embrace and took a hold of my leash to bring me into the large club again. Master found a secluded booth in one of the corners and sat down, pushing my shoulder down so I would kneel. "My pet, suck me." Master commanded. I gulped a bit loud. I can't believe he wants me to get him off right here in public. Apparently he did not care for my hesitation because he quickly grabbed my collar and yanked me up on my feet. It was so fast I barely saw him move. He took the bag he got from the 'toy' store and removed another steel looking cuff with the same design as my collar. He got it opened and clicked it on the base of my cock. Holy crap it felt like my dick would freeze from it. Suddenly, Master put his hand on me and began to rub me gently, up and down. I did not want to get erect here, even though I am naked but it would even be more humiliating to me if I were. Master grabbed me by my collar again while working me with his other hand and moved me to the center of the room where a kneeling station was anchored.
Oh my God he is going to make me endure a punishment in front of these strange people. I wanted to break down and cry. He noticed the look on my face but continued rubbing me to a full fledged hard on. "Now, next time, boy, you will do as you are told the moment I command it. This little ring around your sweet dick will now keep you erect, however, you won't be able to cum unless I take it off. And if I notice you start to lose your erection, my pet," Master grinned at me with a sadistic look in his eyes, "I have a little control right here in my pocket. If I hit the button I can electrocute you cock and it will rise for me like a firecracker. Now my naughty pet, kneel over this bench and hold your arms out for me."
"Yes, Master," I answered as I quickly got into position and held my arms out. Master chained my wrists to the poles on each side of the bench, my ankles anchored onto the columns behind me. Mind you my arms and legs are now spread wide, the family jewels exposed to anyone and everyone. Next Master put an opened mouth gag in my mouth. My lips were pulled so tightly around it that I may never be able to close my mouth again without a gaping hole. He also added a blindfold and then he oiled me up and stuck a wide butt plug into my ass. I wanted to cry so much. The only thing now that I can do is hear and feel.
I stayed chained in that horrid position in the middle of the room for God knows how long. I could hear men walk by and comment on my ass and dick and what a fuckable hole my mouth would be. I felt hands glide around my asshole, slapping my butt, and trying to pull at my nipple rings. Right now I feel totally and utterly used, abused and humiliated. Master needs to let me go home. I can't deal with this. I've never been an exhibitionist or even felt the need to stick out in the middle of a crowd. Now here I am like a fucking stuffed pig waiting for the slaughter. That is when I heard and felt a gush of wind behind me. In an instant a thick, presumably leather strap, whipped against my ass. All I felt was a sting of heat slapping against my flesh. Before I could get my breath back waves of slaps were planted upon my ass. I've never felt so much agonizing pain in one specific area of my body. My butt flamed with heat and constant whips from Master's hand. Lash after harrowing lash rained down upon me and I couldn't even scream. Tears flowed freely and I knew if I was not gagged everyone would be able to hear the sobs barreling through my body. I won't be able to sit for weeks, I miserably thought.
After Master finally put down his whip I felt someone, hopefully him, in front of me. Suddenly the bench I'm strapped to started to rise. What the hell? I heard a zipper being pulled down, that is when it struck me as to why the bench rose. It was to get me into a perfect position for whomever wished to use me. A massive cock entered my mouth all I could do is lick and suck. He was fucking my mouth, my hole for his pleasure, not my mouth anymore, but his, I regretfully told myself. Everything I am is his.
I could hear Master groan in utter, blissful pleasure. At least I can suck him well. I felt his cock stiffen and waited to either swallow or feel his cum drip from my body. He pulled out before he spewed.
I could discern Master's footsteps from others. Don't ask me how I knew his footfall, but I did. I unexpectedly felt empty in my lower region. Master removed the plug with a quick yank and I heard a pop as my ass checks released it. The sensation of the plug removed felt like a relief but also left me feeling, wanting and needing something I could not put a name to. My prayers were then answered, Master pummeled his hard rod into my hole and fucked me in earnest. Every thrust was harder faster and stronger than the previous. My dick, so engorged now felt like an entity all of itself. I wanted, needed to cum. But that ring of death wrapped around it kept it sticking straight up and poking into my belly as Master drove his dick incessantly into my stinging hole. Master impaled me one last time and I felt his seed erupt inside of me. He removed himself but I don't think he moved nor say anything. All I could do was stay tied and feel his cum slide down my ass and thighs and drip onto the floor.
I woke up sore and ashamed of myself even though there was nothing in my power I could do to stop it from happening. I hobbled out of bed and went to kneel as soon as I heard the lock on my door click and Master sauntered in. He did not say a word to me, I guess he was still upset from last night. Master went and undid all my chains and leashed me up. I followed his every step like the little lap dog I am turning out to be. He stopped and opened a door to a giant room painted vermilion with raven paneling. The bed was enormous with the same shade comforter as the walls and from the sheets I saw peeking out they were also the same as the panel. The bed was very high and had all sorts of places to chain a person to it. I also saw a door that most likely contained a closet or bathroom. There was a couch and coffee table to one side, an enormous armoire in a deep cherry wood that must have cost a fortune. I turned my head a little more and I glanced something silver and shiny on the right side of the bed about two feet away from it. I moved my head only enough to get a better look. My mouth unhinged from my face and fell to the floor.
Master must have seen the expression on my face, he pulled me back to him, my back resting on his expansive chest, and throatily whispered in my ear, "My sweet, naughty little rag doll saw his surprise. I told you you would be sleeping in my room soon and here is my room, my bed, and my cage I am letting you use to sleep, eat and defecate in." He petted my head and continued. "No more chains for you, well at least while you are in the pen at night and during the day when I don't want to use you."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing. He expects me to live in a fucking dog pen? I won't be able to stand up in it all. It looks to be about four feet high and about seven feet in length. The floor had a twin size mattress thrown down and I saw sheets and a blanket folded up next to it. Master walked me closer to my new 'home', my knees buckling underneath me when I saw a water bowl, a food bowl, a bucket and toilet paper in a corner.
Before I had time to think anything through, I spun on my heel and hollered at Master. "You expect me to live in a cage and eat and shit like a fucking dog? You are a sick and twisted fuck." I then tried to push him away from me so I would be able to bolt out of the room. To my shock, not, and dismay, he grabbed a hold of my collar and dragged me over to the cage, pushed me in, slammed the door shut with a loud clang ripping through my ears and placed two monstrous padlocks on the door, then walked out the room without a word. This is the worst feeling in the world. I know he's angry, fuming even. But, damn I am not a dog. I'd rather be chained in a room I can walk around in. I can just imagine what kind of torture he will have for me.
I sat in the cage thinking about what my life has come to. I decided I might be better off dead then live like this caged animal. I don't know how long Master stayed away from me. I never got fed and when I did have to go to the bathroom, I tried to hold it as long as I could. Unfortunately my bladder seemed so full that I ultimately pissed in the bucket. After relieving myself I crawled onto the naked mattress and curled up in a ball and sobbed until sleep overtook my shaky body.
Not sure at exactly what's happening, I felt my body being lifted out of the cage. My body crashed to the floor as soon as I was released. Quick as a whip, ha, Master had a thick leather leash on me, with a peculiar, small square box attached to it on my neck. Master pulled the leash so I would rise, as I began to rise, there was an electrifying surge convulsing through my body. Instead of standing I drop to my knees and wrapped my arms around myself to try to get my body still.
"Get up!" Master fumed. But to my dismay, the shock writhed within my entire entity again. I truly tried to pry my shaking body off the floor, it was of no use. My legs were jelly. I collapsed surrendering to the soft, plush, scarlet rug of Master's room. Master actually growled at me and stalked closer to my withered, trembling body collapsed onto the rug. He grabbed my collar with one hand and dragged me close to his bed. He pulled me up from my collar and under my arm heaved me up tossing my body unceremoniously on his bed.
Master climbed up to prop me up on the top of the bed, grabbed my wrists, and bound them to the frame as if I were a sitting Jesus on a cross. He stretched each leg out to an uncomfortable position and clasped my ankles to the small feet under the bed. My whole body was open to him and I had no way to hide.
Master began caressing my manhood, squeezing and tracing his thumb along it's slit. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back onto the frame and arched my cock toward his fondling hand. I felt his other hand on the base and the cock ring was unlatched, my cock pulsed fitfully at its escaped imprisonment.
"Boy," Master pronounced in his thick and husky voice, "remember do not cum until I tell you to, if I do." He concluded with a perverse, amused expression on his face.
This is torture. Absolute and utter affliction. I humped into Master's soft warm hand as I thought of old ladies in bikinis and grisly, old, pot-bellied men naked to ward off cumming. Master stroked me at a quick rate and my pulse raced. Abruptly his hand released my throbbing, leaking rod, letting it bounce and jerk free in its hardened aroused state. I opened my eyes to look down at the red frenzied cock and to my dismay a steel looking wand gently slid from the base of my manhood to the top and landed right over the crevice of oozing pre-cum and froze on that spot. After a moment a heart wrenching seizure wretched throughout my body electrocuted again, and in the distance I heard Master softly command me to cum.
Chapter Fifteen
I came from his command.
Master left me chained to the bed in the awkward position for a while. I hope I won't have to use a toilet. A while later, I don't even know how long due to the fact that weeks, days, hours, seconds no longer mean anything to me. I don't even know if I've been with him a week or a year. Master returned with a jug of something and a plate of cheese, crackers and fruits.
Master sat on the bed, with a slight grin on his face, and began to feed me. Well, he teased me first. He would put a piece of fruit up to my lips and as I leaned forward as much as I could he pulled it away from me and gobbled it up himself. This went on for a bit but then I grew tired of his game and didn't bother trying to get anything in my mouth.
"Oh, I'm just teasing you, here is a cracker and cheese." He pouted and brought the morsel right to my lips. I opened up and took a bite savoring the yummy buttery flavor of the cracker and saltiness of the cheese. I'm so hungry, I thought to myself. I can't remember the last time I was fed. Master let me finish the cheese and crackers and moved me to the fruits. Each time I took a bite of a strawberry the juice dribbled down my chin and onto my neck. I finished the fruit and drank the juice Master held out to me.
I felt what a sticky mess I became. Between the fruit's juices that dribbled, I had pieces of cracker crumbs stuck to my body. I looked up at Master just at the moment to see a hungry look in his eye.
He threw the plate and cup to the floor then undid my chained wrist and ankles. Master jumped up onto the edge of the bottom of the bed and grabbed my cuffed ankles, pulling me into a laying position. Damn he is fast. He slid off the bed and attached me once more by the ankles and wrists. My wrists were tied together above my head and on the headboard. Not to comfy. My legs were thrust as wide as they were able to go and were securely fastened to the feet like things under the bed. I was so tightly pulled in opposite directions I feared my limbs would detach from my body.
Master slid up in between my legs and licked at and around my belly button. He lapped up all the juice and crumbs that gathered after my feast. Slowly he washed me with his tongue. Belly button to ribs, ribs to chest, chest to my nipples, nipples to the crook of my neck and underneath my chin. All I could do was moan and pant as he laved my body. He got to my lips, flicked his tongue out and slowly traced it around my lips. Tongue still going, he lapped up everything that was on my throbbing lips. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and continued to work his tongue inside my mouth making sure he got every drop of juice he could.
My mind and body were in a chaotic mess. My mind said why is he being so nice to me? I should just try to bite his tongue off. I would get the last laugh. But my body betrays me often now. My cock was hard and dripping, my lips tingled and my body shivered with pleasure. As Master raped my mouth his hand went down in between my thighs and took me into his hand. His hand felt so cool rubbing against my heated straining manhood. He let my mouth go and uttered those same words he always uses. Don't cum unless I let you. Without a moments hesitation he was back inside my mouth trying to eat me alive.
Master tortured my nipples with his tugs and nips. I could feel how inflamed and heated they were. But what happened next, I shouldn't have complained about his mouth being a little rough on them. I could feel Master shift to the side of me and heard him reaching for something by the bed. He brought out an intimidating piece of jewelry. I really could not tell what its use would be. Master sat up and clasped a clamp to my left nipple, I screamed like a banshee in heat. The thing weighed a ton and hurt like I've never felt. He just looked into my eyes and placed the second one. This time the pain seemed much more intense and tears fell from my eyes. Master began his seduction once again.
The pain finally evened itself out to just an aching pulse. But to my dismay, it would not be that easy for me. Since nothing in my life has been, why should this be any different. Master crawled in between my outstretched legs, sat with his legs crossed and caressed me around my thighs and hips, never touching my hardened erection. My eyes fluttered shut as I moaned, wanting some friction on my cock and be able to feel the release. That never happened. His hands moved off my body and he sat on his bed just staring at my face. I still panted and gave out little cries from the torment of all the sensation building on my body. I then felt a caustic pain pummel through my nipples branching out through my entire body. Electrocuted again. From what I could tell Master took in my face as the waves hit me. I tried to leave my body so I would not hurt anymore. I failed. "Cum." Master quietly uttered through my torment. I exploded ribbons and ribbons of creamy seed onto my belly and chin with the most consuming orgasm I've ever felt in my life.
Master played this game of getting me off via electrocution for so long. By the fourth time I orgasmed, I asked to speak and told him I needed to use the toilet. He set in front of me with a big toothy grin for a moment until he slid off the bed and went to his bathroom or closet. He brought back a huge plastic measuring cup, it looked the the ones in hospitals where the nurses had to measure the amount to make sure the kidneys were okay. He placed my cock gently on the rim of the cup and said to pee. Truly an embarrassing moment.
I don't how long I was bound to his bed. It felt like days. I started to count how many times he made me cum. By about number eleven he didn't bother with touching me at all. No soft caress or gentle teasing. He went straight for the kill. He placed the cold wand onto the tip of my reddened, sore penis, and not even a second before he hit the button he told me to cum. I came from that shock without any other stimuli. At this point I was sobbing from the inside to the tip of my flaccid and sad looking cock.
"My pet," Master smiled at me with genuine happiness, "wonderful job. I have a new rule you must obey. And if you don't the consequences will not be in your favor. Every time something gives you a shock of electricity, be it from the wand, clamps or even an electrical shock you get from static electricity you will cum. I don't care what is going on or if you are out with me and clothed you cum. Do you understand, pet?" Master stared directly into my watering eyes waiting for his answer. I did the only thing I could do and blubbered out a painful yes, Master to him.
"Good boy," he chuckled and petted my sweat drenched head. "I am going to clean you up and then you can sleep in your new room with me. You will always be by my side now. So if in the middle of the night I wake and feel aroused you suck me or fuck me, whatever I want, my choice, naturally." With that Master went off to get whatever to clean me up. He returned a few minutes later with a basin of water and a towel. He rubbed the cum and sweat off my shaky, unstable body and unlatched me from my position. He knew I would not be able to move yet so he slid his arms under me, carried me to the wretched cage and locked me in. I curled up in a tight ball and fell into a fitful slumber.
Waking was a terrible horror. I barely remembered where I was and why I ached and shook. Yes, my body kept throbbing with tremors for hours after I woke. Master fed me but the shaking inside my body head a different idea and the food was heartily rejected. Master cleaned up the mess and let his pet drink a little water at a time until his pet could keep it down. All along he praised his little dolly saying how great it was yesterday.
"Today, my pet, is a special day indeed. I am having a little party and you will be the star attraction. How does that sound, pet?"
"Yes, Master, thank you Master." I replied in shaky bursts.
"Excellent, pet. I knew you would not mind." Master was off and let me sit in the cage until his pet felt better and able to eat.
Later that day Master got me and took me to the living room for the party featuring his little toy. No one was there yet but what I saw hanging from the walls and ceilings in the far right hand corner nearly made his pet drop to the floor in utter fright and revulsion.

Chapter Sixteen
Crying. Keening. Groaning. Cramping. I did not have a lot of choices going for myself. Not myself but Master's pet, not me. Not me. Not me... Not anymore. Master keeps saying that the person I once was is no longer and I must get over it and start referring to myself as His pet or doll or play toy. Even if I am thinking to myself. It is hard for me, see, slipped again. It is hard for Master's pet to think in this way. Who does? Or would want to do such a thing? But if I needed to survive I, damn, Master's toy will keep trying to be the thing/ object Master desires.
Master's pet felt a thrust again in the ass. Something, not human, but made of metal or glass, perhaps, as it was cold, when it was thrust in to the greased up orifice. A thick long plug... Pushed into the inside of the body and then got twisted and hit the sweet spot that resides there. Mercilessly it was pulled out almost to the tip and impaled again. Over and over this happened. It seems that many different people are having a go. Once in a while fingertips or nails trailed on uncovered parts of the body. So many people torturing Master's pet. The cock could not get erect due to the metal cage that encircled it to keep it soft.
Eyes closed, trying to remove thought and just be somewhere else... It works for a bit but reality slaps at it again. All the muscles are pulled in different directions causing soreness all with every breath taken.
The brain journeyed backward - hours, minutes, days. Who knows? The brain is slowly turning into just unused gray matter does not know or care anymore about time, or the needs and wants of the body it occupies. The brain just tries to react accordingly towards Master now.
In the corner of the room hung a thick beam of wood that attached securely to the ceiling of Master's living room. A connecting beam hung perpendicular to the ceiling one. On both ends of the beam on the ceiling a thick sturdy looking chain attached itself to the center of the hanging beam. Chain also fell from the center of the ceiling beam and securely anchored to each end of the second beam. Hanging from the thick wooden block, surprise, surprise, more chains dangling, but on the end stirrups made from lush black leather and heavy buckles and straps hung, ominously, forboding, showing Master's dolly that this would be my fate shortly. I turned away from the ceiling and saw a wall with another of those beams secured and chains and collars or something dangled there as well.
Gulping, loudly, I turned to look at Master to plead with him not to hang me there. All Master did was give me a small wicked grin, grabbed my collar and pulled me into the room almost under the suspended chains and beams. Master got a ladder and climbed up it to unlatch the leather stirrups and got back to where I was.
"Get your leg up on the ladder so I can get this secured to you." Master ordered. "Yes, Master." I sniveled almost not believing what was happening. The stirrups went over my feet onto my calves. They were extremely thick and well padded. Two long thick straps on both the inside and outside of the brace, looped so it could be fastened to the chains. They hung a little below where the actual piece stopped. Master got both on, then walked out of the room for a minute, coming back with a soft bright white rope. Master told me to place my arms behind my back, elbows out at a ninety degree angle, damn that is painful. Apparently not painful enough for him. I felt the soft rope wrap around my torso, under my arms quite snug. Master held the rope taunt and guided my hands into a prayer position that rested firmly on my back. His rope work continued until my neck down to my waist was wrapped in this sensuous rope. Too bad the position was most uncomfortable.
Master gathered the items hanging from the wall beam. He placed a thicker sturdy leather collar around my collar that he had bought me, and made sure the o-ring connected was in the middle of my throat. There were some patches that were a bit firmer hanging an inch or two below and above the collar in the back. I assume to support my head and neck. Now I see the second thick leather piece knowing that it is a gag. This also made of thick soft leather with extra leather patches where my mouth would soon be. And to my utter horror an o-ring dangled from that as well. Next my sight and hearing was stripped from me by a mask with soundproof muff like things connected to it. I was now in arrant darkness and silence, with barely any feeling on my body. I felt the cold liquid drip into my hole and a cold wet plug gouged itself firmly into my behind. My cock was then caged so it would not become hard.
After a bit I felt hands holding me and tilting me upside down, presumably because the cuffs around my calf would get secured to the ceiling. I heard thick clanking sounds as the locks and bolts came together. Hanging upside down and swaying just a bit, I felt all my blood rush to my head, but all of a sudden hands groped at me again to find purchase. It felt as if I was bent in half, with my plugged butt sticking up a bit, then my collar and gag were firmly secured in place on the chains hanging from the beam on the wall. I am now suspended upside down and pulled tightly together so my head would hook onto the wall. This must be some sight to see, I groan in my head. Basically my face was towards the wall in between my legs and my ass on display. That is what I am for Master today. A display. I hope not an interactive one.
Coming back from my thoughts I began to really fear that I may never be let down from this erotic? display. I felt extremely dizzy and completely famished. My tongue seemed as if it was shriveled up in my dry mouth, just begging and screaming for water. I could not even muster enough of my own saliva to moisten it. I needed to try and halt all of my thoughts of being uncomfortable or dehydrated if I wanted to come out of this ordeal with my sanity intact. But, damn it, it was so hard when all I had was me and the twisting, gut wrenching seer that began to burn my inner most parts.
On the verge of passing out, I start to hear various tones of mens voices calling out, Boy. Boy. I hear echo through my fuzzy mind. Master must have removed my blindfold and ear binder and released my gag from its perch because Master stood in front of me rubbing my head and calling out "Pet. Pet, slowly open your eyes. I turned down the lights so you can adjust."
I slowly lift my heavy lids and quickly shut them again even though there really is not much light in the room. After a few minutes I get them to flutter open and adjust to the scenery around me. I was correct. I am rotated facing out towards the people in the room but still in suspension. My shoulders now have heavy straps around them, when that happen? And are fastened to the beam so I am in a tight V shape, which is proving very troublesome for me due to the increasing pain I feel scorching through my body. Master removes the gag and holds up water for me to sip. Oh. I moan in consummate delight. After I take my fill of water Master whispers to me, "Pet, so good. Did you soar through the presentation?" I look at him quizzically not understanding his question. He looks at me with a sad smile and says, "You will know what I mean, my lovely good boy. I thought tonight would bring you into your sub-space, but more practice pet." Staring at Master my brain does a double take and my eyes seek out Master's. A minute or so goes by until he looks over and notices a glimmer in my eye. His right eyebrow arches up in question then a half smile plays along his glorious mouth. "It happened?" He questions.
"Oh, Master, yes. Please?" I beg to speak more. He nods with the go ahead. "Thank you, Master." I croak out from not using my voice in a while. "I had moments of ease, delight, flying. They were fleeting. As soon as someone, um, touched me, I would fall back into the restraints holding me."
Master looked pleased. Even though I was not full into sub-space he said it is a beginning and soon, very soon, I would soar and be 'free'. Yeah. His free certainly is opposite of what I believe is free. As I think that I see Master give me a hard glare. "I told you not to think about your wishes. About you." He seethes. "No more of you. Do You understand, pet? I saw your eyes and know when you go into 'I am me, a guy, not a slave' mode. But, listen to me, boy, you are my slave. I made the arrangements with your guardians and they sold, yes, sold you to me, for quite a hefty amount too." He stopped for a moment after I slowly wailed out a gasp. I felt like a bullet shot straight through my heart. They did do this to me. Tears started trickling down my cheeks. "I almost didn't pay, but they assured me you would comply. As I've said before, I knew you would be mine the moment I laid eyes on you. Which really was not the first day you stepped into school. I saw you the day you moved into your house. So beautiful." he sighed. "And convincing your aunt and uncle I would protect you and keep you well was very easy. They seemed to want you gone."
Suddenly, I hear an aching sob and look around, as much as I could, to see where it came from. But to my absolute dismay I realized I, Master's pet, filled the room with the outburst. My body began to shake and I noticed my breath was coming out in hitched distress. I was hyperventilating. Black.
I wake in a big warm bed on top of a firm but comfy pillow. That nightmare scared the hell out of me, I thought. I am home, safe and sound. Then I open my eyes and shutter as to what my surroundings are. My pillow. Yeah not really a pillow. I am laying on Master's chest and he has his arm wrapped snugly around me. And this is his room and there near his side of the bed is the cage. I just noticed I had no chains latched on my collar or cuffs. I can escape, I exclaim in my head. But, as you know things never work out for me. I tried to slowly move from under Master's embrace, but nothing worked. My limbs throbbed and felt like jelly. My ass burned and I could feel a rash or some sort of irritation developing.
Master moved beneath me and his lids flickered open. He brought his other arm around me and held me for a moment. I felt warm breath caress my ear as he began to talk to me in his low, husky morning voice. I quivered. He smiled, knowing what that voice does to me.
"My sweet, sweet, toy, I just wanted to let you know I had many drinks last night and what I told you should never have passed my lips and drift into your ears." He squeezes me tighter and comes even closer to my ear and whispers in a firm and steady voice, "I want you. I do. I know I am an ass at times. But the moment I saw you I knew you would be mine. Your guardians," he spat, "are a waste of space and you my precious boy, needed to get away from them. I know you never had intentions of being a slave, but you are strong and I know this life will satisfy you if you would just relax and listen to what I tell you to do. You will never want for food or shelter. You will always have a great sex life. I will love you and protect you until the day I die. You are mine. Mine. I am not sorry for taking you. Understand me. You. Are. Mine. Always."
Master's pet was speechless. A tear fell down. I can't say if it was because of his declaration of love to me or that I will be forever trapped. Unexpectedly, Master's pink and juicy lips came down onto mine and Master took over my mouth and tongue. He sucked my tongue into his mouth teasing it, nipping it. I wanted to wrap my arms and legs around his large frame, but everything still made me feel like I was made of jelly. Master let go of me and slowly moved on top of me. Master took possession of my entire body. He placed my arms above my head and opened my legs wide. He showered me with feather like kisses from my lips to my chin. His teeth nipped at the hard peaks on my chest. I shivered in delight. I could feel his three o'clock shadow glide from my chest over my ribs to my belly. He lapped at my belly button. Master moved off me at that point and in one fluid motion he flipped me onto my belly making sure my limbs were still placed correctly. His stubbly cheek made a path down my back to the hollow of my lower back. He kissed me hard right at the top of my crack. I hear a packet open and cold lube glides down me and his finger begins his exploration inside me. The coolness of it felt so wonderful on my swollen hole. I felt a second finger glide in easily, then a third. The third finger caused me some pain but nothing I could not handle. If I had a temperature of a hundred and eight I would not complain at this moment due to Master's gentle touch. His fingers slid out and the sensation of fullness evaporated. Master slid off the bed gets to his feet and then grabs me under my shoulders and hoists me up to him. My body is being held up by Master and if he let go of me I would fall forward due to lack of body control. Master bends me over a bit then bulldozes his piece straight into my ass and stills for a moment. Lustfully he exclaims, "Look at you. My beautiful rag doll. Perfect." I can only imagine what I look like. My lips sore and plump from kisses, my limbs hanging limp from my body. A wanton rag doll. For Master to take. Just like he always dreamed.
Master pulls out and plunges back into me over and over again. He keeps plowing into my sweet spot and I hear his moans of determination and my keening of utmost pleasure. Master pulls out and impales me one final time as he explodes into me, filling me with his warm creamy seed. After Master calms down and his breathing becomes less fragmented he backs up off the bed, still holding me, drags me to a mirror and faces me so I can see him holding me up with my weeping, dripping cock waiting for release.
"You are mine. Look at yourself. Just a play toy. If I let you go now," he growls out, "if I let you go now, you would just tumble onto the floor in a big heap, just like a rag doll." Master holds my debilitated body to him and hugs me and nuzzles himself into my neck. He just stands and stares at the both of us for a bit. I can't stand the throb in my manhood.
"Cum." Master commands me. My release was immediate and it ended up spurted onto the mirror and dripping down in thick waves. Pleasure shook my body, stars twisted through my mind. I lost any conscientious thought in mind and everything turned black.

Chapter Seventeen
It's been a few days since Master 'showed' me off to his friends. Master has not requested anything weird from me since. Master has not punished me or enjoyed me which is causing me a tad bit of worry. I am thinking he is coming up with a bigger and better way to torture me and it is just taking him time to get it all set up. My body shivers just thinking this will be the case. Master has been quite sweet with me too. Instead of putting food and water in my bowls in the cage, He takes me downstairs to hand feed me morsels from his plate. The food is real good, but somehow I think it has been all from restaurants.
On the fourth morning of Master's gentleness I decided to find out about this food situation. I am not sure why I cared, but I just do.
Master holds a bit of bagel with cream cheese out to me to eat. Instead of leaning forward and opening my mouth to take it out of his fingers and lick the crumbs off as I usually do, I lift my head and open my eyes up wide and try to get Master to recognize I need to speak. I can't just ask to speak to him, I must communicate in a wordless way. He just looks at me for a moment and asks, "Are you not hungry this morning, pet? Usually you are famished."
I begged him with my big eyes for a moment and then dropped the top half of my body onto to his feet, grabbed him by the ankles and started to kiss his stocking feet. He let me continue worshiping his feet for a couple of minutes. Master gently lifted the foot I was molesting and put it under my chin to lift me up to face him. In an surprisingly thoughtful voice he asks, "Pet, are you okay? Would you like to speak?"
"Yes, Master, please," I reply in an equally affectionate manner.
"Go ahead then, my sweet toy, speak to your Master." He smiled, then leaned down and placed a soft chaste kiss to the side of my mouth.
"Master," I began a bit apprehensively, "I've noticed that the food you eat is mostly from restaurants." I stop to see if He had anything to say. But He remained silent. I continued a at a faster pace, "um, I don't know, um, sorry, Master, I am not saying the food you allow me to eat is bad, because it is very delicious, but, um, I was wondering if you would like me to cook some meals? I've been cooking since about eleven..." I dwindle off, waiting to see what happens.
Master looks at me with a very serious expression plastered on his face and stares for a while. I start to get all fidgety and almost knock the man over as I fall over his lap telling, crying I am sorry I disrespected you. He takes hold of both my cheeks and lifts my head up. "I can't tell you how wonderful you are that you desire to cook my meals, pet. I say we start with dinners and see how it goes. If you are as talented in the kitchen as in my bedroom then you will cook most of the time. Once in a while I like to get something from a restaurant. Let's see, I am going to give you a pencil and paper so you can write a list for the ingredients. You can make dinner for the rest of the week, just write down what the meal will be and before I take you to the store I will inspect the menu and make changes as I see fit. So let's finish breakfast first, then I will send you up to the cage and come back to get you in a bit." Master, still holding my face plants a passionate kiss on my lips nibbling on them and sucking them into his mouth, enjoying his toy.
I felt so relieved he was going to allow me to cook for him. Master finished eating and feeding me, but on the last delectable piece of orange, with its juices bursting in its' skin, I take it in my mouth and bite down so it squirts all over Master's hand. I chew and swallow quickly. I don't want to be punished for doing such a deliberate act as getting him sticky and dirty, I quickly engulf his pointer and middle fingers in my mouth and licked them lasciviously, emulating a certain act he loves me to perform on a different part of his anatomy. He moans and slumps a bit in the kitchen chair as I go over every finger getting them wet and slurp up any extra moisture left on them. After I finish Master groans out a breathy 'boy' and shoves my head into his crotch. I smile.
I use my head to rub the inside of his muscular thighs just brushing his engorged rod, causing it to twitch and grow under Master's robe. I open the robe up more and see his wonderful manhood weeping and dripping onto the floor. I hear a slight purring coming from the inside of me, as I tease and play without actually touching the problem that has shot up. After a while, I can tell Master is getting a tad antsy so I take my tongue and lick at his slit making sure I get all his essence. I glide my tongue down to the base and flatten it out to go back up underneath it on the vein. It pulsates and jerks as I lick it all over, sheathing it in layer after layer of wetness. Master is now so riled up it looks as if He may pass out from the sensations. I grin as I kiss his him going slowly from the base to tip. When I reach the beautiful head it is straining up, feeling like a piece of steel that is immobile. The beet red tip glares angrily at me and I finally decide to give Master his relief he desperately desires. I plunge my warm, moist mouth onto his cock and quickly envelope it in the pleasure he is anxiously awaiting. I slowly and steadily take the entire thing, sucking and slurping and swishing my tongue around its' thick girth. Master's moan grows louder. I start in earnest inhaling him, sucking in my cheeks for a greater suction. My head bobs fiercely up and down for a while, I hear a louder moan escape his lips. Master decides he now wants to get more involved in the process so he grabs the sides of my head again and fucks my mouth. First a bit slow, then as his heat rises so does the quickness of the thrusts of his pelvis. My dick is as hard as it can go in my cock cage, it is leaking and I hope Master will let me release it today. I haven't cum since the night in front of the mirror,
I don't know how much time goes by but Master finally pulls out his piece with a loud pop coming from my raw lips and aching jaw. Master stands up, pushes the chair back and swipes at the plates and glasses on the table to get them out of his way. They crash to the floor, but he doesn't care at the moment. Master pushes me in half so my top is on the table but my ass sticks up at just the right height for him to pleasure himself. Master quickly scans the table and then not finding what he is looking for looks to the floor. He looks up at me with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes and grabs the grape jelly that was tossed to the ground. Hmm. Okay. Before I had any more time to figure out what his motives were for the jelly I felt a thick cold ooze and his finger go straight into my ass. Oh damn! He is using the jelly as lube, I giggle a bit to myself. I feel a second finger invade my tight hole and then a third. He loosened me up and pulled out his fingers. I felt empty and a bit sad for a moment. I suddenly grimaced a bit and did a quick little yelp as more of the viscous grapes are used. Also I can feel some of it slowly sliding down my thighs. I hope he lets me shower, I ponder.
Next thing I know I feel his hot hard as steel piece savagely push into my sticky grape smelling hole. And Master fucked me. In and out, faster and harder each time. He held onto my hips and I knew I would have his finger prints embedded into them. I bellowed and grunted and pushed hard into him as he pushed into me. I thought he would end up coming up through my throat if we fucked any harder. Master stops and takes a deep breath then his voice hitches as he pushes into me on final time hitting my insides just right and at the same time he cums, I scream out in agonizing ecstasy having an orgasm without cumming. He shoots his thick, hot load into me, it seems like it will never stop coming. I close my eyes and droop down holding the table so I don't fall, breathing heavily and quite honestly a bit shocked at the orgasm had without cumming overflowing my entire body.
Master's breathing calms down and holds me around my waist kissing me and licking bits of sweat off my back. I think I melted into a puddle on the floor. My body shook for a while longer as soon as I calmed down Master whispers in my ear that he never told me to cum. I turn my head a bit and softly reply, "Master, I did not. I felt an orgasm but the cage prevented me from spilling."
Master looks at me like me for a moment, smirks and declares, "Well I guess I won't be punishing you for that tonight, but since you spoke without permission, it will cost you." He grins, kisses me frantically and pulls back and grabs the collar so I trail after him.
"Go shower in my bathroom, my pet," he huskily commands, "Then you can get started on the dinner menu and list of grocery's you will need. By the way, my sweet fuck toy, get ready for a long night in the dungeon."
I knew he had something up his sleeve. He hauled me into his bathroom and stayed as I relieved myself (sitting on the toilet,ugh) and showered.
Master took a big fluffy white towel off a stack and dried me from head to toe and back again. Master grasped the collar once more so he could pull me into a tender sweet kiss. Master took me to the cage, I settled down and began on a dinner menu for the rest of the week.
Ugh. Master never mentioned how many days are left in this week. Well, I think I'll write out seven different dinners and he can choose from them and how many are needed. So odd not knowing the date or even the day of the week. I don't mind it to much. But I assume I won't be celebrating any more birthdays. But the way my life is going I suppose it really doesn't matter much.
I hate being alone now. It never really bothered me before I was kidnapped due to the fact I despised almost everyone I knew or they hated me. However, knowing I don't have a choice in the matter makes my brain wander to rather dark images and thoughts. I honestly feel as if I should completely surrender myself. Maybe Master has a pill to erase all thoughts that scatter throughout my head. Or knows a good doctor and i could get a hunk of brain hacked off it. Maybe see that my limbs stay numb and I won't have to worry about walking or talking. I just will be a human looking toy for his deepest, sickest desires.
I let out a loud sigh. Master made my day this morning and he made me and my spirits soar. This crash after euphoria keeps falling deeper each time it seizes me. I feel paralyzed right now. Even though I am the one who suggested cooking, I have no determination to think of dinners. Master will be disappointed in me. I know I am. I feel like a fool, being sold to the highest bidder as their own pleasure slave. Not really. I think Master was the only one who wanted me. At times like earlier today I felt his want, need, his love for me. But other times, I am an object to be tossed around and played with by anyone in the room. Maybe I am going crazy.
I can't seem to process anything. I wonder if I can use a razor or maybe drown in the shower. Then all of this turmoil twisting like the wickedest tornado will ebb and I can finally be at peace.
Chapter Eighteen
A couple of weeks have past since this pet started cooking meals. This pet does breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks the Master requires. This toy likes knowing how many weeks pass by. Though this pet only knows from when it started Master's meals. Master enjoys his meals very much, which makes this toy quite happy. Keeping Master happy helps keep the pain away. It proved unsuccessful. Master does not last long in happiness mode.
After the first week of serving dinners he requested his toy to start the breakfast and lunch menus. Feebly the food that was put on the menu for a breakfast was something Master utterly despised. After that got squared away, this boy made breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the next two days and stored them in the refrigerator.
That evening Master took his fuck toy out of its cage and brought it to the dungeon. Master's doll has not been so scared since the first weeks here.
"Pet," he began, "do you know why we are here tonight?"
"Yes, Master." was the reply in a whisper. "This pet did not give you a good menu for the week."
"True, my pet. However, there is one other thing you have lapsed in doing properly. Do you know what that is, pet?" Master asked in a hoarse, lusty voice.
Master's toy thought and thought but could not figure out the infraction. Looking down even further, Master's toy replied, "No, Master," with a slight quiver in the voice.
Master takes his pet's chin and tips the head up to look into the eyes. "My pet, I've mentioned this many times and still you seem to forget. But tonight, yes after tonight forgetting should be impossible. I know the thoughts that go through your head. My pet still does not realize that it is no longer a person, but a doll, a toy. Something for my enjoyment, not for itself, unless I decide to give it pleasure. I've been quite generous these past couple weeks, letting it slide, but it has been too much now. So, my fuck hole, tonight will be the night that is remembered. If it does not get ingrained into the brain in the next few weeks then I have surgery I can perform to alter... Things." Master spoke with such a calm, ominous voice, this boy shivered in utter despair.
Master took this boy to a small cage, a really small cage. He told this pet to crawl into it and squat down and put this pet's arms across the cage. Master proceeded to handcuff his pet to the cage. This slave would not be able to stand or lay down, due to the height and width of the cage. Also squatting would cause a lot of stress to the system. "Pet, think about why I put my slave in this cell. No sleeping, no eating. If, dear pet, must use the toilet, I suggest holding it."
With that Master turned out the lights and went to the main house. So cold and dark down here. At first Master's sex toy could not think of anything but being scared of the depth of darkness encasing it. After a while the mind began seeing things that could not be there. This pet closed its' eyes and dug deep within itself to believe it was not a person anymore. Legs started to stiffen and pain shot through this toys strained calves, legs and arms. Not sure how long this pet endured this position until Master came down and moved his toy like the doll he says his toy is. The arms got crossed over the chest and cuffed uncomfortable tight on either side of the cage, however, instead of being completely in a squatted position Master raised his toy so the balls of the feet could only touch the ground. The arms where they were cuffed held this doll in position. Master left again. Without a word. Scared. Hopeless. Think. Think. Think. Not person. Object. Master's object. Only his to play with when he wants. Tears escaped, large droplets slithered down the eyes. His pet knows. Knows it is no longer a person. So hungry. But so very very thirsty. Cramps came. Joints aching, pounding throughout. "Please Master get this pet please. Please. This pet knows it knows it is nothing." Screaming, thinking Mater could possibly hear the words. Calming down was not easy. Shaking and trembling getting ready to pass out felt right, right about now. A noise. A true noise heard. The slight squeak of the door opening, boots thumping towards the cage.
"My sweet pet." He uttered. "Good job." Master petted his slave. Master opened the cage and freed the shaking, convulsing body and held it in his arms to calm his glorious toy down.
Master then applied a leash and put this object down on its hands and knees. Pulled it into the kitchen and let it feed and drink from bowls on the ground. Master's pet ate quietly as Master calmed it gently caressing the hair on its head.
The next week of this pet's punishment proved unbearable. After Master fed his 'dog' he got it ready to remain in its dog form. Master handcuffed his pet's wrists to the top of its forearms. And Master placed puppy mitts on the elbows so it is like a pup's front paws. Master then shoved the paws to the feet so his pet would look like a dog. Master added a dog mask/ muzzle and a plug that looks like a tail to his pet's ass. Master kept his pet like this for a week. No talking. Beg for food and water. Always down on all four 'legs'. Could bark and keen a bit. Pissed and shit outside in the yard. Also Master added weights to his pup's balls to make them hang low like a real dog.
Master's dog got the hint by the end of the week that all it was was a bitch. Master would fuck its hole on a regular basis. Pure animal sex. No love or lust in it at all. Also His pet's dick had the chastity device on so no cumming at all. This device was different from the others. As this one had tiny spikes that would poke into the dick if it became hard.
Unfortunately Master found it amusing to shock his dog's hanging, straining balls. He watched enthusiastically as the dick engorged. Regrettably this pet could not get a release. Also the spikes dug in so much tears would well up and His pup would howl in harrowing pain. The week could not end soon enough. But thinking it may get worse than this Master's dog tried to be as good as could be.
Those days passed slowly. Master tied his boy in the dungeon at night to sleep on the cold floor of a small cage that barely held the tortured body. Tears streamed every night down the face hoping nice Master would return to this 'filthy animal' once again.
In the end, that week as a dog, broke this boy. No more lip would be given. His slave always came or tried to cum (depending if the chastity device was on) when prodded with the electrode. Docile. Always giving and never taking. Finally the last day of 'puppy' training ended. The cuffs, mitts, mask and tail were removed. Needless to say the cramps were unbearable for the first few days. Master allowed his toy a few minutes soak in a warm bath to get the limbs working again. This boy got to sleep in the upstairs cage in Master's room again. Warmth never felt so good. About a week after training took place Master brought His slave to the dining room and hand fed it again. So gentle was Master that morning. Whispering how proud he felt that his dog passed and could see the human side receding. A compliant toy for pleasure. After breakfast Master took his toy right on the dining room table.
Reaching down grabbing hold of His slave's neck Master pulled up on the neck and pushed on the back so it was bent at a good angle for fucking. Master jammed two saliva soaked fingers in the hole and thrusted in and out a couple times. Without a warning his huge pole pierced into the almost dried up hole. This boy was not allowed to move or speak. No groans or grunts. No screams. Punishment would be worse. Master pummeled his slave over and over that morning. When Master was finally through Master grabbed his toy's neck again and pulled up to release the position this boy was expected to stay in for over thirty minutes. Master took his pet upstairs and removed the chastity belt. Master just walked around his plaything a few times looking and smiling, caressing and fondling the skin. On Master's third go around He touched His pet's shoulder and whispered cum. Of course his pet did with a fury so powerful knees almost collapsed under the weight. Master held his boy up and petted the hair whispering words of love and lust then dragged his boy to the cage and locked it, until Master was ready for it again.

Chapter Nineteen

Days go by in peace. Well as peaceful as a Master can get to his slave. The cruelty has been to a minimum and Master allows this slave to cum every morning with a flick of a switch, so to speak. This pet does not mind cumming via electrocution any more. It is a nice release now. Master mentioned that today will be the third month mark and He is planning a 'special treat', as He likes to call it. This toy is a little reluctant due to the fact that A. Master is planning it, B. It will be something new that this boy has not done and C. Sometimes Master gets extremely intense and forgets that his pet does need to breathe and has bones that can broken. If the bones get broken, thinking for a mere moment, shivered, Master may not want this toy anymore and throw it out. No idea how this thing, this pleasure doll could survive on the outside again. Thoughts are only to please and get a reward once in a while and punishment is always looming, waiting to receive his Master's wrath if He so desires.
Master started a new routine a couple weeks ago. Master realized that his boy was too skinny and pale. So Master comes to get his toy about an hour before breakfast and throws a pair of tiny skintight shorts over to his slave. Master then grabs a leash and clicks it onto the collar and He takes this pet outside to jog. He requires his toy to jog behind him, keep the pace one footstep behind and know exactly when to turn. The first day everything went smoothly, however on day two, Master's pet's legs were a bit sore and missed a rough turn Master took. Hence a whipping followed the run. Shadows of scares are still visible on his toy's back and ass and thighs.
Today began the same, with a run, fifteen minute warm down, fifteen minute rest, then breakfast. Master seemed so happy. He ordered bagels and cream cheese with exotic fruits this pet has never heard about. Juice and coffee was served. This plaything has not had coffee in so so very long and Master surprised this pet with a steaming cup just how this boy drank it, before...
Nothing. Nothing was before. It just is. Now. Will never change. This boy, a slave to his Master and to his body. This boy does not do anything unless instructed to do so. Master says eat. This boy eats. Shit. This boy shits. Don't cum. This toy shuts his body down so a hard on is not even possible anymore. If this boy even gets a little hard nowadays, Master keeps this toy stimulated and erect for days and days on end. On the final day of such a punishment Master gets the erection to calm down and sticks a chastity device on. This slave has lasted through weeks without a release. Now this pet knows it can last as long as Master says. Cumming is never an option. Only times it happens is with electricity or when Master simply touches the shoulder and says cum.
Waking from this boys memories finds his Master staring at him. With a slight quirk to His lips Master hand feeds his pet the remaining pieces of juicy tropical fruit, greedily licking Master's sticky fingers afterwards. Master moans his pleasure and starts to fuck his pet's mouth with four fingers. Hammering in and out of his doll's mouth, getting them slicked with a thick coat of saliva. His insatiable little slut takes the pounding sucking the fingers as far down the throat as allowed and gripping them as if it were his Master's thick delicious cock.
Once Master gets the desired results on His hand He grabs this whore by the collar and pulls us into the dungeon. Master proceeds to thrust his toy onto a bench and and clasps the cuffs so this cock whore cannot move an inch. Without any prep Master lobs all four fingers up the hole of his toy's boy cunt. Master jackhammers his boy's ass until it is wide and gaping for him. When Master sees his handiwork, he removes His fingers and spears His raging hard cock into his fuck toy. Master makes sure his pet knows who owns it. Master plunges and pummels his slut's boy cunt for so long this pet passes out for a few seconds. If anyone came into the room right now, they would not believe that this boy is gay and loving that his Master is tearing his ass apart from the inside out. This boy's dick is not sheathed with a chastity device and it is also just flaccid, hanging limply from where it is attached to this boy's body.
Once Master climaxed He unshackled his slave and pushed this boy over to a weird looking bed. Recalling this thing when first arriving to this new home, this bruised and fucked boy quakes at the site of it. Apparently this toy will be placed in a latex envelope spanned by a frame and a suction pump that removes most of the air in the envelope. The frame is a simple rectangle of pierced pvc pipes, joined by pvc joints.
Master's hands start massaging his boy's shoulders and proceeds to tenderly place kisses softly, wetly down this boys quaking body. Once Master traces back up to the ear He lightly blows a burst of warm air over it and breathily describes what He has up His sleeve. "Pet," he coos, eyes gleaming, "This is a vacuum bed. You will be completely and utterly in my control. My toy, you will be unable to move significantly and you will be unable to speak or see. The sensation of the vacuum bed itself, as well as any other play will be quite pleasurable. You can't move at all. The only way to breathe will be from a breathing tube inserted into your mouth. There are certain places unsheathed that I will touch you whenever I please. And of course you cannot cum, my pet."
Oh my God, this pet thinks. But quickly manages to get a hold of the emotions, just waits to let Master do what He pleases.
Master takes this slave over and gets the bed ready for its captive. The silicon the bed is made from is very supple and almost feels likes a light caress. Master gets this pet in and makes sure everything is correctly positioned. The breathing tube is inserted and this pet's balls and dick are pulled out through a hole which has a ring around it so the rest of the area will be suctioned off. And this slut's dick stays erect.
Everything is silent for a moment, although this pet can still hear his Master's feet shuffling around the room. In a flash nothing is heard but the machine that is taking the air out of the bed. The silicon starts to squeeze at this boy, kind of like a gentle hug that becomes firmer every second. Eyes cannot see. Voices cannot be heard. Smells are all eradicated. The sensation is an odd one. Trying to move arms is impossible. Even wiggling a finger does not work. Alone. Isolated. Breathing through a tiny tube. Master could be bored with this toy and just remove the tube and let the air leave the lungs and die. Nobody knowing any difference if this pet is alive or dead. Or caring.
For a while nothing happens. Just a great suction of this pet's body. Then it happens. Feeling Master's hand on this slave's dick sends this body soaring. Just tugging and pulling making the feeling so intense, something this boy has never felt before. Utter pleasure rides through this dick down to the balls and fills this boy's arms, legs and head. Master continues to caress. Just to arouse not to over stimulate. Master takes His other hand and cups this pet's balls and massages them gently. All this pet sees is red. Perhaps the blood filling every appendage causes this.
Then the thick dark mahogany red blurred through this boy's vision, suddenly turning to a gaping black hole of nothingness. And finally this pet fell into a peaceful bliss never thinking possible. Just soaring into another world. Freedom is in this world. Anything is feasible. In this slave's physical form nothing is felt, even when Master removes the breathing tube, this boy still soared. Feeling lungs working harder and nose and mouth trying to work for air did not matter. Flying. Knowing Master will take care of anything that comes to harm this pet.
Waking up, this boy felt a bit dazed and confused. Laying on Master's bed with Master encasing this boy's entire being a feeling of safety and love and protectiveness past through the wall of this doll's heart and soul.
Master tightens his grip a bit, yawns and remarks, "Pet. My cherished plaything, you are awake. After I removed the tube and got you out of the bed you never came to and I admit was frightened because I thought I lost you. What happened? Do you recall anything specific?"
Turning around to face Master this pet replied, "Yes, Master. This boy, YOUR boy flew. Floated to another place where freedom was felt. Freedom you gave me, Master. This humble rag doll thanks you so much. Now knowing how to obtain the freedom, soaring, floating, this reverential pet will be yours for as long as you want."
Master smiled and squeezed His boy. "I knew you were the one I was waiting to find. I will never let anything happen to you. You are mine and I cherish what is mine. I protect what is mine. Do you understand now?" Master looked over to see this pet's face beaming at Him, nodding, "Yes, Master, your boy knows."

Chapter Twenty
Master let's this boy get away with nothing. Any little indiscretion, Master will punish. Be it a slight moan Master wishes not to hear or a gasp from the intrusion of Master's thick dick entering without preparation. Master always shows how innovative He can be with punishment. It seems major punishments are never alike. Minor ones are just the ordinary whip, cane or palm thrashing. This pet of Master's is very used to punishment, trying to be good all the time is quite hard especially now that this toy likes most of the punishments. Just being in sub-space makes this boy feel free, happy and loved. If the cane and whip were wiped off the face of the earth, however, a smile would be permanently plastered on these lips for all eternity.
This boy is laying prone on a plain piece of wood that is hung by chains from the ceiling. Arms are pulled back and chained to one wall and legs to the opposite as if this pet was stretching. Master caught this boy without preparing with stretches before a run around the property. For some reason, this boy felt restless and needed something to cling on to. And running would not have been the ideal activity. So, this toy just jetted out the door at a full sprint as Master started yelling after to stop. Master stretched for a few minutes and then started hauling butt to get to His disobedient slave. As He got closer this boy could hear Him yelling that stretching must always be performed before a run so no injuries will impair His little imp. Yes Master started using imp after a couple of weeks of very destructive behavior on this boy's part. It sort of was a game to see how far Master would go with punishments. Needless to say, Master could and would always push the boundaries.
Master kept his toy stretched out all day and all night. Master never came to check and make sure all was well or to feed or water his pet, that this boy can recall anyways. Even though this boy was laying on a board muscles started to seize and tremors were flowing through limbs. It was horrible. Trying to clear this boy's mind did not work in the beginning. Escape, calm, free. That is what was needed. After numerous hours of agonizing stretch to this boy's body, the head cleared and limbs and torso were free from the pull and the weight of the world. It all just shifted away. The rest of the time laying on the plank dissolved into absolute nothingness. This boy was weightless and did not have a care in the world.
When this boy finally got back to the real world, restraints were gone and this plaything was curled on his Master's lap while Master held and petted. Master cooed how well His toy did taking the punishment. And made sure to say how if stretching was not needed the next time that He would put his toy on a proper stretcher and stretch until His boy had an added inch to his body.
After Master fed and bathed his toy He put this boy to bed. Falling asleep rapidly was easy. Unfortunately it felt like morning came sooner than was warranted. Master pulled all the blankets off His toy and grabbed at the erect dick and pulled. Master led this willing slut by the cock to the playroom. Once there He released the muscle and pushed so that His toy fell on hands and knees over the padded piece of furniture that held a person in a position that made sure the ass was sticking up just at the most perfect angle for penetration.
Wrists and ankles were quickly secured so moving even a hair would be out of the question. Nothing would be able to make this slut cum since Master removed the piece of the furniture that someone could get friction from in order to spill their seed. And Master, of course, did not need to say the 'do not cum' demand since he knew His toy knew what the punishment for cumming entailed. Three nicks to the dick with a very sharp razor. That thought alone kept the muscle from even getting hard.
Without notice a dick with substantial girth and length entered the hole causing a bit of shock. Fortunately Master was nice because his piece was heavily lubed and slid right in. Master fucked this whore until the hole was sore, swollen and gaping. After His release Master did not unbind the wrists and ankles. Instead He went and got a washcloth to clean His toy up. Which was unusual since Master liked to see it dry and flake on this boy's body.
Next Master took a longer than usual leather belt and wrapped it around the lower back securing this slut more so. Master came close and whispered in this boy's ear, "Now that you have learned and accepted me as your will and Master you will be Mine forever and I am going to mark that luscious ass for all eternity, my little imp."
This boy's mind did not feel any fear, for whatever Master wanted was and will always be this boy's want. Soon feelings of deep scratching and dripping tingled on this boy's ass. Then Master wiped the spot. At first screaming came to mind. But then free falling into oblivion took over and the scorching pain was barely a blip in this boy's mind.
Returning from the second world Master had His hand on the small of his toy's back, comforting and waiting for conscientiousness to return.
"My lovely boy, you are now marked and will be forever Mine." Master undid the belt and cuffs and helped to get his boy up. Holding on tightly to Master's shoulders Master took us to a large mirror and set his toy's feet on the floor with the ass facing the mirror. Master went and got a hand mirror and held it in a position so He could show off His work. Looking at the ass, it was still red and splotchy but one could clearly see Master's creation.
Looking at the phrase which was marked on this boy's ass, most likely from a sharp razor, absolute ownership from Master appeared. And without any doubt this toy will always and forever be, "Property of Black".
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Let me know your thoughts and comments. Thank so much!