I Found My Place in the World


“I hate men!” I say angry at once again a boyfriend leaves my life.

“They do suck.” You agree.

Were in your room and were listing to our new band of the moment Tokio Hotel, which I skilfully said one lovely D.T lesson, that bands are like boxing you have light weight-bands that okay- middle weight- bands you like a lot- and then heavy weight- obviously Tokio Hotel for me, your still not too sure.

We’re bored and start talking about where we wanna live.

“Germany.” You say.

We both agree because the place rocks! You wanna go for the bands and I wanna go for family reasons, history is one of my G.C.S.E’s after all.

“America, New Jersey to be precise.” I add in.

We both laugh. Were not stupid just hyper active mini-teenies. Teenies as we completely obsess over MCR., but not as we don’t respect them and there music.

“Okay we should have kids.” I decide.

Random I know but you normally just go along with the random concoctions that I come up for us. 


We randomly come up with names.

I like Tom.

Obviously no relation to Tom Kaulitz. 

We decide that as you have a normal last name that he can have your name.

Also I love the name Georg. Pronounced Gay-org. Social suicide for a kid or what?

But as I have the Dutch last name then it’s all good.

Our houses are incredible.

Room under stairs!

Met Studio!

Recording studio!

Awesome bedroom, with coolest double bed!

That’s the bit I like the most, the double bed.

To be close to, you to have skin contact with you. In my dreams that happens. Isn’t it weird? Does it make you draw back in disgust or discomfort?

I bet it does and I don’t blame you. I would be the same.
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Okay I Know It's Short And Crap But I Have To Say It.

And This Is The Only Way I Can

sailor emo