I Found My Place in the World


“When’s the next vampire meeting?” I ask over un-picking (again) my bloody dress.

“Dunno, need to get the memo.” You say trying to pin the ‘A’ to your, as you found out, wrong way round pillow.

If anyone was ever mental enough to listen to our conversations especially in D.T they would think were mental, even more so then they do already.

D.T is always like this, making up things that randomly come up in our heads.

We get in trouble a lot in D.T because we are always talking about things we shouldn’t.

Like the time when we were talking about Marlin Manson apparently getting his lower ribs removed so that he could suck himself off on stage.

But in true us fashion you manage to say that a bit too loud and of course miss is just standing by our table.

You got sent out for inappropriate blah blah blah.

I was slightly worried about you though because it was back before the drinking and skipping class and I guess I was kinda molly-coddling you a bit, okay a lot, but to me you’re a preresus jewel that is to be kept guarded at all time. I held my tongue, I had to. I didn’t want to fight.

Learning revision in D.T is great!

We got kicked out and we just sat there making shit up  totally loves it!

Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk Silk

Silk worms up inside ya

Finding an entrance where they can.

Silk worms up inside ya

Finding an entrance where they can.

Boring through your mind through your tummy through your anus

Silk Silk Silk

Okay so that wasn’t actually one of the revision songs but if a question comes up about silk that will be going around my head.

Also how are the Misfits?

That’s something we’ve had for a very very long time.

They steal you’re food, cloths and play awesome music. They live in your closet and are so cool. I met them when I stayed at yours one time. They were very nice to be fair. Which is what changed my mind about the whole Smashing Pumpkins/ Mistfits argument that I feel like we’ve been having since the beginning of time.