The Bright Spot


“Oliver, I’m pretty sure this isn’t a coffee shop.” It obviously wasn’t one and he knew damn well too. Especially since the loitering group of drunks spilled the buildings secrets that it contained alcohol.
“Oopsies. Well… no turning around now. Let’s go,” he cheekily grinned before guiding my inside with his hand protectively on the small of my back.
This simple gesture surprised me a tidbit. I haven’t known Oliver for that long but he never showed any interest in me besides friendship. Which is fine with me because I highly doubt I am Oliver’s type, let alone good enough for him. I am nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing is eye catching and I'm not what society would call ‘pretty.’
My thoughts were soon interrupted by him guiding me to a table towards the back of small dim-lit bar.
“So, what’s on your mind there, Taylor?” His faced showed he was genuinely concerned. No one is ever concerned about the ‘weird goth tag along.’
“Me? Oh… nothing in particular.”
“Well that’s a load of bullshit isn’t it, love? I'm going to get us some drinks. Why don’t you think of a more acceptable answer while I'm gone,” Oliver replied shooting me a grin which caused me to sigh in annoyance. Why does it matter what I'm feeling? That’s a conversational-box I would rather leave in the attic than drag downstairs. If you feel my drift.
“So did you think of an answer?” He set before me a shot glass containing god knows what. Hell, there could be ruffies.
“Why do you care so much? How do you know that there might be a chance that nothing is wrong?”
“When you invited me into your flat there were tear stains on the couch, your eyes were red, and your voice was scratchy. I may not know you well, and I hope that changes, but it was obvious you weren’t okay.”
I deeply sighed again. Damn this boy is persistent. “Fine. You win. I was upset and I was upset. My roommate and only ‘friend’ moved away to Florida earlier today without even giving me a week’s notice. I was upset because I felt utterly and completely lost with the only person I knew leaving me. I also hate being alone at night… I get scared…” Oliver probably thought I was so pathetic and stupid. It was true after all, I do hate being alone at night and get scared if I am. Oliver was only the second person to know that. First being Aspen.
I stared down at my hands trying to hide a rosy blush that painted their way onto my cheeks. I could feel his eyes burning into me which just reddened my cheeks even more.
After a few moments of silence Oliver’s voice timidly managed to make their way out of his mouth in low shaky voice as if he was scared to speak, “You could stay at my place if you would like.”
I must’ve looked at him with a dumb expression on my face because he looked as if he regretted ever speaking.
“Or you know, if that’s weird, you don’t have to…I mean..” It was obvious he was uncomfortable as he rubbed the back of his hand and looked all over the bar avoiding eye contact with me. Finally he downed his shot and stared down at his hands.
“I thank you for the offer but I wouldn’t want to be in the way,” I choked out because my heart was still leaping out of my chest that he even offered.
“No you wouldn’t be in the way at all!” Oliver quickly replied with hope in his eyes.
“Well it would be a million times better than staying at the apartment.”
His eyes nearly bursted from their sockets and his mouth turned into a huge grin.


The light shining through the windows just added even more pain to my throbbing head as I slowly opened my eyes. After trying to keep them open for a minute I decided it was useless and I turned my back on the blinding light. When I moved, I heard a groan followed by the feet moving out from under me.
The noise came from Oliver on the opposite side of the couch burying his face into the cushions and stretching his legs. I stared at him from my side of the couch. His colorful tattoos dancing from the top of his neck down passed his boxers and stopped who knows where. It was clear he had goose bumps on his skin as they were evident in the light we were in. I felt bad as I had the soft blanket pulled up to my chin so I tossed the blanket onto his back.
We must’ve been hammered because the title menu for Disney’s Robin Hood was on the telly and an empty bottle of Smirnoff ice on the coffee table. That would explain why both of us were on the couch.
I might as well be useful and cook something as a thanks for letting me stay at his flat. His kitchen was empty of anything remotely edible unless you want spam out of can, so I gave up on that idea.
Instead I thought it might be more useful to find out where my clothes were because I was left in my bra and thong. Of course my luck I couldn’t find them. I sighed and turned around to see Oliver who looked like a deer in the headlights.
My cheeks reddened as his mouth took on an “o” shape as he looked me up and down.
“I couldn’t find my clothes,” I stated. He looked back at my face and blushed when he found out I saw him checking me out.
“I uh… think they’re in the guest room.”
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please tell me if this is worth finishing x