Status: Currently Updating

I Heard That Evil Comes Disguised, Like the City of Angels

God Hates Us All

I could feel it, the shiver of fear, of the frosty air nipping at me, the shiver of death raiply apporching. Was it my death coming? No, I was very much alive. My mind must have been playing games with me. Sitting up, I was in my room, the deep purple walls covered with Avenged Sevenfold posters, the faces of my best friend's looking down at me, watching over me. A shudder went through me as I tried to erase the feeling of death from my mind. A sound came instantly from my left, my phone. Scrambling to grab it, I moved my hair out of my face.

"Alaina, he's dead, he's fucking dead" a voice screamed at me, then a sob escaped. My blood ran cold, my heart freezing. Who was dead? Who the fuck was taken from me now? I prayed that it wasn't my brother, I shot out of bed, the phone cradled to my ear, listening to the person on the other end sob, repeating that they were dead. Rushing to my brother's room, I whipped the door open. My brother was sound asleep, snoring lightly, but very much alive. If it wasn't Brian then who the fuck was it?

"Who is dead?" I asked, my voice soft, staring at my brother's sleeping figure, the voice on the other end let out another sob before answering me.

A scream was locked in my throat, as I sat up quickly. Sweat drenched my body, making my tee shirt stick to me. My hair was plastered to my face, my eyes wide as they tried to find some sort of light in the dark. Taking a deep breath I tried to keep my heart rate down. My hands franctially searching the darkness for some sort of comfort. A hand reached for mine, our finger's lacing together, slightly squeezing them. The familar smell of stale beer filled my nose, I let out a relived breathe. Jimmy, it was Jimmy. He wasn't dead. I felt him let go of my hand, making me start to freak again, thinking I was still dreaming. The footsteps grew fainter, then light flooded my eyes as he turned the bedroom light on. There he was standing in just a pair of red basketball short, his tattoos gleaming off his pale skin. Looking up, I saw his ice blue eyes. Scrambling out of bed, I rushed into his arms, I must of took him by surprise, but he then squeezed me. Buring his head into my shoulder, he let out a breathe.

"Jesus Christ Alaina, you scared the fuck out of me, you were wimpering alot"

How could I tell this gorgeous man, holding me like he had literally just lost me, that I had dreamed he had died? Tears threatened to fall as the dream came back, full force into my mind. The thought of loosing Jimmy was enough to fucking destroy me.

"Jimmy, are you okay?" Stepping back, I let my hand's roam, looking for something, anything to show he was sick. He just stared at me, his hair was a mess. I couldn't stop checking to make sure he was okay, my eyes burned, he finally grabbed my hand after about a minute of me checking his body.

"I'm okay, are you okay?" I nodded, pulling his lanky body to mine again. My body, suddenly relaxing, Jimmy Sullivan was a drug I couldn't get enough off. When we pulled away, he smiled down at me.

"Flash backs, getting to you again?" He knew, he always knew. Brian never kept a thing from his best friend. I nodded, not wanting to tell him that it was a nightmare that woke me up this time, sitting on the edge of the bed, Echo hopping into my lap, she started to lick my face. My baby knew when I was upset, I buried my face in her soft coat. A shudder went through me, as the voice screamed at me through the telephone played over and over in my head.

"He's dead, dead"

"Jimmy, it's been six fucking months. I thought this shit was over" my voice sounded tiny, fragile. He sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"It's okay Allie, really your going to have bad days and good days"
"I hope it's more good then bad" That's when I noticed, the bus was quiet, where in the fuck was my family?
"Where is my brother's?"
Jimmy got up, putting his hand out for me to take, I moved Echo off my lap.
"At sound check, I left early, cause you know my drumming is always on fucking point"
I laughed, taking his hand, we walked into the living room, our finger's interwined. This man was my safety line, my life line, but this man was also my undoing.
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