
Hangover III

Pushing the door to my apartment open, I was immediately met by a blast of hot air. And if it wasn't hot enough outside, I was definitely not looking forward to being in my apartment when it was hot.

"Jesus, it's so hot in here!" I exclaimed, opening the freezer and sticking my head in.

I heard my roommate Caity's footsteps as she entered the kitchen. "Yeah, it was like this when I got back. I turned on the air conditioner, though."

I sighed. "It is not doing a very good job." I removed my head from the freezer and leaned up against the counter.

Caity collapsed into a chair, bringing her light brown hair to the right side of her neck. "We need to get out of this house tonight."

"And do what?" I asked. "It's like five hundred degrees out."

Caity gave me a look. "Elena, that's why we do something indoor. I'd suggest going swimming but I hate people so I don't wanna go down to the pool just yet."

I shrugged, "I heard the pool was freezing, anyway."

She stood up and cranked up the air conditioner. "I don't know, maybe we should see a movie. I like movies. Especially since The Hangover 3 came out. And Now You See Me. I just want to see Dave Franco."

I stared at her, pondering my options. "Whatever. Go check the movie times."

Caity pumped her fist in the air, and ran off to her bedroom. "We're seeing The Hangover 3 just so you know!" she called out to me as she ran off.

I shook my head, wondering how I got a friend like her.

Caity and I had known each other since middle school, but we became friends at the tail end of our freshman year of high school. She had introduced to me to bands and had spent a few days at her house watching a hockey game because we were pretty bored and it was the only sport on TV at the time.
But other than that, Caity and I are basically opposites. Not in looks, but in personality. Caity and I both share the same light brown hair, but her's is wavy, while mine is mostly straight. She's taller than me by a few inches, and won't ever let me live it down.

"Can we go see the movie at 7:30?" she screamed from her room.

I looked down at my phone, where I saw that it was 5. If the movie's at 7:30, we'd have to leave at like 6:30. An hour and a half. "Sure!" I shouted back.

I heard the slamming of her laptop, and a few seconds later she was right back in the kitchen. "So, we'll leave at 6:30?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Finally!" Caity cried, and collapsed onto the couch.

***Michael's P.O.V.***

"Don't forget your tickets!" Ryan called as Carl and I walked down the stairs.

"How the hell did we get stuck getting the snacks for everyone?" Carl grumbled.

I shrugged, "I think we made Miller and Kreids do it last time because they're the youngest."

Carl groaned, "Age should have nothing to do with who gets snacks for the group. Someone should at least volunteer. I'm not even hungry!"

"You won't be saying that by the time we get up there. It's 7:15. By the time we get to the front of the line, I'm betting you it'll probably be 7:30," I retorted.

We continued walking down the long hallway, and eventually made it to the front of the movie theater, where the bathroom, snack stand, and other theaters were.

"Jesus, these lines are so long," I muttered under my breath.

"Maybe by the time we get up there it'll be like 7:45," Hags said, getting on a line that seemed shorter than all the rest, but not by much.

By the time we actually got to order, it wasn't 7:30. It was 7:24, surprisingly. Carl ordered everything, deciding he'd end up splitting popcorn with someone, but ordering himself a large Coke.

"I'm telling you, if you have to go to the bathroom halfway through this movie because of that Coke, I'm not coming with you," I told him as the man walked away to get our stuff.

"This is already taking forever," Carl muttered. "I hate this."

I rolled my eyes. "I do, too."