
New Obsession

The rest of the day dragged by slowly, the only stressful time was during lunch, when everyone came in on break for food and a lot of coffee. Caity and I got let off at 4:30, along with one our co-workers, Lauren. Since it was nice out, not too hot, and not as crowded as we expected, Caity and I decided to walk home instead of taking the subway. The sun was still out, considering it was now mid-April.

“Ok, what can we do when we get home?” Caity asked out of the blue, when we were about a block and a half from our apartment.

I shrugged. “I was just gonna watch TV.”

Caity nodded. “I’ll probably end up doing that, too. But if Carl texts me, don’t be surprised if I scream.”

I rolled my eyes, but laughed. “I’ll probably end up doing the same if Michael texts me.”

As if on cue, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out quickly. An unknown number flashed across the screen, signaling a message.

“You got a text? From who? Michael?” Caity asked, leaning over my shoulder.

“I don’t know the number,” I said.

I unlocked my phone, waiting for the message to pop up.

-Hey, it’s Michael.-

My eyes grew. I honestly didn’t even think he’d text me.

“Who texted you?” Caity whined from in front of me. I hadn’t even realized I had stopped walking.

I smiled. “Michael.”

Caity’s eyes widened. “Oh my god, really? What did he say? Do you think that means Carl’s gonna text me? No wait, never mind me, what did he say?”

I laughed at my roommate’s enthusiasm. “He just said hey, letting me know that it was him that texted me.”

Caity’s grin fell a little. “Oh. Answer him, though!”

“I was planning on it, calm down there, killer,” I snorted, typing out my response.

Hey! I didn’t even think you’d use my number..

I slid my phone back into my pocket and continued walking. We were just outside the building when he responded.

-Obviously I would, you seem nice.-

I smiled at the sentence, trying to think of something to say. By the time we got to the stairs, Caity was jumping with joy.

“Ok, what’s going on?” I asked her as the we began walking up the stairs.

She looked over at me, her eyes glowing and a wide smile spreading across her face. “Carl texted me!”

I smiled. “What’d he say?”

She shrugged, thrusting her phone in my face. He had texted her basically saying the same thing Michael texted me saying, but he used his name, obviously.

When we finally got to our floor, we began the long trek down the hallway, which in reality, wasn’t even a long walk. We were just lazy to begin with. I pulled my keys out of my purse and opened the door as Caity texted Carl.

“Did Michael ever text you back?” she asked, sitting down on the couch.

I shook my head, sitting down in the corner. I unlocked my phone, which had left my unsent message to him open. “Yeah, I never answered him.”

Caity laughed, grabbing the remote from next to me. “You might wanna answer him.”

I glared at her, biting my lower lip. “I’m working on it.”

The TV glowed to life, a hockey game going on between the Washington Capitals and Winnipeg Jets. The Jets were winning 2 to 1, and there was ten minutes in the second period.

“From what I’ve heard about the Capitals, it’s a good thing the Jets are winning,” Caity said.

I laughed. “Why’s that?”

She shrugged, looking down at her phone, smiling instantly. “Well, my brother said that the Capital’s captain, Alex Ovechkin, is irritating and annoying and even though he’s a good player, he's an asshole.”

I nodded, “I gotcha.”

My phone buzzed next to me, with another text from Michael. I unlocked it and looked down at the message.

-So what’re you doing?-

My phone buzzed next to me, with another text from Michael. I unlocked it and looked down at the message.

-So what’re you doing?-

I typed back quickly, my thumbs flying across the keyboard, telling him that I was watching a hockey game.
I stared at the TV, watching as Ovechkin brought the puck into Winnipeg’s defensive zone. Two of his teammates were skating with him, and there were two Winnipeg players back. Instead of passing, which seemed to me like the logical thing to do, he tried to go in between the two defenders, but failed miserably. One of the defenseman got the puck and started up towards Washington’s offensive zone. My phone buzzed again, and I watched the TV for about ten seconds before unlocking my phone.

-Oh really? Lemme guess, Washington and Winnipeg?-

I smiled and shook my head.

-Yeah. How’d you know?-

I looked over at Caity, who’s eyes were glued to the TV. Her phone lit up, but her eyes stay focused on the game.

Well. It looks like hockey’s a priority in our lives now.

Once the second period had ended, Caity glanced down at her phone, finally realizing that Carl had texted her back. I laughed, reading Michael’s text.

-I’m watching it, too. You have a favorite team?-

I thought to myself, wondering if I knew any other teams in the NHL. I know the Capitals, the Jets, I knew the Kings since they won the Stanley Cup, and I know the Devils since they were in the finals.

-Not really. I only know about four teams.-

I stood abruptly, turning to Caity. “I’m going to shower. If Michael texts back, please answer, but don’t make me sound desperate or idiotic. Because I will kill you if you do,” I told her.

Caity nodded, saluting me as if I was a captain. “Aye aye, captain.”

As I walked towards my bedroom to get my stuff, thoughts about Michael flashed through my brain, making me wonder what he was really like.