Status: Slow updating - sorry!

The Pros and Cons of Breathing

Rockabilly Pizza

"Did you guys know Landon was on the football team?" I asked, cutting Kate off before she could comment on my tardiness.

She grinned and shrugged, "Oh duh, Adam's super pissed. He took his place as first string runningback!"

I gaped at her across from Scottie. "So that's why you were late?" Scottie asked, "Watching the football team practice? That's not going to make people think you're over Adam."

"I was not!" I argued. Kate started the ignition and pulled out of the school parking lot. "Landon stumbled on me shouting at some group of girls. I must've looked so crazy to him, ugh."

Scottie raised an eyebrow, "Why should you care? I thought you weren't interested."

I blushed. "Well now you blew it," Kate sounded disappointed, "way to go, Sonny. Now he doesn't like you anymore."

My blushed deepened even more when I remembered the look on his face when he asked me to call him. "What? What are you not telling us??" Scottie turned to face me full on.

"Right after he caught me shouting, he kinda… saidhewantedmetocallhim." I blurted in a rush.

Kate and Scottie were silent, clearly surprised. After a moment Kate giggled, "So… he likes his chicks a little bit unstable."

My supposed best friends burst out laughing as I steamed next to them.

"See you Monday, Madison!" Kate called out of her window as Scottie blew a kiss at me over her shoulder. I waved to them both from my front porch until they backed out of the driveway. Turning, I headed into the house.

After about two hours of homework, I threw my pencil down in frustration. It was a Friday night and here I was, home alone, working on Trigonometry? Maybe the rumors were true; I really was pathetic.

Mentally slapping myself for the thought, I got up from my desk and walked downstairs for a snack. As I munched on Cheetos, I glanced out the window above the kitchen sink. It overlooked the spacious backyard, lined by a small patch of wooded area. I could just see the tree house my dad built for me on the very edge of the trees. It was a place I hadn't been since my dad died.

With a tightening feeling in my chest and a lump in my throat, I turned away and hurried back upstairs. My mom would be home within an hour, but I knew I couldn't last that long. Swallowing my pride, I dug out the crumpled scrap of paper from my desk drawer.

"Hello?" Landon's deep rumble asked came on over the line after only a few rings.

I took a deep breath, "H-hi, Landon. It's Madison…" I trailed off, not sure where I was going with this. Silently I cursed myself for sounding so stupid. Ugh.

"Minty Madison! Wow, I can't believe you called." His voice sounded genuinely pleased.

"Yeah, well, I uh, I just wanted to apologize… again… for, uh, everything, I guess." God, get your shit together, Sonny! I mentally screamed at myself.

He chuckled. "No need. I get it." He didn't elaborate, so I wasn't quite sure if he actually did.

"Oh, uh, okay. Well… I guess that's all I called for, so…."

"Madison?" He graciously interrupted me.


"Are you hungry?"

Despite myself, I smiled. "Starving."

After giving Landon directions to my house, I hung up and rushed to look more presentable. My blonde waves were a little frizzy and my clothes were just… I shuddered and shuffled through my closet.

Finding my favorite peach button-up tank, I paired it with the jeans I was already wearing, and quickly reapplied the eyeliner lining my plain brown eyes. I laced up an old pair of Converse, thinking of the Chucks Landon would undoubtedly be sporting with a grin. I grabbed my purse and wrote a quick note to my mom, in case she came home before I was back. After a few minutes of nervously tapping my fingers on the counter, there was a knock at the front door.

My head shot up. Oh shit. Okay, breathe. I smoothed out my top and opened the door. My heart stopped. Landon stood before me, grinning from ear to ear with his head ducked in a mock-bashful way. His hair was still damp from showering after practice and he was wearing a simple green t-shirt with black jeans and those Converse.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. "We match." He pointed to my shoes. I smiled, losing a little bit of the nerves I had about going out with him.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I shut the door, silently saying goodbye to the portrait of my dad across the hall.

Landon walked me to the passenger side of a silver Camry, opening the door for me. He shut the door and jogged to his side. "Yarnel's Pizza sound good?"

It sounded delicious, but I could hardly think with his proximity in such a confined space. I nodded, and he started the car, pulling out of the driveway.

The bell above the door chimed as we walked in. Landon had a habit of opening doors for me. My arm muscles were going to lose some definition if he kept it up. "Hi, welcome to Yarnel's! Have a seat anywhere, a server will be with you shortly." The host directed us with a smile.

I led Landon to a booth near the front window. It was quieter on this side of the restaurant and I fidgeted nervously as we waited for someone to help us. A question had popped into my head as we entered the restaurant. Was this a date?

Surreptitiously, I peeked at Landon as he studied the laminated menu sticking to the table top in front of him. He looked so young and so damn adorable. In that moment, I really wouldn't have minded if it were a date. In fact, I kind of hoped it was. I shook my head, looking down at my own menu.

"So what are you getting?"

"Is this a date?"

I bit my lip, cheeks flushing. What was wrong with me? Landon stared at me before breaking into that shiver-inducing wolf-grin. Oh my. "Do you want it to be?" He asked huskily, leaning in across the table.

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't reply, I could only just stare at him. He took a sharp breath before leaning back. I blinked, dazed. My hands clenched the menu tightly.

"Tell you what," Landon began after a moment, "we'll see how tonight goes, and then decide when it's over whether or not this is a date. What do you think?"

I nodded weakly. "Hi! My name is Marcy, what can I get for you?" The sound of our waitress almost made me jump out of my skin.

Landon squinted up at the tiny, beaming girl in front of us. She had to have been about sixteen years old, but she looked much more mature in her 50's-esque, rockabilly outfit. I gazed up at her victory curls with envy as Landon made a noise of surprise.

"Hey, Marcy! When did you start working here?" He jumped up to hug her. Marcy smirked, placing a hand on her hip.

"This summer. Mom is so proud." She joked, turning and smiling at me. "Am I killing the mood?"

I gaped up at her. "No, we haven't decided if it's a date yet." Landon replied. I frowned. To me, he said, "Madison, this is my cousin, Marcy. Marcy, this is Minty Madison."

Marcy grinned at me, and I blushed, murmuring how nice it was to meet her. "Well what can I get for you guys?" She asked as Landon returned to his seat.

We gave her our order for both food and drinks and Marcy headed back to the kitchen. With a third person gone, I began to feel nervous again. It was only a matter of time before Landon asked me to explain myself about avoiding him or, worse, he would want me to talk about the rumors going on at school.

This thought had me tense while Landon broke into a story about Marcy and how she used to be a big Disney nerd. Hannah Montana and Demi Lovato were her absolute favorites, and then one day… BAM! She was the cutest little pin-up girl, singing along to Blues and 50's Rock.

"I don't know how it happened or why. But I'm just so grateful I never have to hear The Best of Both Worlds again." Landon chuckled, sipping on his drink.

I couldn't help but smile as well, stirring my straw through my sweet tea. Landon studied me with that intense look in his eyes. I held my breath, absentmindedly noticing that his hair had dried into the cutest waves. One curl behind his ear stood out it the most tempting way. I resisted the urge to reach across the table and run my fingers through his hair.

"So Madison," I tensed, bracing myself for the questions I would much rather avoid. "What do you like to do for fun here?"

I relaxed, then smiled. "Oh you know, hanging out with my friends, movies, swimming at the lake, um, baking?" I was having a hard time thinking of myself, especially when put on the spot.

"Baking? Excellent!" Landon grinned, "I love brownies. Will you make me a brownie cake for my birthday?"

Biting my lip, I nodded, "Sure! When is it?" I was secretly pleased that he was already including me in his birthday plans, even if it was only as the baker.

"March eighth," He replied. That was such a long time away. Plenty could happen. "What about you?"

"Oh mine already passed. It was August fourth." I replied.

"Well happy late birthday."

I couldn't help the tingling happiness. I felt like a twelve-year-old with a first crush, it was a bit ridiculous. Marcy came back with our food. I ordered beef ravioli and Landon was served a personal sized veggie pizza.

We were silent at first while we ate, but the food was so good. And Landon was absolutely adorable as he tried to look dignified while eating a pizza. "Oh for Christ's sake, Landon, put the fork down and eat the pizza like you're supposed to!" I finally said, laughing.

He stopped and smiled shyly up at me. Then scooped up the slice and shoved the whole thing in his mouth, grinning so I could see chewed up vegetables and cheese. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. After that, we took turns trying to make the other one snort soda out of their nose by goofing off with our food. I made funny pictures with my ravioli and Landon stuck a couple extra straws up his nose with the most ridiculous faces. I had never laughed so hard. It was the absolutely best time I had ever had with a guy.

When Landon dropped me off at my house, my mom's car was parked in the middle of the driveway, so he pulled up along the street. The porch light was on, but all the windows were dark, so I figured my mom was in her room, which did not overlook the front of the house.

"You know, I don't live that far from here. Maybe like a mile that way." Landon pointed in the opposite direction of my house, in a more residential area. "It must be nice to live right by the woods."

I nodded, "Yeah, my dad built me a tree house out there when I was younger. He used to have to go up and drag me out of there every night."

"Way cool. Maybe I can see it some time?" He asked hopefully. Before I realized it, I found myself nodding. No one had stepped foot in the tree house since I was eight.

We got out and he walked me to the door. "I had a great time, Landon, thanks for taking me out."

He ducked his head, smiling, "So… have you decided if this is a date or not?"

"Oh so now it's my decision?" I teased, stalling. My hands began to shake and I felt a little breathless. He was standing so close; I could have easily stepped forward and kissed him.

"Well yeah, you obviously know what I would say, but I felt like it should be up to you."

"Wait, what would you say?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

He gave me a don't-be-stupid look. "Seriously?"

I stood my ground, nodding.

Landon sighed and stepped closer, hesitantly grabbing my hand. "All I've wanted since I met you was for this to be a date."

My breathing stopped. Electric currents pulsed from where our skin touched. Landon was everything I've never known. He was a mystery. A really beautiful, intriguing mystery. Maybe I should give him a chance; he was nothing like the other guys I've date and that both terrified and exhilarated me.

Closing the gap between us, I laced my fingers through his hair and hesitantly pressed my lips to his. He tensed in surprise, but I didn't lose confidence. Instead I kept my eyes closed and pressed a little more firmly into him until he responded, wrapping his arms around in a way that sent shivers down my spine. The kiss was soft and sweet, and he broke away way too soon. I resisted the urge to pout my tingling lips at him.

He was grinning widely and I blushed. "See you Monday, Madison." He whispered and pulled away. I watched Landon climb down the steps and get into his car. I was still standing there even after his car turned the corner and disappeared out of sight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me how much you love me in the comments. :)
