Status: Still Writing

The Story of the Broken

The Nightmare Begins

Kellin's Point Of View
*Beep Beep Beep*
Shit I don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to go to my new school. And I sure as hell don't want to be here. "Kellin get the fuck up" she screamed at the top of her lugs. "Yes mother" I shouted back with the absolute tone of sarcasm. Rolling out of bed I searched my room for a black v-neck, my skinny jeans and my vans. Running towards the bathroom I looked in the mirror. All I see is a scar covered mess. So in lieu of wanting to hide my old and new cuts I looked around for my blue and red plaid button up. "All set now just don't fuck his up Kell's" I tell myself. I ran down the steps and see my mom sitting on the couch with a burning cigarette and a fresh beer next to her. "Bye mom" "Fuck You" she ended as I ran to my car. Quickly pushing in the keys I sped to my new school. Soon approaching the quickly filling parking lot I parked my car and took a few deep breaths before I had to go in.

After a good ten minutes of building up the courage to walk in I swung my legs out of my car and walked towards the doors. "Excuse me, where's the office" I asked a girl who was smoking by the doors. She pointed off to the left and with one final breath I entered the school. Luckily Like the girl pointed the office was right off to the left so it wasn't that hard to find. Slowly opening the door I saw this tanned skinned boy with long brown hair and a gold nose ring talking to the receptionist. "Oh Vic this is Kellin, Kellin is new here so do you mind showing him around? she asked handing this boy Vic my schedule. "Sure Mrs. Lyn." Her turned to me with my schedule in hand. Hey man I'm Vic. Here is your schedule. As far as I can tell we have the same English, Choir, and Math together." "Thanks man" I finished off with a smile as he showed me to my locker. Oddly enough it's right next to the girl that was smoking. "Thats Jenna and she's pretty chill. Right Jenna" She nodded. After I shoved all my stuff into the locker I grabbed my backpack and we headed over to English. "Hey Vic" a taller guy covered in a few tattoos shouted from the back of the room. "hey bro" Vic Shouted back. "Alright everyone please take your seats. So guys we have a new student..." *cough cough* fag a student said from the back "Any ways, his name is Kellin so please be nice and help him out." The teacher finished and continued on talking about the book Too Kill A Mockingbird, luckily I have already read it.

Soon enough class let out and Vic and the guy he said hey to walked up. "Hey Kellin this is my brother Mike, Mike Kellin Kellin Mike." Vic introduced us. "Hey man what is your next" Mike asked. "I have art what about you guys." "Vic has auto-shop and I'm in your art class which is Chill. I'll introduce you to to Jaime and Tony as well." "Cool thanks." I finished before we started walking to the art room. Making small talk with Mike before we reach the art room. Sadly our conversation was cut short when we walked into the art room. "Hey guys this is Kellin. Thats Jaime with the spiky hair, and that's Tony with the longer hair." Mike finished before showing me to my seat.

Art went well but it went by to quickly and now was lunch. Mike, Jaime, Tony and I all met up with Vic who was already sitting with four girls and was saving us seats. "Hey guys I'm Kellin" I directed towards the girls. "Hey I'm Katelyn" A beautiful brown haired girl said shyly. "I'm Jenna" Rose" "And that's Madi" Vic said." We sat down for lunch and everyone was talking, mostly about music, myself, and tattoo's." This school was much nicer and accepting compared to my old school. The day continued on without any issues. When the final bell of the day rang the halls became flooded with people. Quickly trying to maneuver my way to my locker. Unfortunately I didn't make it to my locker before I had a panic attack. A spell of dizziness washed over me and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. Well that was until I felt a hand pull my arm into the restroom. "Vic?" "Hey are you okay" "Yeah I'm fine thanks" "No problem man."

Vic's Point Of View
I could tell something was off with kellin. His facial expressions just changed with the snap of my fingers. Quickly I made my way through the hall and grabbed his covered arm to pull him aside. But what he didn't realize was that his sleeve got pushed up exposing an arm and writs full of new and old cuts. I played it off like I didn't notice. "Thanks" Kellin said splashing water onto his face. "No problem man." OI said as kellin began to walk out of the restroom. "Hey Kellin do you wanna come over to my place I asked to hopefully keep him from cutting for a few hours. "Yeah sure just let me text my mom" He replied as both of us walked to his locker. "Hey Mike, Kellin's coming over" I called to mike as he was standing across the hall. "Okay, so are the rest of the guys."
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Hey guys I hope you like it.