Status: Still Writing

The Story of the Broken

The Past Always Comes Back

Vic's Point Of View
When Kellin and I were in his car heading to my house I told him to wait a second before we left the school lot. "Hey Kel." "Yeah Man" "Kellin, I saw them" "What are you talking about?" I couldn't say it, I just looked at his wrist until he caught on. "Vic, I...I...I" "Kel, you need to stoop. Don't let it take you like it took me. Don't let the blade win. Promise me you'll throw them ow." "Vic I cant" "Okay then at least promise me you wont cut tonight" I say beginning to tear up. "Ill try, I promise" Kellin fished hiding the fact that his voice had just cracked from holding back tears. "Hey Vic, I'm sorry you had to see them." "Kellin we all have our stories" I say showing him my arm which is full of old scars. "I quit for my baby brother mike. Now you just need to fins a reason to quit." "I finished not realizing that we had already been to my house or ever that we were moving. I motioned that we should head inside. "Hola mom, this is Kellin" "Hello" She sweetly said as I showed Kellin to the basement were the rest of the guys were chilling. They were all talking as I turned up the radio then sat down and joined them.

Kellin's point of View
After we said hello to Mike and Vic's mom Vic showed me to where the rest of the guys were.b They were all in the basement in a room filled with amazing instruments. After I sat down I began to ask "Do you guys play?" "Yeah man we are in a band wanna here?" Mike said through a smile. "Guys lets show Kellin what we got" Mike finished off before jumping off the couch and going to the drum set. Vic the followed to the mic. Lastly Jaime grabbed the bass and Tony grabbed his guitar from the stand. "Alright guys, which song should we do?" Vic asked through a laugh. They all looked at each other than Mike started drumming. Vic sang "Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night.
(But, there's just something about). This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy.Licking your fingers like you're done and, You've decided there is so much more than me. And baby, honestly it's harder breathing next to you, I shake. I brought a gun and as the preacher tried to stop me. Hold my heart it's beating for you anyway." Two minutes later Vic finished off the song "What's so good about picking up the pieces? What's so good about? What's so good about? What's so good about picking up the pieces? Oh." They all had the biggest smiles on their faces it was memorizing. I thought to myself "Wow they seem really happy, I wish I could be happy." "Hey Kel, can you sing?" "Yeah man wanna give it a try?" "Hell yeah" Jaime chimed in.
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sorry its so short guys