
Fresh Start

A year later…

Xianghua fondly stared at the jade butterfly pendant Ben bought for her not too long ago for her birthday. She heard that he had a difficult time finding the perfect gift, the first present he was going to get for her during their time together.

In a desperate panic, Ben wandered from boutiques to jewelry stops until he stumbled upon a pawn shop. Falling in love with the jade butterfly pendant that looked similar to the one Xianghua had before her possessions got stolen; he bought it for sentimental value. Hopefully she won’t be too emotional to refuse the gift, he already promised new memories together and this can be one way to start.

When he gave it to her, Xianghua gasped completely surprised. Tears welled up in her eyes as her fingers lightly traced over the pendant and low and behold it is the same necklace that was stolen. The same chipped wing told her so.

One of the things that she loved so much have been retrieved, retelling the story how her parents bought the necklace right after they adopted her, she never planned on taking it off. But as she got older, she placed it in her jewelry box and long forgotten.

Now standing in the home she shares with Ben, he knocked on the door asking permission to enter. Granting it, he slid through the door giving her a gentle peck on the cheek, “We should get going, darling. We don’t want to be late, Paty will never forgive you.”

Xianghua laughed, “I think Tom would give me a harder time on that given that I was his assistant.” She knew that he would since she gave him a hard time to be on time. Fixing her dress and looking over her outfit one last time, she picked up her purse and rushed out the door with Ben by her side. Shortly after they started dating, eight weeks to be exact, Xianghua moved in with Ben.

It was rushed, but with all of the troubles they went through, they didn’t think anything of it. They didn’t think they were rushing it at all and were more than happy to be near each other most of the time. Now Xianghua starting up and finally opening a shop with Susan, she has been spending so much time with her business that Ben hasn’t seen her as much leaving him more affectionate towards her.

Snaking an arm around her waist, they jogged towards the church where their best friends were going to get married. Excitement fumigated the air as she took steps to overlook the décor for the ceremony, promising Paty that she is help her, she separated herself from Ben for a few moments.

Conversing with the wedding planner, she made sure that the reception hall was prepared as well. “I’ll make sure to head out before everyone else to have a look over.” Xianghua promised; she could feel the concern emitting from the bride’s room. Pursing her painted lips, she excused herself to check on Paty before checking on Tom.

“How do I look?”

“Breathtaking. And me?”

“Gorgeous.” Paty calmly stated once Xianghua told her the preparations were done.

It didn’t take long for the ceremony to start, Xianghua stiffly stood next to Ben noticing Chris being only a few people behind her. She didn’t know the status of how he was doing, but she did know that he is invited, how can she not when she was there when Tom openly asked him to.

She could feel Ben standing the way when he saw Deirdre standing next to Chris; it wasn’t so awkward with Deirdre, the smooth fabric of her dress stretched over her small baby bump. Deirdre shortly met her current boyfriend, Lou after the drama with Ben. Xianghua still kept in touch with her, no bad blood between the two as Deirdre smirked at how much work the woman put Ben through.

Watching the ceremony at their pew, Xianghua tightly held hands with Ben. Listening to the two exchange vows left her teary eyed, wiping several tears from her eyes by the end, she made a mad dash to the reception hall.

Everything seem perfect and with lots of work put behind the bride and groom, Xianghua felt like she can breathe as she wandered over towards Ben. Half way through weaving through the tables, a hand caught her wrist making her spin on her heel in shock.

Recognizing the deep blue eyes of her ex, her heart hammered in her chest as she forced a tense smile at him. “Hey, I didn’t see you there.”

Chris chuckled, “Sure you didn’t. I want you to meet someone,” Wrapping an arm around the tall blonde, he introduced the two. “Xianghua I will like you to meet my girlfriend, Alice. Alice, this is Xianghua.”

Alice laughed, eyes dancing as she pulled the girl to a hug leaving Chris in confusion. “I believe I have already met you, so glad to see you again, Xi. I’m so happy that you and Ben finally worked out.”

“Likewise. How did you two meet?” Xianghua interestedly listened, the cliché way of two actors meeting on set playing the roles of lovers and that becoming more. The more she listened to her and Chris adding a few things, she can see how happy he truly is. Alice is a sweet woman and giving her another hug she promises to save her a dance before hugging Chris leaving him slightly tense. “I’m really happy for you.”

Pulling away, she saw him smile thanking her. The relationship between those two is new and fresh, knowing what it felt like to be in a new relationship she eased her way towards her boyfriend who curiously kept an eye on her.

Taking a seat next to him, his eyes looked at her, “Is there anything I should be concerned about?”

Xianghua beamed, “Nope, but you can massage my calves, they are starting to hurt again.” Her lower lip puffed leaving him in laughter. Pulling her legs onto his lap, his large hands easily circled around the limb slowly working the overly stressed muscles.

Sighing softly, she leaned her head against his broad shoulder feeling the knots become undone. After months of practicing, Ben has become quite good at rubbing tender muscles, at first he was horrid, but after guidance from her he started to understand how to do it without causing her to feel worse than she did before.

When the food was served, Xianghua immediately swung her feet to the ground not without bumping her knee on the underside of the table. Grimacing at the immense pain, she paused for a moment as Ben rubbed her back in comfort.

Conversing with the table they were assigned in, the reception slowly transitioned from one event to another. From announcing the bride and groom’s arrival to their first dance. Pride and happiness could be felt around the room as the perfect couple swayed to the music, whispering into each other’s ears, smiling at one another and possibly getting emotional or that may be possible of her own cloudy vision deluding her.

Once everyone is invited onto the dance floor Ben stood up sliding his jacket off and onto the back of his chair, offering his arm, “Are you up for a dance, my lady?”

“As long as you carry me.” She teased, rocking on her heels to propel herself up; she screamed when half way up, arms scooped her up. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she only laughed when he finally placed her on the dance floor, music vibrating through their bodies.

Her head coming to his chest, he grabbed her hands spinning her to start it off. Xianghua giggled as she twirled, swaying and dancing to the beat; as impulsive as Ben can be she saw that he can be rather goofy when he wanted to be. Because of their relationship she felt like he has opened up to her in a whole other level, spinning around he kicked his leg up imitating Michael Jackson.

A fit of laughter hit her lungs as she witnesses him dancing around her in the same manner Tom did when he decided to make his own routine with his first dance with Paty.

Blushing madly when he groped her bum bringing her closer, her fingers clutched onto his shirt as she stared into those beautiful eyes that stole her soul the first time around. A lovely smile crept on her face as his hand smoothly moved an inch higher when the song transitioned to a slow one.

Leaning his cheek against her own, he said to her loud enough for her to hear, “I’m so happy that you are by my side. There is no place I rather be.”

“You really happy with what you have? I know you always wanted a family before your forty.” Xianghua softly reminded him that his mild stone birthday is just around the corner and a couple of years prior he always concerned her with how little he has done with his personal life being so consumed with his professional.

Ben hummed, “More than happy. I’m not worried about that because I have you and when we are ready for those steps, we can take them. The perks of having a beautiful, sexy, incredible and undeniably young girlfriend.”

Rolling her eyes, a dry laugh coming from her lips, “You are always going to brag about that, aren’t you?”

“Always.” Ben smirked, the countless looks of envy he would get for snagging a beautiful woman who is not only successful, but sweet always somewhat pleased him. It made him feel like he is at the top of the world and it did boost his ego when some of his mates grumbled to him how he ended up with her.

Pure luck if he had to be honest. It was the honesty and impulsive that made her consider, but her giving him a chance is more than what is asked for.

Caressing her ear with his lips, she tried to lean away from him due to her sensitivity around her ears. Kissing the small piece of skin underneath her ear sent her mind somewhere else, clutching onto his shirt tighter, she whispered, “Not now, Ben.”

Licking his lips, he hungrily gazes at her, “I don’t think they would mind if we missed an hour or so of the reception. We’ll hardly be missed.”

“I think they will notice us leaving.”

“Then we will have to be sneaky, wont’ we?”

Xianghua saw that there is no way of deterring this man from his master plan and with those sinful lips kissing her weak spot she caved. Knowing he is going to be the death of her, she held his hand as they subtly sneaked out the hall like two teenagers, laughing madly towards their reserved room.
♠ ♠ ♠

I will like to thank everyone for reading this story. It meant so much to me that you actually took the time to read it. My first ever Ben story that has gathered so much attention, more than I anticipated.


Dezi Demize



I always have stories coming out of the woodwork and these are a couple that are coming out soon.

Striptease Benedict Cumberbatch story

Take Away My Innocence Michael Fassbender story

Dearly Beloved Tom Hiddleston knight story