Status: I'm not going to continue it's just for my friends and teachers.


Mrs. Heidle

You are the best music teacher I know. You are fun to be around. You are really nice and caring. I have had so of the best times around you. I don't really know what to say to show just how much I will miss you. I love you more than any other teacher, you are my favorite teacher. I don't think anyone can replace you. If I have done things differently this year and stayed out of band I know it would be a mistake. I am glad I had the chance to spend band with you during your last year. I would have to say I only regret a thing I during this year, it is the fact that I missed out on some many things during band. Like that I missed all of band camp. I wish I could go back and change that but I can't so I am glad that I got to be in my first year of high school band with you as my teacher. I will miss you like grass misses rain.