To Boldly Go...

This is me, god dammit!

Fuck! Callia cursed in her mind, gripping tightly onto her seat as their shuttle skidded through a tight space. Jim was trying to get them away from the Klingon Warbird that had started pursuing them. The area was supposed to be abandoned, but obviously, it wasn't. Now they were surrounded and the Klingons were demanding that they land. Uhura explained that the Klingons would capture, torture, question, and kill us all. She demanded to go out and speak to them, to use her skills and tell the Klingons of the reason they were there. Jim agreed, glancing over at Callia as Uhura took her shoulder, urging to come with her. Callia hid a phaser in her boot and pulled her hood over her face, following quickly behind Uhura, glancing one last time at Jim, who looked terrified.

Uhura sent a worried glance at Callia before they both stepped in front of the Klingon warriors. Callia watched them as Uhura exchanged words with their commander. She felt uneasy, squeezing her hands into fists. Her whole body twitched in the presence of the Klingons. She didn't want to blow what Starfleet had spent years on hiding and concealing. But then the commander grabbed Uhura around her upper neck, his hand going for the knife on his leg. Callia quickly grabbed her phaser and pointed it at him, her hand shaking. The Klingons all laughed at her shaking, Uhura's face in pure terror. Callia's grip tightened on her phaser and she tried her best to collect herself, for fear of losing control.

“Release her or your death will be slow and excruciating.” Callia spoke in Klingon. They laughed again and Uhura struggled to get out of the strong grip. Callia felt a rush through her body as she yanked her hood off, tossing it behind her, revealing her glowing blue eyes and strong glare at the Klingons. They screeched and hissed, the name slipping out in their language. She-god! Callia gripped her phaser again and glared at them more. Just then, shots were fired and Uhura ran. Callia looked up to see someone firing at the Klingons. Jim suddenly appeared and they were all suddenly fighting with Klingons.

A Klingon grabbed her from behind and she grabbed its wrist, a large knife in its hand. With a twist of her arm, a sickening crack echoed and its wrist fell limply before she lifted her leg and cracked her foot against its helmet, shattering the metal and the creature falling to the ground. The fighting continued, phasers and blasters being shot off, yelling and screaming, as well as the rushing sound of the wind. Callia felt her body tingling, causing her to look down. Her hands were starting to faintly glow the blue hue of her eyes. She cursed and punched a Klingon coming for her, the glowing expanding and getting brighter as her fist contacted with the face of her enemy. A pulse of light erupted and the Klingon's face was melted away. Callia's eyes widened and she screamed in terror, a blaster going off and hitting her in the back, forcing her onto the ground. She heard someone calling her name and then a shadow appearing above her. It was Jim, shooting and trying to keep the Klingon's away from her.

She forced herself up, her wound having healed quickly. Jim had a panicked look in his eyes, finally getting a good look at her. She was a monster to him, she knew it. This is what Starfleet had done to her when she was just beginning to develop. She was an experiment, a test, using the last bit of Q DNA, they injected it into her mother's womb, into her egg. She took well to it, being the first successful combination of Q species and human. The Q were a god like, advanced, human-like race. They were strong, quick, and powerful. Callia was kept secret from the public. Only the most important in Starfleet and the galaxy knew of her. Word had spread among other species, seeming to be a legend. Now Jim knew and surely the rest of the Enterprise would. She panicked, but then saw a Klingon coming for him. She moved around him quickly and a burst of light came from her hand, killing the Klingon.

But before she could continue, John Harrison appeared in front of them. Spock and Uhura were next to her, glancing at her from the corner of their eyes. He asked how many missiles there were and then willingly surrendered. Spock watched Callia carefully before they got transported back to the Enterprise, armed guards taking Harrison away quickly. She went to go back to her quarters but Jim and Spock blocked the doorway. Jim looked scared but seemed to be trying to look intimidating. He called for Bones to come down quickly with a hypospray for sedation. Callia's eyes widened, hearing that they were going to knock her out. She was suddenly terrified as to what they were going to do to her now. The people she thought she could trust, were now scared of her. Bones appeared in the doorway and his eyes widened in shock.

“My god! What happened to her!?” He exclaimed.

“We're not sure...” Jim trailed off, looking worriedly at her.

“Nothing's wrong with me! If you would just called Starfleet, they can tell you everything! Please, believe me!” Callia pleaded. Bones stepped forward slowly, the hypospray gripped tight in his hand.

“I'm sorry....we....we don't trust this thing in you.” Bones said.

“I'm not a thing! I'm me! This is me, god dammit!” She screamed, her voice echoing loudly, causing everyone to flinch in pain. Bones moved to get her but she moved quickly, throwing him into Jim and Scotty, who had just appeared. As she went to run, Spock grabbed her shoulder tightly and then the world went black for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
its a little short, my apologies!
what do you think?
the Q are from the original series. I added in a few things but they are a very strong, god-like species.
anyhow, work has been crazy and tiring.
lemmie just say, people: TIP YOUR SERVERS 20%
I make 2.65 an hour. So please, tip :)

Okay, feedback is appreciated! I'll try to update again this week!