Status: I'm sorry for fails, I'm German :)

Still the One

Chapter two

The next morning I woke up by a terrible noise."Gosh dammit, what the hell is this?" I mumbled still half asleep. After a few seconds I realized it was my phone which was ringing."Hello?" I asked curious who that could be, because I didn't know the number. "Hi, it's me, Niall!" the voice on the other end said. I almost could hear the amusement in his voice probably about the fact that I sounded like a mess. "Just wanted to be sure you're okay."."And because of that you're calling that early?! How did you even get my number?" I asked realizing I didn't give it to him any time.
"Sally gave it to me while you have been on the loo."."Alright. Well, I'm okay. Thanks." I replied a little bit anoyed of the fact that Sally gave my number to him without asking. "Good. That's all I wanted to know. But there's another thing because I called you. Uhm..." He sounded nervous. "Do you two wanna hang out with me and the lads today?"."Uh..sure. When do we have to come?" I asked already regretting my last words. "You can come around 3ish?" He gave his adress to me."Okay see you then". We both hung up and I dared a glance on my watch. 9am. "Well,okay..." I said to myself realizing my terrible headache. "Gosh, I'll never drink that much again"
I decided to wake up Sally.

"Hey sleepy!"."Huh?...Yeah I'd like to eat the tree." She mumbled half asleep while I can't stop myself from laughing. "Hahahaha what the hell did you dream?" I asked still laughing. "Uhh" Sally blushed like a tomato "Nothing." She replied shortly. "Good. I don't know why I agreed to this but today we're going to hang out with the guys of one direction...again." Sally almost freaked out to my words" You what?!? How? Why? When?? OMG I have to get ready!!!" And by that she headed straight to the bathroom. I smirked to myself, because I expected exactly this kind of reaction.

* Later on the drive to Niall's*

"Okay, now finally tell me: How exactly did you agreed to this if you don't like them?" Sally asked smirking at me like I was a complete fool. "Gosh. Niall just called me in the morning, because YOU gave my number to him. He wanted to hear if we were okay after last night and then yeah..he asked if we wanted to hang out with him and the other guys and because i was barely awake, I agreed." Though my annoyed speech Sally smirked even more."What?" I asked curious. "You like the hot Irish blondie" She said in that playfully little-child-voice. "What?? NO!!" I stated quite in shock and a bit overwhelmed. "Why do you think that?" I asked. "Becauuuuse" She started talking. " If one of the other boys had called that early and asked you the same question you, sweetie, would have given a dispassion so fast to him that he barely could've even asked. Trust me, I know you" She grinned at me. I felt like I was blushing. Hard. But before she even could say a word about that we were at our arrival. While we walked up the stairs to Niall's appartement I thought about what Sally just said. Could she be right? No! I shook my head to get myself out of the thoughts. Also, because we arrived.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"Hahah what are you talking about?" I asked Louis who talked to us but it didn't make any sense.
While I was in the middle of asking, somebody knocked on the door. I knew exactly who it was so I headed straight to the door. As I opened I tried to stop myself from almost staring at Sel. She looked great. She really did. She has that gorgeous long brown hair with light blue highlights in it and she weared her biker boots she weared yesterday. And even though this isn't my favorite kind of style on a girl, I really liked it. I must've stared into nothing liked a fool, because the two girls waved at me like I had passed out. "Hello earth to Niall" Sel said smiling. Her smile is beautiful by the way. "Uh what? Oh I'm sorry. Please, come in." The girls walked in, I hugged each of them and tell them to sit down on the free spots on the couch.
The other lads waved and said their hello to Sally and Sel and smiled.
"So tell us a bit about yourself" Louis said. First Sally was talking about herself a bit. She went to university and studied math, worked in a little café and was born in the north of England.
Finally it was Sel's turn:" So, uhm, I was born in Dublin and lived there all my life until now. I moved to London because of studying. I study language sciences. Anything else you want to know?". "Do you have a boyfriend?" Harry asked smirking. "Harry!" We all said in the same time. "That's not the kind of question you ask a lady" Zayn stated and we all nodded in agreement.
I was kind of oerwhelmed. She was from Ireland and I didn't even notice her accent. The rest of the day went by laughing an talking. And at the end of the day I knew. I fell in love with Sel and the lads looked at me like they knew.
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Hey Guys :) thanks to everyone who's reading. I'm full of ideas YEAH! :D