Status: I'm sorry for fails, I'm German :)

Still the One

Chapter three

*Sel's P.O.V*

It was already 8pm as Liam asked if we all wanted to go out for a drink or something.
Sally shrugged." Yeah why not. Sel what do you think?" I smiled and said:" Okay fine, but not too long please."

*A few drinks later in a downtown pub*

"You know what? I like you guys." I said because I was really drunk. Niall who wasn't barely wasted came over to me and whispered in my ear so I could understand him over the music." How about I drive you home? You should go in your bed and sleep." He smiled. "Okay, but what about Sally?" I mumbled. "Oh I think she'll be okay." Niall grinned. I didn't understand what he meant until I saw Sally who was kissing Zayn in a corner. "How??" I asked almost passing out, but Niall luckily caught me before I hit the floor. "I think we'll talk about this tomorrow but now you really should go home before you pass out in here." He said a bit worried. I agreed and by that, the words Sally said on our drive to my Niall's, popped up in my head. 'You like him. A lot' a little voice in my haid said. I shook my head to get out of the thoughts. Again. But as I thought it was due to the alcohol inside my body. He leaded me outside that I didn't even have a chance to pass out somewhere. One time I barely fell on the floor, but he caught me and I thought it felt really good, but as the other two times I got the thought out of my head.

A little bit later we finally arrived at my appartement. I couldn't stop him from leading me inside to my bed, so I agreed thinking ' what could happen'. But my thoughts were terribly wrong. He sat me down on my bed and as he were about to say good night, he looked in my eyes with his own deep blue and also gorgeous eyes. And about a few seconds later, we kissed. And yeah I really enjoyed it, it felt so good. But everything that happened after that, I can't remember.

The next morning I woke up realizing I wasn't alone. Niall layed beside me his arms wrapped around me, still sleeping. Quite in shock I tried to remember what had happened. Slowly but steadily the last night came back into my head. Oh.My.God!! What did we do?!
I tried to unwrap myself from his arms to get a bit fresh air to think again about last night.

I walked out on the balkony and sat on a little chair. I was so confused, I didn't want this to happen, or maybe I did. Did I? Gosh, I couldn't think clear.

But I know who could help. I walked inside to grad my phone. I called Sally.
"Morning sweetie" She said. " How are ya?" "Definately NOT fine." I answered a bit too fast. "Oh. What's wrong?" she asked. "Well,...". And then I started talking, about everything what had happened. Last night and anytime else. I told her about how I was confused and what I thought a few times. Finally she gasped and answered: "Well, that's complicated". As I was about to reply 'you don't say' she continued talking. "I think you should tell him what you've told me, he's a good guy he'll understand it." She answered. Right after we hung up Niall stood behind me. "Morning." He smiled. "How 'bout going out for breakfast?" He added. "Hey uhm Niall....listen." I said really nervous. "What happened last night was a mistake, yeah I did enjoy it, but I'm very confused about my feelings for you. I just don't know. I like you, but I don't know how much. I'm sorry I just.. want to figure that out before we start something." I could see on his face that he get pretty upset about what I just said. But I could tell he was good at hiding it because he didn't reply with sadness but with much anger. "So you only used me?? Used me like that?!? Good, because I don't want to be with you either!!" He yelled. "But Niall!-" But it was too late, he went out of my appartement and shut the door with a loud noise.
After that I broke down on the floor. Crying.
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Number 3 wohoo :D