Status: Up and running.

Two Little Ensigns


"Ensign Kela." Mr. Worf greeted the young girl. Her deep eyes traveled up from her PAAD to lock with his.

"Lieutenant Worf." Was announced in a perfect business tone before she resumed her work and path to the computer systems behind the Klingon. She missed the amused glance thrown from Commander Riker.

The day passed as usual. No abnormal happenstances, no enemy species, no time-warp craziness. Just the regular day to day giant work-load for an Ensign with an unusual job. Two weeks prior, Starfleet had introduced her position upon the Enterprise as a job experiment. She, Maylay Kela at sixteen, was deemed prodigy enough to be the guinea pig. So, Maylay embarked on a journey- of being the Captain's personal assistant. Something that Captain Picard both was uncomfortable and semi-grateful of. It kept his mind slightly clearer, but he felt almost lazy with the amount of work Maylay took on. It could have been the ten hours of work he knew of, or the feeling she worked
way more than that, or possibly how cold and inviting the brunette was. A stone cold confidant. It was certain situation he definitely wasn't prepared for.

By the end of the day, Maylay was exhausted. But that wasn't allowed to show. She didn't get to where she was by being tired. The secondary crew began walking aboard the bridge, prompting the Senior crew and Ensigns to join into the turbo lift. Minus Captain Picard, Commander Riker and Ensign Kela. The girl stood out of the way, allowing the officers to relay their information without interruption. At Picard's closing sentence, Maylay stepped forward and handed the Secondary 'Captain' a PADD with a brief report, nodded, and stepped back to flank the Captain. Goodbyes were said and the three beings entered the turbo lift.
A few moments of calming silence thickened the air. Maylay took the liberty of cutting it.
"Captain," Ensign Kela addressed without a waver. Both men turned to look at her. "Have you written the draft to the Klingon Captain?"

"Ah, yes. Is that something I give to you?" Both were knew to this.

"Indeed. I shall look over it, assure all gramatics and spellings, and return it to your person. The invitation to the Ferengi Ambassador is ready to be sent at your sign off, and the Betazoid Ambassador is requesting a meeting at a later date. Admiral Lens has confirmed no Borg nor Q sightings. You have a video conference with a Captain Dean Sither tomorrow. And you are to head to bed directly after the turbo lift stops." Impressed as always, Riker couldn't keep the amusement out of his face. "The rest was not only directed to the Captain." Maylay ensured.

"Is that an order?" He smiled.

"In fact, it is. Straight form Dr. Crusher herself."

"Well, I guess we better follow it." Picard told Riker.

Even with the tone she used, one which verged on curt, the men gave in to their smiles and played along before the doors dinged. The officers stepped out, but Riker, as always, held the door.

"Goodnight, Maylay." The younger man bid.

"Goodnight, Commander."

", today." Captain Picard pointed with a thoughtful glance.

"Thank you, Captain. Sleep well, both of you." Riker left the doors after her parting words, and allowed them to close as he walked away.

Thinking of the impending letter to be proof read in Klingon, Maylay leaned up against the wall with a sigh. This was for her. She wanted this. Everything would work out. The same speech over and over she told herself. But it was true. The Enterprise would be most efficient in her life.

If only her headache would go away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Maylay Kela= May-lay, K-L-ah