Status: I wrote this a year ago and just reread it and realized how bad it is, so I'm going to edit it.

The Motel


"How can you be so irresponsible Tanner?!" My father yelled from outside of a jail cell. "I warned you multiple times to get your act together, but did you ever listen to me. NO!"
I sat there, my head hung low. I had disappointed him again. I disobeyed him again. I felt like there was no hope for me to ever please him. I tried. And failed. Again. And I even brought her down with me.
"Tomorrow you are coming to work for me or you're moving out." I looked up, not ready to see the look of disappointment on his face till now.
"Leave him in there for the night." I heard my father tell the officer. I looked up, watching my father leave with the officer. I knew he would do something like that. To try and teach me a lesson. But no one can change me. Except her, but I had a feeling that I had already lost her.


About 6 months ago.
The maid pushed back the curtains, letting the sun stream in. "Sir, it's time to get up. Breakfast is ready."
I moaned. "What time is it?"
"7 o'clock, sir." I groaned.
After she left, I got up to take a shower.

Downstairs, my father was reading the newspaper, at the kitchen table. My stepmother setting his breakfast in front of him. "Oh, Tanner, please sit down, I'll get your food."
"So have you given any more thought to what you want to do after high school?" My father asked without even looking up from the business section.
"No, at least not the way you want me to."
He looks at me, but I wasn't able to figure out what he was thinking before he turned back to the paper, with a sigh. "You should be thinking about you future Tanner. Not about hockey."
"No buts." He set the paper down. "You either want to or you don't. You are my only son Tanner, but I can't just give you the company. You have to work for it. I have worked my whole life to be where I am today. And just because you want to fool around and spend my money doesn't mean I’m going to let you. You either come to work for me and go to business school or you fund your life on your own.”
“I’m going to school.”
“Wait, Tanner! We need to talk about this!”
Does he really think that he can force me into the company? I don’t want it. I don’t want to live my life the way he lived his. Just because he doesn't think hockey is important doesn't mean that I think like that.

"Hey Tanner!” Jake, one of my teammates, came over, “Nice ride man. I see you went shopping again while I was gone."
"Yeah, isn't she perfect."
As I walked into the school everyone was saying ‘hi’ and giving me high fives. I was like a celebrity in this school. Everyone knew who I was. Everyone knew who my father was. And everyone knew that I was the only male heir to one of the richest companies in the world. Everyone expected me to become the new president after my father retired or died.
“Hello class! Welcome back. I trust everyone had a nice summer break.”

“Hey Tanner!” I see Blake, my best friend since we were kids, heading towards me.
“Hey, Blake, Hows it going?”
“Good. Have you seen Britt?”
Brittany, my ex. I broke up with her at the end of our junior year. She was gone all summer, and now that shes back she thinks we can go back to the way we used to be. But I have no intention of getting back together with her.
“No way, man! I've been trying to avoid her all day. She’s been telling everyone that we are dating.” Doesn't she know that I broke up with her for a reason?
“Dude. She is still doing that. Man that must be annoying.”
“It is. But at least now everyone knows its not true and won’t believe her.”
“Yeah you heading to practice?”
“Give me a ride. My cars in the shop and my mom dropped me off this morning. So, can I borrow your truck for like a week?”
“Sure, man. We can get it after practice.”

“Jackie! Jackie!” I yell for my stepmother as I set my hockey bag down by the front door.
“What Tanner?!” She comes running.
“Where are the keys to the truck?” I ask impatiently.
Her shoulders drop, disappointed. She is always trying to be my mother, but I just treated her more like a servant.
“I’ll get them for you.”
When she brought them back she asked, “Why do you need them?”
“Because.” I took them from her outstretched hand and handed them to Blake.
She saw him and she plastered a fake smile on her face, like she was just now seeing him. “How are you, Blake?”
I took my bag down to the basement, to unload it and air out my equipment.
When I got back, Jackie was asking Blake about the hockey team. “Do you guys have a good team this year?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“Okay,” I interrupt, “time to go Blake.”
I push my way out the door, Blake following closely behind.
“Man, I forgot how-”
“You didn't have to talk to her.”
“Well I didn't want to be rude.”
“Who cares if you’re rude to her.” I hand him the keys. “Here. Don’t do anything stupid or my father will kill me.”
“You got it,” He takes the keys and climb into the truck, “Oh and thanks again, man. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.”
As I watch him drive down my long driveway, I hear the front door open and close.
I turn around and see Jackie standing on the front porch. “Are-” I stopped her before she could finish her question.
“I’m going out.” I state, walking over to my corvette. Peeling out of its parking spot, speeding away from the house.

I drive to where I always drive. Away. Far away from that house. My father. My friends. My life. All of it.
It was Friday so I didn't have to deal with school tomorrow. So I left. I drove along side the ocean. To the motel that I always went to. The place that always helped me clear my head. The spot where my mom used to bring me when she needed to clear her head. We used to drive up here all the time. Whenever we felt like it. Whenever we got the idea in our heads, we just got into the car and drove.
I was very close to my mom. That's not surprising since she was a stay at home mom, and my dad was always at work, building his business.
After she died, I became angry. I turned my anger towards my father, blaming him for her death. Since then we never really got along.
I parked the car in front of the main office, got out of the car, and pressed the lock button on my car keys, twice. As I push open the door, the bell chimed, indicating to the staff that there was a customer.
“I’ll be out in a second!” I hear a girl yell from the back.
As I stand there waiting, I look around the office. It hadn't changed in the 15 years that I have been coming here.
I can remember the first time, my mother brought me here. I was maybe about five years old. She had had a fight with my father that night. I was in my room playing with my airplane models when they first started screaming at each other. She was saying that he spent too much time at work. I had gone to the top of the stairs so I could see them and hear them better.
When my mom started coming up the stairs, I ran back to my room. Pretending I was playing with them the whole time. She knocked on the door and came in, sitting beside me. “Do you want to go on a little trip, Tanner?” She had asked me. I nodded my head and smiled real big.
She packed a bag for herself and a bag for me. We had stayed at that motel for a week. Then when we went back, my mom made me promise that whenever something was wrong or I just needed some time away from my father, I would just come here for a night or two. But I would always go back, no matter how much I thought I hated my father. I would always go back.
“Okay, sorry about that sir.” I turn around. She had long, dark hair, kinda plain face, and she wore jeans and long knit cardigan. She sat in the big office chair behind the desk. “What can I do for you?”
“Umm... I’d like a room.”
“Okay. What kind? I have one king, two queens, and two kings.”
“Number 6.” I say almost automatically. My mom always got that room, it was her favorite number.
“Okay? lets see if that room is available.” She typed something into her old dinosaur computer. “Yep, you’re in luck. Here are your keys.” She set the all too familiar keys down on the counter. “Now the keys are a bit tricky-”
“I know.” I cut her off, grabbing the keys and heading out the door.
In the room, it was furnished just like before, the bed sheets were the same, the carpet was the same worn-out brown that I had gotten so used too. This motel was exactly the same.
I lay down on the old bed, getting comfortable, and falling asleep almost immediately.

Knock. Knock. Knock.
I open my eyes but shut them right away. The curtains on the windows were open and the sun was really bright. I turn over on the other side, then slowly open my eyes again.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Who is it?!” I yell.
“ Um.. it’s Kacey. The girl from the office. I checked you in last night.” She spoke through the door.
I got up, stretched, then walked over to the door opening it. The sun was bright, so I covered my eyes with my arm.
“What do you want?!”
She looked at me. Then held out a phone. “Your dad called.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “He said he tried your cell phone, but you didn't answer, said that it must’ve died.”
“I turned it off.” I stated. Starting to close the door but she stopped me.
“He wanted you to call him back.” Still holding the phone out to me.
“I’ll use my own phone.” Push the door a little further. But she was still in the way of it closing.
“He told me not to leave until you were done talking to him.”
“Why would he ask you that?”
“I don’t know. Maybe because he knew you wouldn't talk to him.” She said it like she knew us. Knew about our relationship. But how could she.
“How the hell would you know?!” I yell at her.
She is surprised at this, and after a moment, she stepped back, out of the door. Then after looking at each other for another moment, she left, walking back towards the main office.
I closed the door, but felt bad for yelling at her. So I ran out of my room, after her.
“Hey, wait up!” She didn't stop, not until I stepped in front of her, blocking her path. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I shouldn't pretend I know your relationship with your dad, right?” She went around me and back into the cool, air conditioned office. I went back to my room.

I got my phone and wallet off the bedside table, putting them into my pockets. I sat down on the bed and put my shoes on. And on my way out the door I grab the keys off the table, next to the door.
In the office the girl wasn't there again. But she came out from the back room, when she heard the bells chime.
“Ready to leave.” She stated as she sat down at the computer.
She reached her hand out to me and without even looking at me said, “keys.”
“Oh! Here.” I handed them over and she put them back in there place, in an opening above which had a big 6.
I headed towards the door, but turned around when I reached it. “I’m sorry, again.”
She looked up surprised that I was still here. “Uh..”
“If he calls again, tell him I left. For good.”
I opened the door, the hot air mixing with the fake, cool air from the air conditioner. Walking over to my car, I hear the bell on the office door chime and stop with my hand on the handle.
“Why are you leaving for good? Won’t he be worried?” I heard her ask from behind me.
“Yeah, I guess. But he even said that I needed to get my act together or pay my own way. So I’m going to go to my aunts house. At least there I can talk about my mom.” I yank the car door open.
The girl steps in my way, so I can’t get in the car. “Move.” I demand.
“You can’t break the promise!”
“What? How do you know about the promise?” I was very shocked that she had brought up my mother. And the fact that she knew if I get in that car I was breaking the promise I made so many years ago.
“My mom told me.”
I was still confused and I guess she saw that. “My mom used to be the desk clerk when you and your mom would come up from wherever you guys were running from. Your mom had told my mom that whenever you came up here alone, to always look out for you, and most importantly to make sure you go back, like you promised her.”
I didn't know what to say. I gently pushed her out of the way and got into the car.
“You have to go back!” She shouted for outside the car. “You have to keep your promise!”
I slowly started the car, then backed up. Pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road, I could see her in my rear view mirror.

I got about a mile. Before I pulled over and parked on the side off the road. “Ah!” I hit the steering wheel. Why was this bothering me so much? Was it that I broke the promise? Or was it the girl? I don’t know. I didn't even know who that girl was, so how could it be her?
I turn the car back on and make a U-turn.
Back in the parking lot, I just sit in the car, with my eyes closed and my head rested on the headrest.
“Tanner!” Someone shakes my shoulder. My eyes shoot open. I look around, I’m still in my car and the girl is sitting in the passengers seat.
“What are you doing in my car?” I ask drowsily.
“I knocked on the window but you didn't wake up.”
“Oh. Well what do you want?” I looked at her, she had changed into a jean skirt. I also noticed she did her makeup and hair. She actually looked pretty. Wait. What are you doing? That's weird. I shake my head and brush my hair out of my face.
“ Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?”
“What?” I didn't understand, she was the one sitting in my car.
“You’re the one who came back. Did you forget something?”
Oh right I came back to the motel. “No.” I feel like an idiot now.
“Oh, well did you change your mind about breaking the promise?”
“No!.” I say almost automatically. Then I quickly change my mind, “yes.”
I look down at my hands in my lap.
“Okay then.” She said with a smile and a nod. “Turn the car on.”
“Excuse me?” I ask, thinking I heard her wrong.
“Start you car. Since I tried waking you up for 10 minutes, I missed my ride. So you’re gonna take me.” She shifts in her seat, so she can get her seat belt on.
“Okay, well where to?”
“Just drive.”

As we pull into the rinks parking lot, I wondered why she was going here.
“Park near the back.”
I did what she told me to do. And when she got out, she bent down and leaned on the window and said, “ya comin’,” with a smile.
At the entrance I asked her, “Why are you here?”
“They have a scrimmage,” She stated pointing down at her shirt and for the first time I noticed her shirt. It had the logo of my team and our name under it, “My brother and the coach asked me to come watch.”
“We don’t have a game today.”
“Yes they do...” Her eyes got really big, “You’re on this team?”
“Oh crap.” I ran down to the halls, toward the locker rooms.
As I turn the corner, I could see my coach by the door, passing. He was screaming, “where the hell is he? Why isn't he answering his phone?” As soon as he say me running toward him, I knew I was in trouble.
“Where were you?!”
“I’m sorry coach. I didn't know. I must’ve forgot.” I tried to explain to him, but he didn't seem to care about my excuses.
“It was my fault, coach.” I heard her say from behind me, I didn't even know she followed me.
I turned around and I very rudely said, “I’ll handle this.”
“Don’t talk to her that way!” my coach yelled, “do you know who she is?”
“No!” She cut him off, “It’s okay coach.”
“Get in the locker room and get dressed. You’re gonna play third line today.”
“Okay,” just inside the locker room, I stop when I hear him talking to her.
“Kacey, why are you with him?” I hear coach demand.
“He was at the motel last night and he left but he came back and slept in his car. So I tried to wake him up but it took longer than I thought and I missed my bus. And I made him drive me. I didn't know he was on the team either.” She replayed, explaining the situation.
“THE BUS! You take the bus?! Why?” He yelled, like it the the worst possible thing for her to take the bus.
“Because I want to.” She stated.
“What are you doing?” I jump at this.
“Dude, Blake why are you sneaking up on me like that?”
“Dude. I said your name like 3 times. What's up with you? Oh and I’m sorry I forgot to tell you about the scrimmage today. Coach asked me and I was going to after work last night, but I completely forgot about it.”
“Oh its okay. I gotta play third line today though, but that's good cuz I wasn't planning on playing today.”
“Yes, sorry man. But wait how’d you find out about it?”
“I went to the motel last night and this girl was there and I apparently made her miss her ride this morning so I gave her a ride and this is where I ended up. She told me about the scrimmage, and then I came down here, where coach yelled at me.”
“Oh wow. Wait you went to the motel last night? What happened?”
“Not much. I guess I just needed to get away for a while.” I say thinking about Jackie and how annoying she is. Changing the subject I say, “Lets get ready.”

“Hey good game.”
“Scrimmage.” I correct her as I walk right past her and out the back door of the rink.
“Sorry. Scrimmage.” She says sarcastically.
“Why are you following me?”
“Because I need a ride home.”
“What? No! I’m not driving all the way out there and back again.”
“Please.” Her eyes pleading me.
“No!” I say but when we get to my car, I stupidly unlock the doors and she slides in the passenger's seat, just after I slide into mine. “What did I just say?”
“That you would give me a ride?” She stuck out her bottom lip, “with cherries on top.”
I smiled, that was actually kinda cute, I sighed “Seat belt.”
When she was done, I pulled out of the parking spot and left.
On the highway, she looked out at the ocean, with her arm hanging out of the open window. She turned on the radio. Usually I didn't let people touch the radio, but as she flipped through the stations, I didn't stop her.
Back at my house, in my own room, I collapsed on my bed, and I felt myself slipping away from reality and into my dreams.

When I woke up, I vaguely remembered getting home, I was extremely tired from the drive up the coast. And when I had dropped her off at the motel, she was concerned about me driving back, it being so late and me being tired. But I assured her that I would be fine and only then did she get out of the car and slipping into the dark office, trusting me to get home safely.
“TANNER!!” I heard my father yell, interrupting my thoughts.
I moaned, rolling over, and getting out of bed. “TANNER!!”
Coming out of my room I yell, “What?!” making my way over to the the top of the stair to find my father standing in the foyer with Jackie.
“We are going to a conference in New York for the week, will you be alright-”
I cut him off, “Yeah, just leave.” I started back to my room, flopping back down on the bed.
I reached for my phone, on the bedside table, calling Blake.
“Hey man I didn't know you were even conscious at this hour.”
“Yeah,” I say ignoring him, “party tonight. Tell everyone, I’m going back to sleep.”
Before he could respond, I hung up, knowing he would take care of everything. rolling over and getting comfortable I fall back into deep sleep.

“Tanner,” I heard a girl say as she shook my shoulder, “Tanner wake up.”
“What now?!” I growl.
I open my eyes and I see Kacey standing over my bed.
“Finally! Do you know how hard it is to wake you up?” She stood there, her hands on her hips, waiting. “Well?”
“Well what?” I asked, still confused at the fact that she was here.
“Aren't you going to get up?”
“Why would I do that? And why are you here?” I asked still a bit groggy.
“Just get up. I’ll explain while we have some breakfast.” She said as I slowly swung my legs off the side of the bed, and sitting there, “Take a shower. Then come down, I’ll have Rosalina make something yummy.” And then with a smile she was gone heading out the door.
When I got down stairs, I stood in the doorway to the kitchen. Kacey was sitting there, at the island, talking to Rosalina. I hadn't talked to her for a long time. Rosalina has always worked here, my mother had hired her and she has stayed ever since.
“Tanner is a lovely boy. He might act like an arrogant buffoon, but he really has a kind side. But he works hard to hide that especially around his father.”
“What happened? I mean he used to be a nice kid and all but now?”
“After his mother died he was very closed off. He only would take to me or do what I said. He blamed his father for losing his mother.”
“How did she die?”
I cleared my throat interrupting their conversation.
“Oh Tanner!” Kacey got up off the stool plastering a smile on her face, “Ready to eat?”
“I made your favorite pancakes,” Rosalina said picking up a plate walking around the island, making her way out to the dining room. But I stopped her when she had reached me. I took the plate out of her hands and set it down, sitting in the stool next the one Kacey was previously sitting in. As I shovel the food in I feel, Rosalina staring at me.
“What are you looking at?!” I asked sounding irritated. But I already knew the answer. I haven’t sat eating my food in this kitchen for a long time. I had always ate in my room or whenever my father had made me eat in the dining room. Otherwise eating out whenever I could.
She stopped and went back to talking to Kacey. “So hows your mother?”
Kacey became visibly uncomfortable. “So you said you were going to explain why you’re here when I came down.” I said to change to the subject.
“Well I guess we better get going Rosa. We have a lot to do today.”
“Oh yes!” Rosalina exclaimed, she went over to the fridge and pulled out a bag. “Here. I made your guy’s lunch.” Handing it over to Kacey.
“Thank you. But you didn't have to do that.”
“Yes I did. Now go! You don’t want to be late.”
“Come on.” Kacey grabbed my arm and pulled lightly.
On our way out the door, Rosalina whispered so that Kacey couldn't hear, “Be nice to her. And do whatever she tells you to do!”
“Oh! Rosalina, I’m having a party tonight, can you make food?” I ask with a sweet smile.
“You’re having a party! What would your father say?!”
“He would flip out.” I smirk.
She shakes her head, “Tanner, all this rebellion against your father is going to come and bite you in the butt.”
“So, is that a yes?”
Outside, she stood by the car, with her hand out. “Keys.”
“No. Nobody drives my car but me.”
“Keys.” Not moving. See that she won’t budge, I give her the keys. She gets into the car and waits for me to get in, before she speeds down the driveway.
“WHOA! SLOW DOWN!” I yell, then I add, “Be careful!” as she uses one of her hands to roll down the windows, making the car swerve a bit.
“Calm down.” She says glancing over at me. And I guess seeing the fear in my face, she slowed down a bit and added, “just relax.” I was mostly scared of her wrecking my car, not so much for my life, when she first asked for the keys, but now it was the other way around, I just wanted to get home in one piece.

“ Isn't It beautiful here?” She thought out loud as she looked up and closed her eyes, letting the sun beat down on her and the wind blow her hair around. They were at a small park, sitting at a picnic table, looking out over the ocean.
“Yeah, gorgeous. Can we go now?”
Her eyes flung open, “Why do you want to leave? You don’t like it here?”
“I was planning on staying home all day. Its been a crazy weekend,” she looked at me and had a weird expression on her face, so I added, “Why did you want to bring me here?”
Her expression softened but didn't go away, “Because. This is where...” She studied me, as if she were trying to gage whether she should tell me or not, finally she said quietly, “our mothers used to... come.”
I was shocked at first, but then I remember that she had mentioned my mother before, at the motel, “How do you know so much about my mother?”
“I told you my mother told me.” She studied my face again, this time searching for a different answer there. “You really don’t remember do you?”
“Remember what?” This girl did a very good job to confuse me.
“Our mothers were best friends,” she stated, “They got pregnant at the same time and went to parenting classes, that's where they met, when they were pregnant with us,” she paused, then when I didn't say anything she went on, “when you were born, my mother was there at the hospital and then a few days later, she had me. There were...” she paused again, like she wasn't sure she wanted to go on.
“Go on.” I encouraged her to continue.
She looked straight at me, “complications with my birth. I had to stay in the hospital longer.”
“Complications?” I asked, interrupting her, “what do you mean by that?”
“I had...” she looked away, out at the ocean, “leukemia.”

After she told me everything she knew about from the time our mothers met to the time my mother died, it was mid afternoon. She told me that when we were little we used to play together, and she told me I remember something about when I was young that when me and my mom went to the motel and a couple times when a friend of my mother’s came over, there was a girl I used to play with, and I came to the conclusion that that must be Kacey and her mom.

When we finally made it back to the house the party had already started. I knew Blake would handle everything. I think to myself with a smile.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m having a party, wanna stay for a while? Then I can take you home and you don’t have to take the bus.”
“Um...” she considered my offer, “I don’t think-”
“Come on,” I beg, “It’ll be fun.”
“Okay, but only for a little bit.”
“Yes!” I say as we head to the door. I didn't know why I was so happy about her staying. “Okay I have to warn you my friends are a little wild.”
“I can tell.” She said as the music got a lot louder when I opened the door.
“TANNER!!” Blake screams from the couch, “TANNERS HERE EVERYBODY!!!”

Everybody screamed. “You want something to drink?!” I screamed over them.
“WHAT?!” She said not hearing me.
She shook her head no.
I made my way to the kitchen, where it was considerably quieter. I shoulda brought her in here. I could see that she was uncomfortable out there. Even if she was trying to hide it.
When I got back out to the living room, where I left Kacey she wasn't there anymore. “Dude,” getting Blake’s attention, “where’s Kacey?”
“Who?” he asked confused.
“Kacey, the girl that came in with me.”
“Oh, her. I think she went upstairs.”
I found her in my room playing round pillow, throwing it up in the air. Most people know the rules of my parties, do not break anything, do not spill anything, and do not go upstairs. So thankfully, as I made my way upstairs no one else was up there, but her.
“Hey,” I say from the doorway.
“Hey.” She continues to throw the pillow.
“Do you wanna go home?” I ask hoping she says no.
She looks at me studying my face, “No.” she finally responds, very quietly.
“Okay then,” I say excitedly, as I flop down on the bed, “what do you want to do then?”
She looks up at the ceiling, then pulls out a folded envelope out of her pocket, “I want you to read this.” She hands it to me. I take it from her, and just hold it in my hands. It was heavy and thick. And my name was scrawled on the the front in hand writing I haven’t seen in a long time, but never forgotten. My mothers. Since we spent the day talking about my mother, I wasn't very surprised that Kacey gave me something from my mother.
She lays her head on my shoulder. Then I open it, unfolding the letter that was inside. As I read, Kacey read too.

Dear Tanner,
I have asked my friend, Ann, to have Kacey give this to you, when you meet again later on. I have a feeling that you won’t see Kacey for a while after I’m gone. But I know that you two will find each other again.
I know Kacey will grow up to be a beautiful and loving girl. Be nice to her, and try not to break her heart.
You have a tendency to be stubborn, but that sometimes hurts you more that it hurts others. So be careful. And try to keep the rebellious phase to a minimum. I hope you don’t give your father too much trouble when I’m gone. He loves you very much, he just has a hard time showing it.
I love you,

When I finished reading, I flipped through the rest of the papers there. There were some pictures, of me and mom, her and my father, which looked to be in their earlier years together. Tossing them next to me on the bed after looking at each one.
“She really did love you.” Kacey observed next to me. We lay there for a few more minutes in comfortable silence.
Then, on the ceiling, red and blue lights started dancing around. I jumped up and made my way over to the window. There were cop cars and people were running anywhere and everywhere out of the house. “Oh Shit!” Kacey now by my side. I grabbed her hand leading her into the hallway, but at the top of the stairs I could see all the cops down there, trying to rally the party-ers to take downtown. I backed up going the opposite way. But just as we were heading down the back stairs, Officer Lancer appeared at the bottom.

“Tanner, long time no see,” I felt Kacey hiding behind me, “I was beginning to think you straightened your life out, but I guess we're back to the same old troublemaker.”
“h... yeah. You can try, but you can’t fully tame a mustang. They will always have a wild part in them.” I smile hoping to make it better.
Officer Lancer shakes his head, “I’m sorry Tanner, but I’m going to have to bring you in, and your friend here. Come on.” I feel her peak her head over my shoulder, and officer Lancer’s eyes widen then narrow, when he sees her face.
“Kacey!” I didn't know they knew each other. “You two!” he points at our faces, “come with me!” He turned on his heel, trusting us to follow him without cuffs and another officer.
We follow him through the sea of people in my house, her hand still attached to mine, out to the driveway. Where he put in a cop car, then told her something before running off and leaving her standing next to the car. She stared at me from outside of the cop car. Until, a cop got into the front seat of the car I was in and drove off. I turned around, and through the back window I could see her figure getting smaller and smaller, and then it disappeared altogether.

At the station, she wouldn't even look at me, the whole time we were getting processed in. Then they put us in separate cells, so I had no chance to talk to her.
They had asked me who to call, and I said my father. Even though I didn't want to talk to him and before when I had gotten arrested a few times, I had them call Rosalina. But for some reason I wanted him to come. I wanted to tell him I’m sorry. I wanted him to be the first one to hear it from me.
"How can you be so irresponsible Tanner?!" My father yelled from outside of a jail cell. "I warned you multiple times to get your act together, but did you ever listen to me. NO!"
I sat there, my head hung low. I had disappointed him again. I disobeyed him again. There was no hope for me to ever please him. I tried. And failed. Again. And I even brought her down with me.
"Tomorrow you are coming to work for me or you're moving out." I looked up, not ready to see the look of disappointment on his face till now.
"Leave him in there for the night." I heard my father tell the officer. I looked up, watching my father leave with the officer. I knew he would do something like that. To try and teach me a lesson. But no one can change me. Except her, but I had a feeling that I had already lost her. But maybe she already did. And even if I lost her, even if I messed things up, I could at least try to fix it, try to fix everything I've messed up, like my relationship with him.
I stood up. “Dad!” I called after him. He stopped in his tracks, I hadn't called him ‘dad’ since before my mom died. Since I blamed him he was only a father to me, but I thought he could never be my dad again, til now that is.
“Dad. I’m sorry.”

That night he had decided to bail me out, but he said that he was still going to make me work for him, because I still had messed up and I needed some kind of punishment. So I went to work with little to no complaining. It was a very tiring semester between school, work and hockey. But we made it work. Me and my dad had a fairly good relationship now. We still had our issues to work out but we were at least trying now.

A few days after my graduation, I was sitting outside my dads office. I was wearing a suit, that I had grown accustomed too over the semester. I wanted to talk to him about going to college. I didn't really want to work here anymore, but I knew I had to do something else if I wanted to quit.
“Tanner!” he smiled from his behind his desk. He picked up his phone, “Becky, don’t interrupt me until lunch is done. Yep... uh uh...Thanks.” He hung up the phone turning towards me, “hows it going?”
“Good.” I set our lunches on his desk. We started eating lunch together a few months ago. “This new project, though, its hard to get it started. I keep having to start over.”
“You’ll figure it out. Your good at it.”
“Thanks. Um...” I run my hand through my hair, “Dad?”
“Yes?” As he sets his sandwich down, giving me his full attention.
“Ah.. well I was wondering...well I would like to...go to college in the fall.”
His father, surprised at this, leaned forward.
“I have already applied and got accepted and everything....” I said quickly.
He thought about this for a moment before saying, “okay,” simply.
“So... does that mean...?” I trail off, not really knowing what to say.
“You will go to college. You will get a degree. But...”
I sank in the chair defeated, there was always a ‘but’. I knew it wouldn't be that easy.
“But,” he says again, “I want to be sure if its really what you want to do. Don’t just go to college because you don’t want to work here, don’t just go because you think you have to or that I want you to, do what you want to do.”
I sat there thinking about his words, “Its really what I want to do, dad.” I say finally.
“Good,” He picks up his sandwich again, satisfied. “Oh and one more thing...” He adds, “you have to go and talk to her.”

I lean against my car. I was at the gas station, down the road from the motel. I was trying to gather up my courage to go talk to her. I had called her a lot in the weeks that followed our arrests, but she had never picked up or returned them. He probably wouldn't have come if his dad wouldn't have said so.
After about an hour later, he decided that he better go or he will never be able to talk to her.

In the office she had her back turned and she was bent over a desk sorting through some paper. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”
I walk around the desk and stood behind her, tapping her shoulder.
“You’re not supposed to be behind the-” She stopped as she turned around to see me standing there.
“I just came to... uh... I d-don’t know... say I’m sorry.” My stutter coming back, from when I grew out of it when I was 9.
“Uh.. I was gonna call you back, after a few weeks, but my brother took my phone away when he came to bail me out, and hasn't given it back. And I have been busy with projects and work and stuff that I just didn't have time. And you dad seemed really mad, so I thought you would want some time to... chill.”
“Oh.” He rubbed the back of his head feeling embarrassed about how when she gets her phone back, “Well... I may have called you a few times....” She looked at me strange. “Okay! Maybe a lot of times!”
She bursted out laughing. At first I was a little embarrassed, and then eventually I started to laugh with her.