Status: Complete.

The Twins Were No Longer

No More.

Fred and George.

Fred always came first, never George.

That’s how it’s always been, and that’s how it always will be.

That was, until, that night.

That night when he watched life drain from his twin while he lay on a stretcher in the great hall.

It didn’t matter that Lupin and Tonks were laying hand in hand, both lifeless, next to George.

It didn’t matter that Bellatrix Lestrange would soon try to kill his younger sister, Ginny.

It didn’t matter that Dumbledore had been killed, and Severus Snape was dead.

Or that Harry was going to die at the feet of the Dark Lord in mere hours.

No, none of that mattered.

As he held onto his twin and screamed and cried at the top of his lungs, the only thing that mattered was that nothing could bring his brother back.

He felt his mother and his father try with all they had to pry him off of Fred, but he wouldn’t let go.

He couldn’t let go.

That was not just his dead brother laying on that stretcher, but the most important part of himself as well.

And no one… no one would ever understand that night wasn’t just the night that Fred and George became just George.

No, it was far from that.

It was the night that George Weasley not only lost the light of his life, but his entire being.

And the twins were no more.
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This is my first oneshot and drabble, along with my first Harry Potter related fan fiction. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I posted it on recently as well. Thank you so very, very much for reading!