Status: Complete <3

You Have My Attention

Brag About It, Why Don't You!

The next time we were all called into the bus living room, it was at the request of CC and Ashley and whilst Jake and Jinxx most probably had no clue why, Andy and I had a good guess.

Taking a seat on the couch opposite the pair, I sat down next to Andy and then Jake and Jinxx sat on the other side of me. Now we were all there, Ashley cleared his throat, drawing out attention to him as he shuffled forward in his seat slightly, CC – whose cheeks were tinted pink – only centimetres away from his side.

“So! CC and I have something to tell you guys” he started, earning interested looks for the two guitarists while Andy and I shared a private ‘I knew it would be about this’ glance.

“What is it?” Jake asked, eyes flickering between the two men on the other couch.

“Well, CC and I are together” Ashley explained bluntly with a grin, turning his head to peck CC on the cheek and take a hold of the younger boy’s hand.

Jake and Jinxx had matching expressions of shock on their faces which quickly transformed to smiles as they congratulated their friends on their new relationship. Andy and I did as well as CC and Ashley hadn’t actually realised we’d seen them kissing the other day and thought we’d only just found out, so we acted a little surprised and hugged them like the others.

“Congrats, guys!” I sent Ashley a knowing smile - which he returned - before hugging him, making sure my mouth was near enough to his ear that I could whisper to him. “So, it was CC, huh?” I pulled back from the bassist’s embrace in time to see a loving smile grace his face as he obviously thought of his boyfriend.

“Yeah” he whispered delightedly before bouncing over to his boyfriend’s side, wrapping an arm around CC’s waist and causing nearly everyone to ‘aww!’ at them.

Of course, they seemed sweet now; little did we know that that night, we wouldn’t be finding their relationship as cute anymore…


“Mmmm, Ashley, so good! P-please, there!”

“Baby, you look so sexy on your back, so beautiful”

“I just wanna kiss you so badly”


“Fucking, oh my God, CC!”

“Fuck, Ashley, faster!”

And various other excited moans and phrases were all the four of us (Andy, Jake, Jinxx and myself) could hear from our bunks. Dear God, why did we not anticipate CC and Ashley doing it when we were also in the bunk room?!

“Yes, yes, there!”

Fuck sake, I wish they would quieten-

“Oi! Cashley! Wanna keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep!” Good ol’ Jake yelled from the bunk above mine, causing me to snicker as the noises stopped abruptly from Ashley’s bunk. They had obviously thought we were all asleep considering it was nearing two am but, honestly, how could anyone sleep through that?!

“Yeah, can you not flaunt around that you’re getting laid when none of us are getting any action! If you’re gonna do it, at least include us - sharing is caring, people!” Jinxx joked, joining in the conversation and giving me an opening to get involved as well.

“Unless one of you lot has an STD, then sharing isn’t caring, it’s scaring, so please, can all orgy participators make sure they are clean? Thank you!” I called, laughing as Jake leant down over the side of his bunk with his arm outstretched to give me a high five.

“Wait, bus orgies? And none of you invited me!” Andy’s indignant sounding complaint rang out from the bunk above Ashley’s and that was the seemingly the final straw for the bassist. He poked his head out the bunk, gave us all a serious scowl – seriously, glares like that could assassinate a man from twenty metres if looks could kill - before kindly asking us to please ‘shut the fuck up with the STD and orgy jokes’ while he has sex with his ‘sexy ass boyfriend’ because he didn’t want to hear ‘early morning failing attempts at comedy’ from ‘idiots who are jealous they aren’t getting any!’.

Silence fell across the bus for nearly ten seconds before Jake piped up again.

“Love you too, Ashy!” and that set us off again; poor CC and Ashley, getting interrupted during what sounded like such good fun!

Oh well, they were making a lot of noise and should have known to do it when we weren’t here.

I felt kind of bad though, still, it was two am and I couldn’t really bring myself to care.

With that loving thought in mind and the sounds of the others giggling away washing over me, I fell asleep into a –thankfully Cashley free – dream world.
♠ ♠ ♠
94 subscribers?! Bloody hell, that's amazing! (and by far the most i've ever had), thank you all so much!

Here, have a mini Andy complete with tiny jar of Skippy's Super Chunk Peanut Butter!
(Commenters will also receive a complimentary Matt Good companion toy so Andy doesn't get lonely!)

Haha, nah, comment if you want, you don't have to though if you prefer to read silently; as long as you're enjoying the story, that's what matters! :)

xo KilljoyAndProudOfIt