Status: Complete <3

You Have My Attention

The Return

Previously –

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, starting to walk again and prompting them to move to. I'm sure they could tell I wasn't being completely honest, but they didn't question it. Well, more accurately, they didn't have time to, because once we were outside of the hotel, I heard someone shout my name and suddenly I was being pushed to the floor.


“Lukass!” The person above me breathed, hands grabbing gently at my arms to steady their self since they’d just bowled me over and landed on top of me.

Since I was now face down against the ground, I couldn’t see who it was, but I instantly recognised the voice and it was only confirmed by Kier’s delighted greeting.

“Hey there, CC!” The red fringed boy grinned as I felt the weight lift from my back and I rolled over to come face to face with CC’s outstretched arm. It took me a second to remember that Black Veil Brides and Fearless Vampire Killers had toured together, which explained their familiarity with each other.

“Hi guys! And whoops, sorry, Lukass; I didn’t mean to knock you over” I took his hand so he could help me up and tried to quickly process what was happening as CC and my new British friends shared high-fives and hugs.

BVB left but now CC’s back?

“Um, CC, what the Hell’s going on?” the drummer’s expression turned apologetic and serious as he turned back to me. Obviously realising that CC and I needed to talk, the others said their goodbyes and departed, leaving the two of us alone.

“Shit, Lukass, I’m so sorry! I know you probably think we abandoned you or something, but it’s not like that, I swear. Right, I’m not the one that needs to explain this, you really need to talk to Andy; he’s back at the bus with the others – he’s really fucking worried that we wouldn’t manage to get back to you before you left…” CC ran his fingers through his hair nervously as he spoke, eyes slightly widened as he waited for my response.

“Right, um, I suppose we should go see him, then” CC just nodded and started to head into the hotel – it took me a second to process that we were getting my bags since they were still in my room.

I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the situation, I mean, they’d left, that much was for certain, but then they came back? The possibilities that run through my head ranged from Andy deciding he didn’t want me anymore and then changing his mind to just plain forgetting about me and eventually remembering me – they all made me feel slightly sick.

Whatever the reason was, I wanted to know.

I deserved an explanation.


Walking through the bus door usually felt like coming home, but right now, it just felt like I was taking step after step towards something decidedly unpleasant – there was no way this wasn’t going to be awkward.

“CC? Did you find him?” A slightly shaky voice called from nearer the front of the bus as we climbed aboard.

“Yeah, I got him” the hyperactive drummer replied, gesturing for me to go find Andy as Ashley glided up behind CC and kissed his cheek from behind.

Leaving them two together, I moved towards where Andy’s voice had resonated from within the bus and paused slightly when I saw him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

Looking up, he met my eyes with a look that shone with regret – just what he was regretting, though, I wasn’t sure.

“Andy, we need to talk…”.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rawr, here it is ^.^

Hope you guys like it!
And I kinda hope next chapter doesn't go too awkwardly...

Does anyone have an idea of why the guys left, by the way? Serious cookies to anyone that guesses ^.^

xo KilljoyAndProudOfIt