On Sleepless Roads

Chapter Ten

Brendon’s POV

Ryan got up and answered the door,
And Marti looked like she wished that she would disappear.
She’d trapped herself; she was going to have to tell someone what her mother did to her.
“Hey, I live next door but I got locked out, I was wondering if I could use your phone?” Well it was defiantly a girl at the door.
“Yeah sure, come in.” Ryan said.
He sounded like it was the last thing he wanted.
He came into the room followed by a pretty short girl with silvery blue eyes behind glasses, multiple piercings and black hair with green and purple highlights.
“I’m Mellisa Rivers by the way!” The girl said, shaking hands with Ryan.
“I’m Ryan Ross.” Ryan replied, sounding totally uninterested.
“Wait, you mean, as in, the Ryan Ross, guitarist for Panic! At The Disco?” Mellisa asked, sounding awed.
Ryan nodded.
“And I’m Brendon Urie.” I said, getting to my feet.
Mellisa looked overjoyed.
“Wow, moving just got about ten times better!” She said.
I grinned, she seemed pretty cool.
“Oh, and who are you?” Mellisa asked, finally noticing Marti.
Marti looked at Ryan nervously.
“Marti.” She said, letting her voice trail off.
Luckily Ryan was standing behind Mellisa so she didn’t see him waving his hands in the air in an obvious, “Do not say your last name!” movement.
“Do you have a last name Marti?” Mellisa asked.
Did she guess that Marti was related to one of us?
I mean, Marti did look a lot like Ryan.
“No.” Marti said nervously.
Mellisa gave her a weird look while Ryan looked relieved.
“The phone is over here.” Ryan said, leading Mellisa into another room.
“So are you going to say what your mom did to you?” I asked after several seconds of silence.
Marti glared at me.
“I’m not telling anyone!” She said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Because that’s not something you tell people!” She said.
Aha, I got her now.
“So your mother did do something to you!” I said.
Marti went white and stared at the floor.
“What’d she do?” I asked.
“Nothing.” Marti muttered.
I was going to say something but I stopped when Ryan and Mellisa came back into the room.
“Did I interrupt something? I can go back outside if I did.” Mellisa said.
I guess she could tell that it was tense.
“No it’s fine, we were just talking.” Ryan said, sitting down beside Marti on the loveseat.
I think he was doing it just to make Marti uncomfortable.
“So are you guys related?” Mellisa asked Ryan a few minutes later.
“No.” Ryan said quickly.
I couldn’t blame him for saying that,
He didn’t want the story to get leaked out onto the internet.
And we all know how the internet tends to twist stories.
“Well you guys look a lot alike.” Mellisa said.
Ryan glared at her but she was staring at her hands so she didn’t see.
It was a pretty silent next twenty minutes.
Until finally there was another knock on the door.
“That would be my roommate, thanks for letting me stay here!” Mellisa said, jumping to her feet.
She was pretty eager to get out of here, but who could blame her?
It was pretty tense,
And about to get a lot more tense.
“Yeah, no problem, I’ll see you around.” Ryan said, walking her to the door.
“Bye.” Marti and I said.
Ryan came back into the living room after the door closed.
“Are you going to tell us now?” He asked, sitting down next to her again.
Marti shook her head.
Ryan sighed and ran his hand through his hair,
And just like before, Marti ducked.
“I’m not going to hit you!” He said.
Marti looked embarrassed.
“Did you get hit a lot?” I asked.
Marti didn’t answer.
Ryan sighed again and picked up Marti’s left arm.
“W-what are you doing?” She asked.
“Looking at your arm.” Ryan replied.
“W-why?” Marti asked.
She looked terrified.
“Because there is defiantly no way you go this from falling down.” Ryan said, studying the bruise closely.
I had to agree from him,
Marti had defiantly been hit with something.
Marti was trying to pull away from Ryan,
But Ryan refused to let go of her arm.
Marti quickly gave up,
Her arm looked pretty painful.
“Does it hurt much?” Ryan asked, gently running his fingers over it.
Marti flinched.
“What do you think?” She asked with a glare.

Ryan’s POV

“Go to sleep!” I said.
It was a few hours later,
And Marti still hadn’t told us anything.
“No.” Marti muttered, her eyes basically closed.
For the past hour she’d watched Brendon and I talk, basically asleep the whole time.
“Why not?” Brendon asked.
“Because…” Marti said, letting her voice trail off.
I rolled my eyes and looked at Brendon.
He was smiling.
“Well I’m older and I say it’s time for you to go to bed!” I said.
Marti started to say something but she had to stop to yawn.
“And I rest my case!” I said with a smile.
Marti glared at me.
“Come on, let’s go.” I said, getting to my feet.
Marti started to stand up but then she yawned again.
I rolled my eyes again, still smiling.
“Okay you’re too slow!” I said.
Then I picked her up.
She was too tired to react.
She looked at me funny and then closed her eyes.
If only she was this cooperative all the time!
“Want to grab her bag?” I asked Brendon.
He nodded, grabbed it, and followed me into the guest room.
I put Marti down on the bed and grinned when I saw that she was already asleep.
“You’re starting to like her!” Brendon said in a sing-song voice.
I shrugged.
“You are, I know it!” Brendon said.
I rolled my eyes at him.
“Fine, maybe just a little bit.” I said, measuring how much with my fingers.
Brendon laughed.
“Yeah right, you like her more than that!” He said.
I looked at Marti and then I looked back at Brendon.
“Okay fine, I like her more than that!” I said.
Brendon was already congratulating himself.
“I knew it, I am awesome!” He said.
I playfully smacked him on the head.
“Well oh awesome one, we better get out of here before we wake her up!” I said.
Brendon nodded and walked out of her room.
“So did you see her mom earlier?” Brendon asked as we sat down in the living room.
I shook my head.
“No but she must have seen something, she was terrified, I could not convince her to come back onto the seat.” I said.
Brendon thought for a moment.
“Could she just be imaging it?” He asked finally.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I mean, what if she’s so scared her mom will take her back that she’s starting to see her mom when her mom’s not really there, it could happen.” He said.
I nodded slowly.
“Maybe, or maybe her mother really was there, I was inside, paying.” I said.
We were both silent for a while.
“I don’t want her getting hurt anymore.” I said finally.
Brendon nodded.
“Don’t worry, anyone wanting to hurt her will have to go through Spencer, Jon and I first!” He said.
And that is why he is continuing to be my best friend.