On Sleepless Roads

Chapter Twelve

Brendon’s POV

I was back at Ryan’s.
I figured I’d stay and referee things,
He just couldn’t get along with Marti.
And we didn’t really want her dead now did we?
I just walked in the front door,
I’m way past the days that I need to knock.
The first thing I heard was Ryan yelling.
What the hell was going on?
Ryan had decided to be nice to Marti,
Yelling definitely wasn’t being nice!
I bolted up the stairs and then stopped dead.
Ryan was holding onto Marti’s right arm,
And Marti was trying unsuccessfully to get away from him.
But even from where I was standing in could see the cuts on her wrist.
“Why would you, why?” Ryan was asking.
Marti didn’t answer,
She was too busy trying to get away.
I didn’t say anything,
I didn’t know what to say!
“Marti, why did you do that?” Ryan asked, lowering his voice.
Marti didn’t answer and by now she was crying.
Ryan sighed loudly and let go of Marti’s arm,
But since Marti was still trying to pull away from him,
She fell backwards and hit her head on the fridge,
Very hard.
Then she slid to the floor,
Her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh shit Marti, I’m sorry!” Ryan said immediately.
He sounded guilty.
He knelt down beside her and Marti tried to scramble away but Ryan was faster than her.
He grabbed her around her waist, pulling her close to him.
“Marti, stop!” He said.
Marti was trying her hardest to get away from him.
“Please, please don’t hurt me!” She begged.
“I’m not going to hurt you, now relax.” Ryan said, keeping his voice calm.
Marti was trembling and crying,
She looked more terrified than I’d seen her before.
“Marti, I promise you, I’m not going to hurt you!” Ryan said.
Marti didn’t answer.
“How’s your head feel?” Ryan asked.
Marti still didn’t answer.
Keeping one arm around Marti, Ryan used his free hand to feel her head.
Marti flinched when he came to the spot where she’d hit her head.
“It’s just a bump, it’ll stop hurting soon.” Ryan said softly.
“Now Marti, why, why would you cut yourself?” Ryan asked.
I felt like I should leave but I wasn’t sure if I really should.
“You wouldn’t understand!” Marti said finally.
“Try me.” Ryan said.
Marti didn’t say anything.
“Is it because of your mother?” Ryan asked.
Very slowly Marti nodded.
“And because of us?” Ryan asked.
I’m not exactly sure if I was included in us,
But Marti didn’t answer.
“Marti I’m sorry!” Ryan said, hugging her.
Marti tried to pull away but Ryan wouldn’t let her.
“Please, please don’t do it again!” Ryan said after several long seconds.
“Marti promise me you won’t do it again!” Ryan said, forcing Marti to look at him.
Trembling, Marti nodded.
“Say it.” Ryan ordered.
“I-I promise.” Marti stuttered.
Ryan didn’t look convinced.
“Brendon, pass me the camera!” He said.
So he had noticed that I was here,
But what the hell did he want the camera for?
“Thanks.” Ryan said when I passed him the camera.
Using one hand to hold down Marti’s arms,
He quickly took pictures of both her wrists.
“I’ll know if you cut yourself again.” He said.
Marti stared at the ground and didn’t answer.
“What do you use?” Ryan asked. “Show me.”
Marti looked terrified as Ryan stood up, pulling her up with him.
“Come on, show me.” Ryan said, keeping one hand on Marti’s shoulder as he followed her into her room.
I followed them into the room,
I still wasn’t really sure what to do.
“Where is it?” Ryan was asking.
Very slowly Marti went over to her bag.
For several very long, silent seconds, she looked in numerous pockets until finally she found a razor blade.
“Give it here.” Ryan said, holding out his hand.
Shaking, Marti placed it in his hand.
Ryan put the blade into his pocket,
And very slowly turned to face me.
“Hey.” He said.
I smiled weakly.
This was definitely the most awkward moments in my life!

Ryan’s POV

“Honey, I’m sorry to ask you this, but can Marti stay at your place for a few days?” I was on the phone to my mom.
“Sure, why?” I asked.
Mom sighed loudly.
“Jill is regretting her decision and she wants Marti back. She knows where we live but she doesn’t know where you live. We’re probably just being paranoid but better safe than sorry.” Mom said.
So in short, my parents are afraid that Jill is going to try and kidnap Marti.
Things like this are not supposed to happen!
“Uh, Marti thought that she saw her mom yesterday.” I said slowly.
Mom breathed in sharply.
“Where, where Ryan?” Mom asked, her voice panicked.
“At a gas station. I don’t think her mom saw her though, Marti was hiding.” I said.
Mom sighed in relief.
“As long as she’s safe.” Mom said.
“Yeah, and Mom, I need to talk to you, later.” I said.
“That doesn’t sound good, but okay, but I got to go now hun, thanks again!” Mom said.
“Kay, bye.” I said, hanging up.
Now I was faced with another problem,
Do I tell Marti that her mom might try and kidnap her or not?