On Sleepless Roads

Chapter Six

Marti’s POV

It was really easy to sneak out of the garage,
With Ryan in the house and the other guys at the side of the house.
All I had to do was walk really quietly and run in the opposite direction as Brendon and the others.
The only problem was that I had no clue where I was going.
I’d never been in this part of the city before.
And all of my things were back at my “father’s” house,
So I guess I wasn’t going to be able see them anymore.
Great, everything I held dear was there,
My journals, my videos, everything.
And now they’d be able to read/watch everything.
So they would know all of my deepest, darkest secrets.
Lovely, just what I always wanted!
That was sarcasm, in case you can’t tell.
I ran aimlessly, slowing down only when I couldn’t run anymore.
I was so tired but I forced myself to keep walking.
I needed to get far away before they realized that I was gone,
Which they might have already realized.
But I still didn’t know where I was going.
I was in some park, but I hadn’t gotten that far from Brendon’s house.
And now I was trying to decide between hiding and just getting as far away as possible.
It wasn’t hard to decide,
It would be best to get further away.
But I needed to catch my breath before I went any farther.
But there wasn’t really anywhere to hide around here, even for just a few seconds.
There were trees, but hiding behind trees is kind of pointless,
You’re always found, no matter what.
“Marti!” Someone called my name.
Shit it was Brendon!
I bolted but I only got about ten feet,
Because guess who jumped out from behind a freaking tree and grabbed my arm.
That’s right.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Ryan asked angrily.
I tried to pull away from him but he tightened his grip on my arm.
“Ow!” I yelped, I hadn’t meant to, it just sort of slipped out.
Ryan looked surprised and he loosened his grip on my arm only a tiny bit.
“My dad, uh, our, um, he would kill both of us if you took off!” Ryan snapped.
I just stared at him.
“Got her?” Brendon asked, coming up behind us.
Ryan nodded.
“Yup, now call Spence and Jon and tell them to meet us back at your place.” He said
Brendon nodded and pulled out his cell phone.
“Let go!” I said, trying to get away.
“No way!” Ryan said, tightening his grip on my arm.
I winced and he gave me a funny look.
“They’re going to met us there.” Brendon said, putting his cell phone in his pocket.
“Let go!” I said again.
I didn’t try to pull away though, it hurt too much.
“Come on, let’s go!” Ryan said, starting to walk back towards Brendon’s house.
He pulled me with him and his tight grip on my arm made me wince again.
“Let go!” I repeated for a third time.
Ryan sighed loudly and glared at me but he didn’t say anything,
He just tightened his grip on my arm.
Which made me wince again.
“What is wrong with you?” He asked angrily.

Ryan’s POV

Marti was really starting to make me angry.
I wasn’t holding onto her hard enough to hurt her!
And yet she was acting like she was in a lot of pain.
“Let go!” Marti said for a third time.
I sighed loudly and glared at her but decided not to respond to her,
Instead I tightened my grip on her arm.
Which made her wince again.
“What is wrong with you?” I asked angrily.
I didn’t wait for an answer,
Instead I picked her up.
“What are you doing?” She cried fearfully.
“Just relax!” I snapped.
Having a sister really, really sucked.
“Put me down, please!” Marti begged, her eyes filling with tears.
Why was she scared?
I wasn’t going to hurt her or anything!
“Don’t struggle or I might drop you!” I warned.
Brendon glared at me but didn’t say anything.

Brendon’s POV

None of us said anything as we walked back to my house.
Marti was terrified, Ryan was angry and I was just confused.
I didn’t have too much time to dwell on that though,
It only took us a few minutes to reach my house.
Spencer and Jon were already there.
Ryan went in with Marti before me.
And I closed the garage door as soon as everyone was in.
We weren’t about to leave Marti alone again but we weren’t taking any chances either.
Ryan sat down on the couch, making Marti sit down in his lap.
I sat down on the opposite side of the couch from them.

Ryan’s POV

“Now what the hell is wrong with your arm?” I asked as soon as Brendon sat down
Marti didn’t answer .
“Fine, be like that!” I said angrily.
Holding her hands down with my right hand, I pulled her left sleeve up with my left hand.
I gasped at what I saw.
Her entire arm was covered in a huge, dark purple bruise.
“How did you get that?” I whispered.
Marti didn’t answer but I knew that she was crying.
“How did you get that?” I repeated, a little bit louder.
Marti started shaking as she answered.
“I-I fell.” She said quickly.
“You don’t get a bruise like that from falling, how’d you get it?” I asked.
Marti was silent.
“Did your mother give it to you?” Brendon asked softly.
Marti was still silent,
I took that as a yes.
“What’d she do, beat you?” I asked angrily.
I wasn’t mad at Marti, I was mad at her mother.
Marti still didn’t answer,
And then my cell phone rang.
“Hello?” I said, answering it.
I still didn’t let Marti get up though.
“Hey Ryan, you can bring her home now.” It was my mom.
“Okay, we’ll be there soon.” I said, hanging up.
I wanted to question Marti some more but I knew my mom and dad would want to talk to her.
And besides, there was still the drive back home that I could question her.
“We got to go now.” I said as I put my cell phone away.
Brendon, Spencer and Jon all nodded.
“Call, sometime tonight.” Brendon said.
I nodded and stood up, picking up Marti as I did.
Brendon got to his feet and opened the garage door,
And I (very awkwardly) tossed him my car keys.
“Want to open it for me?” I asked.
He knew what I meant.
He unlocked the passenger’s side and opened the door.
I put Marti in and quickly did up her seat belt and then closed the door.
There was no way I was giving her another chance to take off.
“Good luck!” Brendon said.
I nodded and forced a smile.
“Thanks, I’ll call, later tonight.” I said.
He nodded.
“You better!” He said as I got into my car.
I waved as I started the car and back out of his driveway.
Then I turned to look at Marti.
She was still crying.
“It was your mom, wasn’t it?” I asked.
She didn’t answer,
Instead she pulled down her sleeve.
“Did she hit you with something?” I asked.
Marti just stared out the window.
It was obvious that I wasn’t going to get an answer out of her.
So I gave up trying.
My mom would probably get her talking,
Mom always manages to get things out of people.