Status: ive barely started it.......



She was was hauling butt to get upstairs away from this deranged fool.
"Stop, Shamarr at least let me apologize!"
"Why should I? You nearly got me killed!"
"It wasn't my fault Shamarr, it really wasn't!"
"Stay away from me, Izik!"
"Shamarr I'm sorry, okay? You know I didn't mean to!"
"If that was all it took... why'd ya' dot, huh? Was Was it supposed to kind kind prank, some crazy way of 'proving' something to me?"
"You know that wasn't why I did it! Shamarr stop being ridiculous! You know exactly why I did it!"
"Just because you thought that was the only way you could save me doesn't mean that you had to do it!"
"Shamarr, it was either do it or let you die, and you know it!"