Status: In progress?

A Few Heartbeats Away From Disaster

The Night Hide's Scars

I threw my Ipod on top of my sweater on the beach sand. I loved coming to the beach to dance, especially down here in San Diego where it was actually warm enough to enjoy it. I stared out at the ocean while I stretched, thankful that no one else was here, not that I expected them to be since it was nearly 2 o'clock in the morning. I always did my dancing in the mornings when I couldn't sleep because I felt most myself when I was surrounded by darkness, waves, and my thoughts. There was a certain serenity in the rhythm of the waves that just made dancing so much more enjoyable. Satisfied with my stretches I switched on my Ipod and played my favorite song to dance to.

'She sit's up high, surrounded by the sun, one million branches and she loves every one...'

I was off. Leaping and spinning in time with the beats. Sand in my toes and water at my ankles. I was in a new world. A world where not even gravity could hold me back. I could stay like this forever, carefree and graceful while listening to the soothing sounds of my favorite band. This is when I was alive, this is when everything made sense to me.

'This love was out of control, 3-2-1 where did it go?'

Nothing could reach me here in this world. In this world where the only things that mattered were the beat, the chords, and the movements. Nothing from my past could follow me here, no thoughts in my head could spin as fast, no razor blades could jump as high. I was content and I was alone and I wanted to stay like this forever.
'Cause I can't take anymore, I'll draw the shade's and close the door, I'm not alright...'
I could feel everything slipping away. All the anxiety, all the depression, everything was slipping away until it was gone completely. All that was left was me. The real me not the me that was defined by what happened last year or the me that was being self-destructed by her own thoughts. The real me that only truly escaped when I was dancing or singing.
I was so lost in my own world that I didn't notice someone watching until the song ended and they clapped.
"That was amazing." The shilouette said. He looked about 5'9" and was extremely skinny. I could see long hair- about shoulder length, and he looked about the same age as me. "Now what's a girl like you doing dancing on a beach at 2 in the morning?"
"A girl like me? You can't even see my face. What's a guy like you doing walking the beach at 2 in morning? You seem a little more sketchy than me."
"I guess you win then. I like your music taste. Pierce The Veil, right?" He asked
"You know Pierce The Veil?" I answered him with a new question.
"Yeah." He said stepping closer to me so I could see him. "Their drummer is pretty cool." He replied with a toothy grin. I just stood in awe for a second. Standing in front of me was none other than Mr. Mike Fuentes himself. The part of me that absolutely loved him wanted to freak out, but the bigger part of me said keep your cool.
"He's alright." I replied smiling. He laughed back and walked over to me holding out a hand.
"So you know who I am, how about you tell me who you are, and we can go get coffee?" I looked up at his brown eyes and gave him my sneakiest smile; this is gonna be fun.
"How about you buy me coffee and I'll tell you my name?" I winked, grabbed my sweatshirt and Ipod and walked towards the city. "Well you coming?" I asked when he didn't follow.
"What have I gotten myself into?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry It's really short but I wanted to end it here... the next chapter will be longer I pinky promise! This is my first fic... scratch that... this is my first time really writing so I apologize in advance for the suckiness.