Status: In progress?

A Few Heartbeats Away From Disaster

Keep In Happiness And Torture Me

I woke up the next day to Justin absentmindedly stroking my hair while checking his cell phone. I didn't know how long he had been up, but I wasn't ready to get out of bed. I snuggled into Justin's side and reminisced on yesterdays events. After we got back to Justin's we didn't hesitate to forget about the shitty relationships we both just got out of and jump into bed. I guess its not for to say we had shitty relationships, because both Mike and Monica were amazing, but our relationships definitely had shitty endings. Usually I would regret sleeping with someone right after I got out of a relationship, but mike hurt me so bad I didn't even think twice about it. Plus, this was Justin, not some random guy.
I looked up at Justin and studied his face. Apparently, whatever he was reading on his phone was making him upset, so I leaned up and kissed his neck. He laughed slightly before putting his phone down a scooting farther into bed.
"I figured you'd be mad at me." He said putting an arm around my shoulders.
"Why would I be mad?"
"Because... this." He said shrugging. "We're best friends Kar, and we both lost our boy-slash-girl friend because of the other persons girl-slash-boy friend. I should have fought harder, talked you out of it."
"Hey, trust me, if I didn't want to do what we did yesterday, we wouldn't have done it. I wanted to. And look, everything's fine." I said snuggling up to him more. "I'm not mad at you and I could never be mad at you. Just let the pieces fall, Just."
As if on cue for something to go wrong, the doorbell rang. Justin and I both stayed put, prepared to let the person think we weren't home, when we heard the familiar sound of a key in a lock. We looked at each other in shock before simultaneously putting everything together...
"Monica." We said together jumping out of bed. We both threw on some of Justin's sweat pants and a shirt before we heard the front door open.
"Go." I pushed him towards the bedroom door as Monica called out his name. "I'll stay in here."
He left, closing the door behind him, and I pushed my ear to the door in anticipation.
"What do you want Monica?" Justin said immediately.
"Justin." I heard her sigh in relief. "I've been calling you. And texting. You haven't answered so I... I didn't know what else to do. I'd like a chance to explain."
"Explain? Explain what?! Explain how you cheated on me? Explain how you ruined two perfectly good relationships? Explain how you left not only me, but my best friend too, completely heart broken?! How o you explain that, Mo?" Justin was screaming now, except his last questioned which was whispered in a hopeless, broken kind of way. I just wanted to go out there and hug my best friend and make Monica leave before she did anymore damage, but I knew that would only make things worse.
"Justin, I'm really sorry for what I did to you. And what I did to Mike, and Karmen. But I didn't have a choice, Just!"
" You didn't have a choice?! You were forced to make out with some other guy? Get out, Monica. Jut leave." Justin said, retaining his angry composure,
"Yes Justin! That's exactly right!" She squealed. What does she mean she was forced to kiss Mike? This was getting pathetic and it just pissed me off,
"Go Monica." He said sternly. His voice was farther away so I figured he was by the door.
"Oh wow." She breathed out. I didn't know what was happening but the next thing I heard was Justin stuttering about having an explanation and things being scattered on the floor. I moved my hand to the doorknob, ready to come to Justin's rescue.
"Monica you can't just go through someone's stuff!" Justin screamed. Go through someone's stuff? What is happening?
"I'm allowed to go through some whores purse if its in my-" she paused. She's going through my purse? Oh god, I left it on the table yesterday when we got back. "Karmen..." she whispered. "Karmen!" She screamed that time. "Come on, Kar! I know you're here! Jokes on me, huh?!"
Unaware of what else to do, I twisted the door knob and walked out of the room. The contents of my purse were strewn across the kitchen table, my wallet in Monica's hands, and Justin was standing with his mouth open near the door. He clearly hadn't yet grasped what was happening.
"What did you mean you were forced into it?" I asked before she could yell at me.
"Like that fucking matters anymore! You're un-fucking-believable Karmen! You see Mike kissing some other girl and you go have sex with someone?! Maybe if you weren't too busy whoring around-"
"Stop it Mo! First of all you can't talk to her like that and second we didn't sleep together!" Justin screamed, blatantly lying.
"Yeah okay." Monica said sarcastically. "But if you did, Karmen should feel like absolute shit. Because Mike didn't have anything to do with it! I kissed him!" Mike was innocent? Well now I do feel like shit. I hadn't given him a chance or even the benefit of the doubt. Here I was sleeping with Justin while Mike was probably still home in San Diego leaving me voice mails about how sorry he is.
"Shut up Monica. Just leave." Justin muttered opening the door.
"Fine." He said walking towards the door. "But you're not any better, Justin. If you'd listen, you'd know that I really was forced into kissing Mike. Chelsea said if I didn't , I'd lose my job."
What happened next was definitely unexpected on my part. Justin got right in her face- as if about to kiss her- but instead he only said in a calm, stern voice. "I would have never, ever done what you did. There will be other jobs Mo, but what you did... that was selfish, and pathetic. Just like you are. Just like you always have been,"
A single tear fell from her eye before he she managed to look intimidatingly back and say "you're gonna pay for that, Justin. You both will."
I didn't have time for her empty threats though, I had a long drive to make.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay short chapters! Just kidding sorry guys.... anyways- people wanted me to update, although I don't know why because I feel like my writing is going downhill. So I'm on vacation which means this is probably my last update until the weekend. So yeah. Love you guys!

*P.S. it would mean the world if y'all would check out my poems cause I actually write spoken word poetry and lyrics more than I write Stories and so yeah.... check 'em out?(:

**P.P.S. Do you guys want smut? Cause I mean I don't really know....