Status: In progress?

A Few Heartbeats Away From Disaster

I Introduce The Selfish Machine(s)

"If anyone asks, we didn't sleep together. You stayed over here because you were upset and we had a movie night. It can just stay between us." Justin said after a silent car ride to my house. Judging by the cars in the driveway it was just Alex home and that made me feel better. I couldn't handle lying to all of them at once. As soon as Monica had left Justin grabbed his keys and told me he was bringing me home so I could get my boyfriend. I loved how Justin was still supportive of me and mike, but i couldn't help but think that something was different.
I nodded and gave him a quick hug before stepping out of the car and towards the front door of my house. I unlocked the door and walked in, immediately being met with Go Radio blaring through the house. I walked back to Alex's room and saw him dancing around in some sweat pants without a shirt on. I tried my hardest to hold back a laugh but i couldn't contain it. As soon as he saw me he shut the stereo off and threw on a shirt.
"I uh... I wasn't expecting you." He said leaning against the door frame
"You don't say" I replied chuckling again. He pushed past me, gently shoving me as he walked, and into the kitchen. "Cereal?" He asked grabbing some cocoa puffs. I nodded and he poured us both a bowl. When we were sitting eating our cereal he asked what I had hoped would be a mute topic.
"So anything fun happen at Justin's?" He asked casually.
"You could say that..."
"That's a vague answer." He pushed.
"We may have... ya know... uh... we... slept together?" I stuttered out. Alex spit cocoa puffs all over the table, himself, and me. "Dammit Alex! All over my shirt!"
"We have bigger problems here than you're T-shirt Kar! What about Mike?!" He gapped.
"You know what happened with Mike! You saw that video!"
"You really believe he would cheat on you?" He asked calmly.
"Well I did. Until Monica showed up at Justin's this morning. She said that she kissed Mike and that he was innocent." Alex gave me a shocked look. "Oh, did I forget to mention that the homewrecker was Justin's girlfriend? Yeah it was Monica that kissed Mike."
"That's rough babe. What are you gonna do?" He asked running his fingers through his hair, something he did when he was stressed.
"I'm gonna get Mike back. Justin said that we can keep it a secret that we slept together and that's what I plan to do. I'm gonna drive to San Diego and I'm gonna get Mike back." Alex spit more cocoa puffs on the table when I said this.
"You're not gonna tell him?!" He screamed at me.
"What I'm gonna do its buy you a fucking bib!" I said wiping more cocoa puffs off me and taking his bowl. I had officially decided he was done, I walked over to the sink and put both our bowls in it. "No I'm not gonna tell him." I turned to face Alex. "I don't have feelings for Justin and I love mike. There's no reason to tel him."
"There's every reason to tell him Karmen! You cheated! I'm not gonna sugar coat this for you- you did exactly what you were mad st him for doing. You just made yourself a hypocrite! If you don't tell Mike then someone else might." He stood up and started to walk away.
"Alex!" I called after him, he turned to look at me. "You wouldn't do that would you?"
"Of course not Kar. But I'm not the enemy here,"
- - -
*Monica's POV*
"Well if it isn't my favorite employee!" Chelsea squealed as I walked into work. I had tear stains on my cheeks and I wasn't in the mood to be anywhere except my bed with a tub of ice cream, but I had to work. I went through enough to keep this job- I wasn't about to lose it because of a bad day.
"Hey Chels." I said quietly walking to my desk. I booted up my computer and sat down on my uncomfortable leather chair.
"What's wrong, hun?" Chelsea rolled her chair over so she was sitting across from me.
"What's wrong?!" I practically screamed at her. "Nothing Chelsea! Nothing Is wrong because you got your story, right?!" I brought the internet up, not wanting to talk to her t the moment.
"Wait don't bring me into this!" She said raising her hands defensively. I peeled my eyes away from the screen to glare at her.
"Don't bring you into this?! This is all your fault! If it weren't for you I would still have a boyfriend! And a friend! I lost Justin and Karmen all because you wanted your story! Now they're off sleeping together and-"
"Karmen slept with someone?!" Chelsea interrupted me, practically jumping out of her chair.
"Well I'm pretty sure!" I said, not understanding why she was so excited.
"They hurt you right Monica?" I nodded my head. "Well this is showbiz hun. We don't get hurt we get even." I tore my eyes away from logging into Facebook long enough to look at her.
"You think I should make a story out of it?" I asked smiling a little. I had to admit the idea was intriguing. It would ruin Karmen and she'd want nothing to do with Justin. It seemed like a perfect solution.
"I'm not saying you should, and I'm not saying you shouldn't." She winked and rolled away to her desk. I turned my attention to my Facebook wall and was met with about 40 pictures of Justin and Karmen having fun at the beach.
That was when I decided that I was done playing games, I'd get them both- but I'd do it when they least expect it. So go make up with Mike, Karmen, I dare you
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been slacking so hard with this story and I'm really sorry...
I'm kind of in charge of The Kellic Master Fic and that was getting behind so I had to take care of that and then I was on vacation and yeah. I'm sorry.

I promise I'll make it up to you!
And I also promise Mike will be in the next chapter because jfc I miss him.

I really wanted to have Alex dancing to I Feel Like Dancing but then I was like oh....