Status: Being Rewritten

Goth in Hogwarts: You Charmed Your Way into Our Hearts



A girl with long, black hair ran into the castle from the entrance hall door, eyes narrowed in concentration. A foot or so away from the steps, her two cousins each grabbed one of her hands and orbed themselves up the steps, not landing until they came up to a statue of a stone phoenix at the end of the hallway. The statue, sensing they were there had opened up and rotating steps were rising from underneath it. They each hopped on a step and waited for it to take them to the top. At the top of the stairs there was a door. When she pushed it open, there was a tall man with a long mane of white hair and a matching beard. He said something inaudible, then the three were sent flying back down the stairs.

And that was when I woke up. I sat bolt up right in bed before looking around then falling back. I had had that particular dream for a few nights now, and I still have no clue what it means. It was so vivid and clear. It had to be a vision... but why would my cousins and I be at that place, wherever that place was? I glanced at the digital clock on the table beside my bed. 5:57. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep any time soon, but I still laid on my bed, staring at the pitch black nothingness of my bedroom.


It was the last day off summer and I was not looking forward to going back to Magic School, where everyone wants to be friends with the daughter of a famous Charmed One. After getting out of bed I changed in to a black shirt with jeans and put on a thick layer of eyeliner before leaving out of my room.

"Where is everyone?" I asked my younger sister Lora, when walking into the kitchen. "Mom is at work and Dad had got called on." My mother, Phoebe Halliwell, the middle child of the Charmed ones, has a job in the news paper as an advice columnist The name of her column is “Ask Phoebe”. Her husband, both mine and Lora father, is a cupid that goes by the name of Coop.

"OK. I’m going to the manor,” I said as I walked out of the front door to the two story condo that I lived in. I walked to the pink manor that my mother and aunts had grown up in and I wasn’t surprised when I saw someone in the front yard.

“Sonja!” called the little three year old voice of my younger cousin Samantha.

“Sammy!” I called as I ran through the flower garden and enveloped her into a hug. “Sam, is Wyatt or Chris home?”

“Yeah,” she said as I put her down and walked with her into the pink manor. I looked around the house until I found everyone in the kitchen gathered around a potion pot. “What’s going on?” I asked as I walked up to them.

My aunt Piper was the one to answer. “Nothing Sonja, just a few low level demons causing trouble,”

“Oh. Okay,” I said as got a granola bar from the draw by the refrigerator. “Where are Wyatt and Chris?”

“They’re in their rooms.”

“Okay great!” and I ran up the stairs. I had approached Chris’ room first. I walked in without knocking and saw him lying in bed asleep, snoring. Wyatt had walked out of his room and approached me while I was standing there.

“He’s still asleep huh?” he asked. I looked up at Wyatt. Wyatt is Chris' older bother. He is the eldest son of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. He's older than Chris and I by like two years. He was born on the night when all magic had gone from Earth, so that made him like the most powerful being alive right now

“Yeah,” I said looking at my cousins sleeping form.

“I’ll go get the water,” Wyatt said before robbing down to the kitchen. He came back with a bucket of ice water, and stood over Chris’ bed. “Chris,” he said. “Wake up.” Chris had said something unintelligible before Wyatt shrugged and the bucket onto Chris’ head. Chris awoke with a start.

“Ughh!” Chris screamed. “I can’t believe you Wyatt!”

I laughed as I Chris begin to chase Wyatt around the house.


After this mornings antics, and I had gotten Chris to calm down, I had forced both him and Wyatt to go to the movies with me. They happily obliged, on the one condition that I call my only friends, Karah and Sarah, to come with us.

“I called them, they said they’ll meet us at the theater,” I said to Chris and Wyatt before the orbed us there.

We walked to the mall’s food court, and found two people sitting at a table talking. They were two girls. One of the girls spotted Chris, Wyatt, and I and waved us over. "Chris! Anyanka! Wyatt!" she called. "Over here!”

"Hey Anya. Hey Chris, Wyatt," said one of the girls in a tired, depressed tone of voice. She had on a pair of black jeans with an all black tee shirt, and a pair of black Timberland's. She also had on a black choker and black wristband. She had her dark red hair with black streaks down straight lying right onto her shoulders.

"Hello Sonja Anyanka. Hello Chris," said the other girl, her twin, in a preppy tone of voice. She was completely different from her sister. She was wearing a bright pastel color dress, with sandals, her red curly hair shining brilliantly against the color of the dress. She had on a gold necklace that held a heart- shaped diamond and a matching bracelet.

"Hey Jinx, Rayne." both Chris and I said sitting down.

Karah "Jinx" Cromwell and Sarah "Rayne-bow" Cromwell are the only things close to a real friend that I really have right now, besides my cousin Chris. I met them at the Magic School when I was thirteen years old and we've been friends every since. Karah and Sarah are oracle twins, they can see the future, but with a twist. Karah, little miss gloom and doom, can only see the good stuff that'll happen, while Sarah, the bright ball of sunshine, can only see the bad stuff that'll happen to you. I have the same power, but I can only have premonitions about myself and the things I see, while they have premonitions about everyone.

"It's about time you two got here, " said Karah

"The movie starts in a few minutes," said her twin sister Sarah.

"Relax, we know there's gonna be, like, thirty minutes of commercials," said Chris as he and Wyatt got up to get the tickets and the snacks. Wyatt came back with the tickets and we all went in to find our seats.


When the movie was over, the five of us went back to the food court to talk. Chris and Wyatt had ordered a pizza and they joined us girls at the table. Not long after, five more girls and a boy had tried joined us.

“Hey Sonja, Wyatt, Chris!” one of the girls said. “We’re throwing a back to school party tonight. It wouldn’t be a party without the Charmed ones right? So can you come?”

“No,” I said simply before grabbing my stuff and walking away, Chris, Karah, Sarah and Wyatt following behind me. Once we found a secluded space, Chris had orbed us back to the manor and Wyatt had orbed Karah and Sarah home.

When we got to the manor, I wasn’t surprised to find all the women and kids there. Samantha was sitting in the solarium with Patience, Paige’s daughter, and my mom, Aunt Piper and Aunt Paige were all in the kitchen. I walked in, expecting them to be working on a potion, but they were helping Piper cook dinner.

"Sonja, Chris, can you set the table please?"

"Yes, ma'am"


By the time we finished setting the table, the food was done and Wyatt had come back. We all gathered around the table to eat. I had started up a conversation with my dad and was talking. At that moment, Leo had orbed in.

"Piper, Phoebe, Coop, we need to talk." Leo said. I watched as my mom, dad, and Aunt Piper followed Leo into the kitchen. I was about to walk into the kitchen, but stopped when I heard Piper and Leo talking.

"Piper, Phoebe, we need to talk. It's about Sonja." Leo said.

"What about her?" Mom asked.

"Well she," Leo started, but was cut off by the door bell.

"Hold on Leo." Piper said and went to answer the door with mom and Paige.

"Yes, may I help you?" asked Piper. At the door was a man with a white beard and small glasses.

"Are you Phoebe Halliwell?" he asked.


"That's me," my mom said getting his attention. When he stepped into the manor, and I saw his face, I recognized him as the man from my dream.

"Good then I have the right place. I am Albus Dumbledore head master of Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry for young witches and wizards." He said.

"Hogwarts... isn't that in a book some were?" asked Paige. No one answered her though.

"I am here to offer the three oldest children, Sonja, Wyatt and Chris Halliwell, a chance to attend Hogwarts."

That's when I chimed in then. "Why," I asked.

"Leo what do you know about this?" Mom asked.

"Well Phoebe, that's what I was trying to tell you earlier," Leo said.

"Yes you see my school has been invaded by demons and I thought it would be wise to have a coven witch come to protect it. Your daughter will of course would be learning there too." Mr. Dumbledore said.

"Why don't you have a seat." Piper said as we walked into the sun room.

"So where exactly is this place?" Paige asked.

"England." Dumbledore said.

"England?!" Piper said. "I don't think that's such a good idea. Leo, what do you think?"

"I think it's a good idea" said Leo.

"I agree," my dad said and I beamed at him.

"Me too, mom can I go please?" I asked. Mom has a hard time letting me out of her sight.

"Phoebe, Piper, they can fight demons just as well as you can. They'll be fine," said my father.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" Piper asked us three.

I jumped out from my seat. "Yes!" I nearly shouted. "Yes pllleeeaaasssee, can I go" I begged

"Well maybe." my mom said. "Only if Chris and Wyatt wants to go."

I turned to look at them excitedly, "What about it Chris, Wyatt?"

"I'll do it," said Chris.

"Me too," said Wyatt. "Someone has to make sure that those two do get into too much trouble."

"Hold up!" said Piper.

"Piper." Leo said trying to convince her.

Piper sighed before giving in. "Alright."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I said as I hugged each of them.

"Well I had a feeling you would let them come so I have their books that they will need right here." Dumbledore said and three sets of books appeared out of nowhere with just a flick of his wand. "You will need a wand though, I have one for each of you."

We each took one.

"Very good then. The train leaves tomorrow at 9:00 on platform 9 and 3/4 quarts."

"I'll orb them there." Leo said

"I have a question." I told Dumbledore.

"And what is that?" he asked

"Would it be alright if I use a different last name? I don't want to be known as the Charmed One" I explained to him

"Very well then do you have a name you would like to use?" he asked

"Cooper" I said.

"We'll use that same last name too," Chris chimed in. He ignore when Wyatt looked at him strangely.

"Good. I will make the change and don't worry. Only you and I will know your secret." He said smiling at us.

"Thank you." I said.

"Well I'll see you once you get to Hogwarts." Dumbledore said and he popped out of the room.

"That wasn't orbing." Paige said

"No that was disapparating. Their way of orbing" Leo said.

"Well, you kids better start packing," Piper said.

"Alright" and I ran upstairs and packed. I was almost done when Chris walked in with Wyatt hot on his tail.

"These are our uniforms for the school." he said. "An owl just brought them here it's from Dumbledore."

"Skirts?" I whined while holding it up. "I can't fight demons in skirt."

"Well maybe you can talk to Dumbledore about it." He said. I couldn't wait to start at my new school. I can start over and maybe make real friends
♠ ♠ ♠
Not much of a introduction. I'm sorry if it was boring. It'll get better.