You Don't Know Me at All

Chapter Two

Natasha's POV

I was in the car with my dad and Natalie on our way to school. The weekend was awkward since Dad threatened Natalie about sending her to our grandparents. She hasn't spoken to anybody at all and didn't leave her. I mean, she probably left the house through the window in her room, but we never knew about it. Dad pulled up in front of the school and Natalie hopped out of the car without saying goodbye to Dad.

"Dad, are you really gonna send Nat away to Alabama?” I looked at my father with concerned eyes.

He sighed and tapped his finger on the steering wheel, “If that's what it has to come to, then yeah I'm gonna send her to Alabama. She can't keep this act up anymore Tasha, she really can't."

"What makes you think that doing that will make it any better? If anything, it'll make it worse", I argued. I didn’t want to see my sister move all the way across the country. Despite all the wrong she's done over the years, she's still my twin sister and it would hurt to see her go. What I can't wrap my head around is how my parents can just let one of their children go so easily with no remorse. If that were me, I'd be crying like a baby.

"Tasha, don't argue with me on this please. Me and your mom have already talked it over and we decided that if this continues, if she messes up just one more time, she's outta here. No questions asked", he lectured.

I had to refrain from yelling at him. How could he do that? Didn't he feel bad? Wouldn't he miss her at all, wouldn't Mom miss her?

"What about me, Dad? You can't just take my only sister away from me. What's gonna happen to us?” I almost started to cry. Nat was my true best friend. Yeah, Josephine was my best friend, but Natalie was my sister and blood is thicker than water.

"Tash please. Now go, you'll be late to class. Love you", he said, kissing my forehead.

I muttered a 'love you' back and made my way to the building. For the first time, in a long time, I was mad at my father.

Natalie's POV

*First period*

The old fartbag wasn't here so we had a substitute today. I sat in the back with Jared and Yismel, and I was telling them about how my dad was going to send me to live with my grandparents in Alabama.

"He seriously wants to send you away to live in Alabama? Is he off his fucking rocker?” Yismel hit her head.

"He must be. I didn't think he had the balls, but apparently he bought a pair at Wal-Mart for sale, because he called my grandfather and said that if I mess up just once, I'm packing my bags and movin' down South", I said the last part in a country accent.

"What's Alabama like anyway?” Jared scrunched his nose up.

I grimaced at the thought of that place, “The summers are hot as fuck and the winters are brutal. I hate it so much. The people may be nice but they smell like super shit on an egg salad sandwich."

My parents used to send me and Tasha there for the summer and we'd sometimes go there for the holidays. I hated it with a passion, so just the thought of living there for 2 years made me wanna kill myself. Tasha loved it there, but I couldn't stand it. Then I thought about Tasha. I would be miserable without her. People think that I hate her because of how much girlier and popular she was than me, but the truth is I love that girl to death. I'd take a bullet for her. I have actually gotten into a couple of fights for her.

They laughed at my comment and Yismel said, “Can’t be worse than New Jersey though. That place is rather shitty. I've been there to visit my family and I hate it. The people are rude, the air is polluted, and the food sucks."

"Trust me, it's worse", I said laughing in my chair. I did not wanna leave these guys, but I don't know if I'll be able to stay calm this whole week.


"What the fuck do you mean you might go live in Alabama!?” my girlfriend, Sherry gaped. And no I don't mean girlfriend as in my close gal pal. I mean my vagina loving, girl kissing, Tegan and Sara listening, Softball playing, scissor partner. We've been dating for 8 months now and I couldn't be happier.

"My parents are sending me to Alabama if I don't get my shit together", I explained for the second time today.

"Well then get your shit together, you're not leaving me missy", she playfully pointed her finger at me.

I to go bite it and she quickly pulled it away, squealing. I laughed, “I’ll try to behave, okay?".

"Yeah you better be on your best behavior bitch", she scolded in a playful way.

"I will", I'm not even sure if I believe what I just said.

Natasha's POV


I was sitting with Josephine at our usual table. We were talking about the Natalie situation.

"I can't believe that your parents are really thinking about sending Natalie away. Are you sure they're really gonna go through with it?” Josey asked while sipping her soda.

"I think so. When I asked my dad about it this morning, he said if that's what it has come down to then they're gonna have to send her to our grandparents. Then he gave me this crap that doing this was gonna help her. And when I said it would make it worse, he totally blew it off", I ranted.

"Wow that's pretty heartless. Do your uncles and aunts know about this?” she raised her eyebrow.

I shook my head, “Not yet, but I just know that Uncle Matt is gonna freak. He loves Natalie like she's his own daughter". Uncle Matt and Natalie have always been extremely close. Ever since we were born, they were joined at the hip. Everywhere Uncle Matt went, she followed. Natalie was more attached to Uncle Matt than she was her own father! I on the other hand was a Daddy's girl. I was my dad's shadow, always a few steps behind him. I thought the sun shined out of his butt, I still kind of think that.

Natalie's POV

*After school*

I didn't even wait for my dad to pick me up, I just went straight Uncle Matt's house. His car was in the driveway so I knew he was home. I knew that Auntie Val was at work and that my cousins were still at school doing their after school shit, so I could talk alone with my uncle. I got in using the key they made for me.

"Uncle Matt, it's me!” I hollered.

"I'm in the basement!” he hollered right back.

I went downstairs into the basement to see him playing Call of Duty. Of course. I sat down next to him on the couch.

"What's up Nat?” he asked while still tapping away at the game controller.

"Oh nothin'. Did Dad tell you the big news?” I smirked knowing that my Dad didn't tell anyone about him and mom sending me away.

He furrowed his brows, “What big news?".

I shrugged my shoulders, “Oh ya know, that him and mom are thinking about sending me away to live in Alabama with my grandparents"

He dropped the controller and looked at me, “What the fuck?! Are you serious?"

"Yup", I popped the 'p' at the end.

He got up and ran upstairs leaving his game unattended. I ran up after him and saw him putting his shoes on.

"Uncle Matt, where ya goin'?” knowing damn well that he was gonna confront my parents, mainly my dad.

He grabbed his keys, “Gonna give Brian a piece of my fuckin' mind, come on"

I hastily followed him. This is gonna be good.
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OOhhhh shit, whatcha think is gonna happen? This is kinda a filler, plus I wanted to introduce Sherry since I forgot to do that in the first chapter. So yeah give me your thoughts. Comment, subscribe, and recommend!

Love, Justine The Oreo a.k.a. NathanSykes' Swag