Status: In progress?

Be My Escape

Will You Be There To Carry Home The Remains Of My Wasted Youth?

When I woke up the next morning, it was to an empty room. I was lying in the hospital bed by myself which instantly had me panicking. Where was Vic? Did he leave?

“Vic?” I called out, probably louder than necessary. “Vic?” I asked again, the fear clinging to the volume that my voice had raised to. I could feel my heart pounding faster in my chest and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Him leaving just proved everything my mom said true. No one cares. Not enough to stay anyways. That’s why everybody else had left me. I probably scared him off. I knew I shouldn’t have kissed him!

I let out a broken sob just as the door swung open. I didn’t notice until there was added weight to the bed and a hand in mine. “What’s wrong?” I heard a familiar voice I’d grown to love ring through my ears. I looked up to see Vic looking directly back at me.

“Uh, nothing,” I replied, looking down again and trying to wipe away the tears that had already stained my face.

“Kellin…” Vic murmured, putting his hand under my chin and lifting up my face so that I had no choice but to look at him. “Kellin, tell me what’s going on.” He demanded gently.

“I-I thought you had l-left.” I stuttered as my face began to heat up.

“I’m not going anywhere.” He told me quietly, reassuring me not only with his words, but with a squeeze to my hand that he had been holding. I sighed and looked down at our clasped hands then looked back up at Vic in excitement.

“Vic! I get to leave today!” I exclaimed, bouncing lightly in my seat. He probably thought I was crazy and bipolar- considering I had went from sad to excited within a minute.

“If you have some place to stay,” he told me, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, yeah!” I exclaimed, remembering that I needed to call Alex.

I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and quickly dialed Alex’s number. The phone rang four times before I heard the familiar baritone voice on the other line.

“Hey Kell-bell, what’s up?” Alex answered, using the nickname he had recently taken to calling me.

“Hey Alex,” I said, suddenly feeling nervous about asking him. “Uhm, I actually have a huge favor to ask you.” I told him timidly, my voice starting to shake.

“What’s going on Kellin?” Alex asked, suddenly sounding serious. “Is it your mom? Do you need me to come get you? Are you hurt bad?” He said, spewing questions.

“Yes it’s my mom, not exactly, and no. Well yes, but no.” I said answering his questions in the order he asked them.

“Kellin, what’s going on?” He asked, demanding an answer.

“They called CPS. The cops told me that I needed to find someplace to stay or I’ll be put in a group home or something.” I said quietly, only somewhat explaining the situation.

“Kellin, of course you can stay.” He said, answering the unspoken question, speaking just as quietly as I was. “You’re my best friend.” He spoke softly.

I grinned even though he couldn’t see me and said, “Thank you so much Alex. I should be there later today at some point. Is that okay?”

“Oh it’s fine Kell-bell!” Alex exclaimed. “You can tell me all about what happened when you get here.” He said, almost as an afterthought.

“Yeah, I can probably do that.” I muttered, hoping he’d forget before I got there, not wanting to relive it. But knowing Alex, there was no way he’d forget. “I’ll see you soon, Alex. Thanks again man.” I said, trying to end the conversation before it got any further.

“It’s honestly no problem, Kell-bell. I’ll see you in a few.” He said and I waited until I heard the tell-tale click of him snapping his phone shut.

“Soooo… I take it you can stay with him?” Vic questioned, grinning at me. I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed this before, but he had a really nice smile.

I couldn’t help but smile lightly when I saw how happy he was. “Yeah, I mean we’ve been best friends for years. I didn’t really expect him to say no. I can always depend on him.” I responded, looking to see Vic’s reaction.

“You looked a little uncertain to me.” He said simply shrugging his shoulders at me. I nodded my head and realized he might actually be onto something. I’d never admit that out loud but it didn’t make it any less true. “Vic!” I yelled suddenly. “That means I get to leave! Thank god, I hate hospital. When can I leave? Can I leave now? Or do I have to wait?”

“Whoa, Kellin. Slow down!” Vic said, laughing. “I’ll find out when we can leave.” Vic said walking towards the closed door.

I could feel the fear rising in my chest as I called out “Be quick!” I heard Vic chuckle as he walked out the door. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He got out before the door shut. I had separation anxiety, there was no doubting that. Who could blame me though?

I bounced lightly in my spot as I waited for Vic to come back and looked to the clock to see that it read 11:45. That explained the sudden growling noise my stomach was producing. I continued to bounce as I thought about what I might like to eat so I didn’t think about how long it was taking Vic. When the door opened Vic walked in and was being followed by the doctor that had helped me the previous night.

“Hello Kellin!” The doctor exclaimed as she stepped around a grinning Vic. “Rumor has it you’re eager to leave here!” She said, putting on a mock hurt face.

“Well, what can I say? Finally staying at Alex’s without bleeding or bruising- I can’t wait!” I joked but was being completely serious.

“Well then. I have some good news for you!” She said smiling brightly. “You won’t be around for hospital food at ALL. As soon as your friend gets here you two can sign the papers and we’ll be out of your hair.”

I frowned realizing I hadn’t thought to tell Alex he’d need to come get me. I nodded slowly then yanked my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled down to Alex’s contact and hit message.

“Hey. Apparently they need you to come sign some paperwork for my release. I’m sorry. Do you mind driving down to the hospital?” Was what the message read. I waited five minutes before I got the response saying he’d be here in ten and that it was no biggie. I grinned gratefully at the text and looked up at the doctor who had been waiting for me patiently and relayed Alex’s text to her. She nodded her head giving me a light smile.

“Well then, someone will bring you the discharge papers and I’ll be back after everything is signed I’ll explain the medicine that I’ll be giving you for the pain and depression. The antidepressants will be a temporary drug. So there’s nothing to worry about with needing prescriptions until everything has been situated. I’ll also be informing you on what’s going to happen from here on out.” She told me as she headed to the now-open door. “I’ll see you shortly.” She added as she walked out, shutting the door behind her.

“Should I like… Wait for your friend to get here?”

Although I didn’t want him to leave, I replied with, “Only if you want.”

When he nodded, I patted the bed so that he would sit next to me. When he complied with my request, I turned to him. “Thank you… for all this.” I said locking eyes with him. “You didn’t need to help me, but you did anyway. You definitely didn’t need to stay this whole time.” I finished, trailing off.

“You needed to see a doctor.” He said sternly. “You needed me. I wouldn’t just leave you there to die. I wouldn’t do that to anybody. Plus- I know you’re hurting. You needed me for you.” I smiled gently knowing that he was right. Just as I reached over to squeeze his hand, the door flew open,

“Kellin Quinn!” Alex practically yelled upon his entrance. “You didn’t tell me you were patient in the hospital!” He said looking around the room. “Where is that bitch?” He asked.

“They took her away, Alex.” I said, feeling myself getting upset again. Alex opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted when a brunette nurse walked in through the door.

“Hello!” My name is Macey and I’m here for the signing of the discharge papers for one… Kellin Quinn?” She said looking down at the paper to read my name.

“That would be me.” I called out timidly from my spot on the bed beside Vic.

“Alright! And which one of these two young men will be signing that you’re to leave them?” Macey asked loudly.

I looked to Alex who raised his eyebrows then said, “Uh oh yeah. That’s me.”

“Great!” The young woman said, smiling flirtatiously at Alex. I fought to keep from laughing but I couldn’t keep the smile that formed on my face down.

Alex looked slightly disgusted as he spoke next, “So, the paperwork?”

“Oh yes! Silly me! Here you go, sir.” She said with a predatory grin on her face. Alex grimaced then signed his name on the dotted line and passed me the paperwork to sign and fill out the rest. I grinned in thanks then went to work quickly filling out my personal information. I couldn’t help myself from occasionally stopping to see how Alex was handling Macey as I heard her talking lowly across the room. She had practically cornered Alex before I cleared my throat and told her I was finished. Alex shot me a look of pure gratitude as Vic pouted at the loss of his entertainment.

“Well the doctor will be right with you then,” Macey said, also pouting as she walked to the door but not before waving over at Alex. I bit my lip to hold back the laughter bubbling up in my chest knowing it would upset Alex. “Why do we have to see the doctor?” He asked, still frowning deeply from his encounter with Macey.

“She wants to tell me how to take care of everything.” I said looking impatiently at the door. I was anxious to get out of here. I’d have school tomorrow and I didn’t want to spend my weekend in the hospital.

About three minutes later the pretty blonde we had been waiting for walked in through the door.

“Kellin, Vic.” She said with a smile as she looked at the both of us, sitting on the bed. “Alright Kellin, for your bruises you’re not to do anything too strenuous and ice them once they start turning a yellow shade. These pills should last about two weeks and should get you back to normal quickly. I will tell you what’s going to happen over the phone since I know how eager you are to get out of here.” She said grinning and giving me a packet of sample pills. I had felt Alex tense up behind me at the word “bruises.”

“You be careful now, Mr. Quinn.” She said sternly, a frown on her young face.

“Yes ma’am.” I said sheepishly looking at my lap.

“And I better not be seeing you,” She said, a small smile pulling at her lips. “Now get out of here sweetheart, you’re free to go.” She demanded, walking out the door and leaving it open.

I quickly jumped up and grinned at Alex and Vic. “Well?” I asked looking at their matching faces of amusement. “Let’s go!” I ordered feeling like a kid again, as I bounced in place waiting for Vic to get up and Alex to start moving.

“Alright Kell-bell! Let’s get out of here.” Alex said walking past me and through the door. I couldn’t help the giddy feeling that was rising in my stomach. I turned to Vic and nudged my head waiting for him to walk out ahead of me. When he did, I looked around for Alex but noticed he was nowhere to be seen.

“He’s probably already at the elevator.” Vic said, looking around the empty hallway my room was in. I grabbed Vic’s arm and turned him so that he was facing me. Once we made eye contact, I whispered, “Thank you… for everything.” Vic’s face went confused to amused. “A proper ‘you’re welcome’ maybe?” He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. I let my mouth move perfectly in sync with his.

I pulled away quicker than I would’ve liked but spoke, still close to his face. “Alex is waiting.” Then I stepped back and grabbed his hand, dragging him in the directions in the signs that led me to the elevators. I dropped his hand before we got to Alex and couldn’t help but grin at my friend who was leaning heavily against the small wall between the elevators with his eyes closed.

I smirked with sudden gratitude to my high voice. “Mr. Gaskarth! What are you doing here?” I called with a near perfect imitation of Macey. I couldn’t help but laugh when his eyes shot open in horror. “Let’s go Alex.” I said with laughter still ringing slightly in my voice. I walked next to Alex with Vic by side and pushed the button to open the elevator. I ducked into the elevator and narrowly avoided the smack Alex had been trying to plant on my head.

“You’re lucky I love you Kellin,” Alex muttered viciously under his breath as he and Vic entered the small box that would bring us down four floors where we needed to be.

When we got to the bottom floor I squealed in excitement and ran ahead of Alex and Vic out the front door of the hospital. I know I hadn’t been there very long, but with everything that had happened in that building, I never wanted to go back.

“Kellin!” Vic said sternly as he walked out the door with Alex on his heels. “You’re going to end up back in there if you don’t relax.” He added to my pout.

“Fineeee.” I whined, jogging over to Vic.

“Yo! Keller! Legggooo!” Alex called from his black Charger that was parked across the street from where the two of us were standing outside the front doors that lead into the hospital. I hadn’t even known that Alex walked ahead.

I grinned at Alex and called that I’d be right there. I turned to Vic and smiled shyly at the good looking Mexican boy. “Be careful, alright Kellin?” Vic told me quietly, looking away. “I better not see you in a park with pills and vodka in your hand ever again.” He added making sudden eye contact.

“I’ll try,” I joked, but Vic said nothing. He surprised me by pulling me into an embrace. “Be careful.” He repeated softly in my ear. I pulled away and gave him a small smile. It was weird having someone actually care about me. A good weird. I pecked him on the lips lightly and thanked him once again.

I walked over to where Alex was and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and ruffled my hair in the back. When we pulled away he sighed and looked at me. “God, Kellin, you look awful. Did you even do your hair?” He said with a wink.

“Screw you,” I replied with a laugh, opening the door and hopping into the passenger seat.

Alex opened the door to the driver’s side and got in. Once we both had our seatbelts on, he looked at me and asked, “Are you ready to tell me EVERYTHING? As your best friend, I know you didn’t tell me all of it.”

“When we get to your place. This all isn’t something to discuss while you’re driving.” I sighed. I wasn’t ready at all.