Status: In progress?

Be My Escape

Now This Place Seems Familiar To Him

I held my phone to my ear, waiting for Kellin to answer his phone. It kept ringing, and ringing. I sighed, knowing that my theory about him hating me was probably right. I was about to give up on the seventh ring before I heard Kellin’s unsteady voice on the other end.
“Uhm. Hi?”
“Hey Kellin. I think-“
“Look Vic, I already know what you have to say and I would just save myself the hurt, and then you don’t have to waste your time. I understand that whatever was there at the hospital, is gone now. So, it would just be better if we didn’t talk because all it does is put me in more pain, and right now, that’s the last thing I need.”
“Kellin, no! That’s not what I was going to say at all. Look, can you meet me somewhere? I don’t think this should be discussed over the phone.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. . . “ Kellin replied, his voice shaking, and trailing off. I felt my stomach drop, but I couldn’t give up.
“Kellin, please. Just trust me. I just need you to hear me out.”
I heard him take a breath, then sigh. I knew he had given in.
“Fine. Meet me at the same coffee shop in five.” After that, he hung up. At least he was willing to listen.

Kellin POV
I had just gotten off the phone with Vic, feeling worse than I did before- he wanted to talk. Although he said that I needed to hear him out, I didn’t want to see him again. He hurt me, and I was angry, well mostly upset. I went into my temporary room and grabbed my other hoodie that wasn’t so in-contact with my wrists. The plastic bags full of my razors had been in my pocket. Pulling them out in disgust, I put them back in their place, trying not to let the tears fall. I got to the rug-covered stairs and took them two steps at a time.
“Hey Alex. I’ll be back in a little bit. Vic wants to talk.” I said, uneasily.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea Kell? Do you want me there?”
“I’ll be fine. He wants me to ‘hear him out’. I’ll be okay though, alright? If I need you, I’ll call you.”
Waiting in the coffee shop, I got more and more nervous. I had actually considered not going through with this, but I decided against it, knowing Kellin wouldn’t be happy with me- especially under the circumstances. My whole body was shaking- something it did when I was nervous. I held out my hand to see how bad I was shaking, and was not happy with the results. I sighed, hoping this wouldn’t be as awful as I was expecting it to be. I could honestly say that I had never seen myself in this situation before and I wasn’t sure how to handle it. I had also never questioned my sexuality before. Kellin was changing me, and it seemed to me that it was for the better. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I got. Where was he? I looked at the door entrance but it still didn’t change the fact that Kellin wasn’t here with me.
I looked up into Kellin’s eyes, and saw that they weren’t shining like they usually were. It made me really upset to see they like that. “Hey. . . “
He just stood there, not even looking me in the eye. I had to admit, that hurt a lot. I guess I deserved it though. I sat there and he just stood there- both of us silent. I hated it. I hated that I made him feel that way. I surprised myself by feeling tears prick at the corner of my eyes. “Kellin. . Please just sit down and hear me out. I need you to understand why I did what I did,” I said to him, being the first one to speak, my bottom lip quivering. He looked me in the eyes, and his face softened. I knew it would be easier to talk to him, because he knew now that I meant every word. He sat down across from me, but just sat there looking at his hands, obviously waiting for me to talk.
“Kellin. Look at me.” I said sternly, wanting him to look at me while I spoke everything that was about to come out of my mouth. He obeyed, but still kept silent which made me want to cry even more. I contained myself though, and prepared myself for what I was about to say.
“Okay. So. Look. The reason I acted so weird around you was because. . . Before you, I had never even thought about looking at a guy like that. You changed that though. And not in a bad way. I’m honestly kind of glad I found you in the park- well obviously not in the condition I found you- but I found you, and we got close. I honestly just need time to adjust. Me being in a relationship will change everything, but I’m willing to take that chance so that I can be with you. I guess I kind of just. . Freaked out. It happens. But now that we’re here. Well, I don’t know really how to well uhm. . . I guess what I’m trying to uhm ask is well, do you want to maybe be my uhm, boyfriend?”
He grinned at me, slightly laughing. I felt heat rise up in my cheeks, forcing me to look down. “Yeah Vic, I’ll be your boyfriend. Are you sure this is something you want to get into though?”
This time, it was my turn to look up. I didn’t even have to give it a second thought. Without hesitating I answered, “Yeah, Kels. I’ve never been more positive.” He looked down, blushing, with a shy smile on his face. How I had gotten so lucky? I had no clue. “Let’s go.” He said, grabbing my hand.
“Wait what?”
He didn’t answer, but placed a kiss on my cheek, dragging me with him to wherever he had planned to go.
Kellin had had his hoodie-wrapped hand around my eyes, and was moving me with his arm around my waist. After what seemed like forever, he moved his hand away from my once-shielded eyes. We were at the park.
“Kellin, what are we doing here?”
“I wanted to revisit this place. This is the place where you literally saved my life. If you hadn’t shown up, I wouldn’t have been here today. I wouldn’t have lived to see that it does, indeed, get better.” I didn’t know what to say, so I wrapped my arms around his waist and did what I loved to do best- kiss him. And that’s just what we did, kiss. We stood there kissing in the middle of the park until we heard a voice calling my name. “Vic! You fucking piece of shit!” The person called out. When I turned around to see who it was, I was in shock.
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Holllllyy crap my chapters have been sucking ass lately my bad haha. But anyways, sorry for any mistakes. It's 2:16 in the morning and I haven't slept in a few days :) :): ): anyways sorry it's crap loveyoubye