Just Us


The next week I went to bring Anne home. We drove for several minutes and Anne dozed off from the medication the hospital had given her before she left. I made a right turn onto a country road and never stopped. We entered the to familiar drive way and I parked the car. I sat in the seat and watched as Anne silently awoke and smiled at me. Her smiled quickly turned to surprise then fear as she glanced out her window in a trance at the big white and green house.
"Michael, why are we here?" She asked me almost in a whisper. I sighed and pressed my palms hard against the stearing wheel.
"Becasue, you're moving back in with your parents." I said. She gasped and shook her head.
"No I'm not. I'm living wiht you." She was almost shouting in bertayal and hurt. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and I almost couldn't hold back the erge to wrap her in my arms and sooth her troubles away.
"Anne, I know you don't understand and you think I don't care about you, but I do! More than anything! I just can't have to keep getting hurt on my account. I..."
"It's always "I" with you! Michael, a relationship is "we"." She seemed as though she would say more but she meerly squeezed her eyes shut and tried to hid the tears as she exited the car. She slammed the door and I opened mine and yelled her name. She only hunched over and wrapped her arms around herself. I only thought one thing before I slumpped back into my car; I wished those were my arms she were wrapped in.

For weeks I only thought of Anne. I wondered what she was doing and if she had begun to love someone else. I sat alone in my sister Janet's living room one day as she prepared a luch for the two of us. I wore my hair up, as usual, and a white cotton shirt with red and yellow accents.
"Michael, is something bothering you?" She finally asked. I wanted to have someone to talk to about Anne, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to yet. I shook my head trying not to look in her eyes. She placed a hand on my shoulder and giggled a little.
"Michael, you're an awful lier." I giggled with her and looked into her eyes. They reminded me of my mother and how I could always feel safe to tell her everything. I sighed and told Janet of Anne and the trips to the hospital and how her father had placed blame on me.
"Oh, Michael! That's horrible! Why did you let her go?" She asked with concern. I shook my head and rubbed my forehead.
"I don't even know anymore. I wanted her to be safe, and it seemed..." I couldn't finish when tears flooded my eyes and soft sobs filled the large living room. She hugged me as I wept into my hands and slipped slowly to the floor. I felt like a small child again and I never wanted that feeling to end, but I had to be a man. For Anne.
"Janet, I want her back." I whsipered.
"What was that Michael?" She asked. This was a game she always played with me.
"I said I want her back." I repeated. She shook her head, having "not heard" me again. I stood and wiped my tears.
"I want her back!" I said proudly. She stood and hugged me.
"Then go get her back." She reasured me. I nodded and I ran with haste to my car. As I drove my bravery and determination to win back the girl I loved only grew with every mile.

I finally entered the driveway and didn't even bother to turn off the engine when I ran to the front door. And knocked with furry. Anne's mother came to the door and a look of shock and "I knew you'd be back" came to her wrinkled face.
"Michael, Uh Anne isn't here." She stumbled.
"Where is she? I need to talk to her." I explained. She lowered her head and looked at me the way Anne had in the hospital.
"She..." Just as she was about to finish a car pulled into the driveway behind mine. It was Anne's sisters. I ran to the car door and Anne sat in the back seat. I swung open the door and pulled her out in a huge hug.
"Anne, I'm so sorry. I can't live without you. You're my world. You're the one I love. You're..." I set her down and was speechless at what I saw. She smiled and grabbed my hand.
"I'm the mother of you're child." She whispered with a single tear in her eye.