Just Us


I was too nervous to call her that night so I waited until the next. I picked up the phone and dialed it with shaking hands.
I exhaled; trying to blow away the nerves.
The phone began to ring and my palms began to sweat tremendously.
I was extremely tempted to just hang up the phone and walk away, but the other end picked up.
"Hello?" Anne answered. I was mute. I had to gather some sort of confidence. With a shakey voice I replied.
"Hi, this is Michael." My voice sqeeked at the end and I blushed.
"Oh, hi." She sounded tired and sort of like she had just woken up.
"Uh, is this a bad time to call?" I asked. She sighed and laughed a little.
"Nah, it's fine. I just got home from jogging." She said. I was relieved that I hadn't been a burden calling or anything.
"Oh, I didn't know you jogged?" I said turning the conversation back to her. She laughed.
"I don't. I practically walked and only jogged when I was getting chased by a dog." I laughed and she laughed.
Our conversation went on for a while and I enjoyed every moment of it.
We had so much in common.
Including the fact that we both loved animals with all our hearts.
At about 8:30 she had to go so I let her even though I longed to continue talking to her.
I sighed as I hung up the phone.
Just then my maid walked into the room.
"Oh, Mr. Jackson. I thought you were out?" She said.
I shook my head, walked out of the room, and continued to think about Annabell