Just Us


Sirens and flashing light greeted my swolen eyes when I awoke; dazed and confused. The first thing I instinctively did was try to lift my head. It colided with the roof of the car and I moaned in pain. My arm began to ache and I scrunched my face in pain. I rested my throbbing head on the open air bag and sighed.
That's when I remembered Anne.
Furiously I struggled to move the air bag material out of my sight so I may asses weither she was okay or not. She lay head down on the stearing wheel, her hair tossed in front of her face, and blood smeared on the exploded air bag under her. I desired to reach out and touch her but my limited movement prevented me from even slightly lifting my arm.
Suddenly Anne's body began to disappear from the drivers seat. An officers uniform came into view and I struggled to get his attention.
In the process of pulling Anne's body from the wreckage the car was tossed and my arm fell from the side of the seat; causing me to scream in agony. He must have heard me, for he stopped and called to someone. Another officer appeared by his side and he shined a flashlight inside the car. He gasped at the sight of me. I mouthed, "Help me." and he rushed to my aid. Thought I was glad they were saving me, the order in which they did caused the car to sway and my arm to follow in it's motion. With every slight jostle of the car I tensed in soreness.
My entire body was pulled form the wreckage as the ambulence and it's ear peircing sirens drove upon the scene. Anne and I were loaded up and driven to the hospital. The ride was agonizing. With every little bump, my anguish increased.
We were rushed into the emergency room of the hospital and the first thing to see as I was loaded off the ambulence were the poparazzi and their flashing camera's. I lifted my unbroken hand to my face to stop the blinding lights.
We were seperated. Anne was taken to a different area of the hospital than I, but as we were being guided by different nurses and the turn was coming I lifted my arm to reach out to her, alas I only grazed the air. She was turned down an opposite hallway and I lay back adn drifted in and out of consciousness. The last things I remember were several nurses leaning over me and a doctor talking to each one of them individually. I finally remained in mindfulness long enough for a doctor to see me and walk in.
"Mr. Jackson you are able to leave tomarrow if you like?" He began, "You only sustained a broken arm and a black eye, so by hospital policy I am able to allow you to leave whenever." I smiled and nodded.
"And you're sure you would not like anyone to contact your family?" He asked. I nodded. If they were told obviously they would want to come see me and that would cause a bigger scene than is nessicary. I threw my attention back to my situation.
"What about..." He knew what I was going to ask so he stopped me.
"Well, she's unconscious at the moment, so we are unable to determine how much damage she impacted. But when and if she awakes..."
"If!?" I shot up and the pain sprung to life in my arm. The doctor rushed over and forced me back down.
"Mr. Jackson, according to what the police and the semi driver have told me she was the driver and was hit by the semi the hardest. It's quite possible that she may be in a coma. We aren't going to be able to..." his voice trailed off as I thought to myself.
"This is my fault! I could have killed her, and I could have prevented this!" I began to sob uncontrolably and the pain in my arm was aroused. Yet the pain of almost killing someone overcame that and I focused on that pian instead.
"Mr. Jackson, tomarrow morning before you leave you will be able to see her." With that he left and closed the door behind him.
"Why? Why? Why?!" I asked myself. It was my fault that she was in this hospital and not home. It's my fault that her family has to worry about her. I faught my emotions as I quietly cried myself to sleep.


The next morning a nurse helped me gather my things and head down to Anne's room. She laid my things on the chair outside the room next to the head of security who was to guard the door.
"We have 15 minutes Mr. Jackson." He stated. I nodded and cautiously entered the room. Anne lay asleep on her bed with her hair strewn on the pillow. I sat down in the chair next to her and, with my unbroken arm, stroked her cheek.
"I'm so sorry Anne. This is my fault and I could have prevented it." I whispered to her. I smiled and a thought popped into my head.
"I think I..."
The expression on her face erked me in a way that she almost looked dead. Her face, covered in scratches and tiny patches of blood made me want to cry again.
The door behind me jerked open and I turned to see Anne's red faced father.
"What the hell are you doing here..." He stopped when he saw my broken arm and black eye. His expresion grew angrier as he stumbled over and leaned over Anne.
"This is your fault isn't it! I knew you were no good; just leave before you cause anymore problems, wacko." He insulted. I didn't want to start this so I started towards the door. I haulted in my tracks and looked over my shoulder.
"My name's not wacko." I mumbled. He didn't reply or even look at me. As I exited the hospital I wanted to march back in there and say, "I know it's my fault! You don't think I feel awful for causing her so much pain?! I wish I could have avoided this from happening to her!" But the good person inside me prohibited me from doing so. In my heart I was dying, I just wished I could have taken her place...or died in the crash.