Just Us


My "Dangerour" tour was set to begin on June 27th 1992, and I just didn't want to go. My arm and black eye had healed but Anne was still in her coma. Almost everyday I would risk causing a scene trying to see her. The poparazzi would always asked me who I was going to see and who the flowers were for, but I never told.
Seeing her just lay there knowing I couldn't do anything to help her almost killed me inside.
Her father still blamed me every time he saw me and that just added to the pain. Though I was only allowed to see her when her father wasn't around, I cherished those moments like nothing before. Sometimes I would just sit and talk to her and try to pretend she wasn't in a coma, but just listening to me. I wondered if she could hear me, and I sometimes found myself hoping she was.
I remember on a certain occasion on May 28th 1992, a month before the tour, and I sat next to her after her father left and just talked to her about a song I had just written. And as I look back on it, I feel redundant! Yet then I was completely fine with talking to myself.
"You know I don't want to leave." I said. Her chest rose with a breath and lowered again. I sighed, laughing a little. The flowers I had brought her lay on the table next to her in a vase the nurse had brought in.
"Oh, Anne. I...I think I..." I wasn't ready to admit it to myself. I couldn't say those three little words that meant so much. The door behind me opened and an unfamiliar woman walked in.
"Uh..." She just slipped. Her eyes were the same color of Anne's and her mother's. She must be Anne's sister. I stood and grasped one hand with the other nervously.
"I was just, visiting." I mumbled. Her expression stayed and her mouth dropped.
"You have some nerve." She whispered as I walked by.
"Listen, I...I really care about Anne. I know this was my fault and your father..."
"My father hates you. He wishes it were you instead of Anne." She interupted me calmly. I nodded as she kept her glance on Anne.
"I wish it were me instead of Anne too." I said. She turned to me.
"Michael, I know that you care about her. Hell, why else would you see her everyday and go behind my fathers wishes?" She started, "But I want you to know that if she does pull out of this that my father will NEVER let you near her again." She enfisized. I desired for it not to be true with all my heart and nodded. She smiled and slid her hand on my shoulder as she walked out of the room. I turned back to Anne.
"I won't let that happen." I whispered the promise to her ear. Tears filled my eyes with pure longing and fear.

Fear she wouldn't awake