Just Us


I turned to the nurse with nothing to say but, "Why." She stared at me with sadness and uncertainty. I shook my head and almost fell. I reached out and grasped the side of the bed.
"Where is she?" I asked in a somber calm voice. She shook her head and started figiting with her hands.
"Her father instructed me..." She gasped and covered her mouth. I suddenly had the strength and energy to run a thousand miles if I had to.
I stood and brushed past the nurse out into the hall. I walked quickly then began to pick up speed. Many patients looked at me with different emotions; fright, delight, confusion, and pain. I began to run with as much speed as possible. I rushed out of the hospitals front enterance and stopped in my tracks. I had told the driver to leave me here so I had no car. It had begun to rain while I was inside so I soon beame soaked through my coat. I turned and tried to recall the directions to the home where I had first met Anne's family.
I ran with all my might and never stopped; I even ran through traffic several times without regret or caution. My hat fell from my head and I only quickened my pace. My breathing began shortening, but I wasn't about to stop for one.
I eventually ran to the front of the house to see Anne's father sitting on the giant porch with Anne sitting next to him. He stood and crumpled his fists in rage.
"You're not welcome here Wacko." He stated with a firm and rough voice. Anne only sat back as her eyes widened.
"Anne." I started but I couldn't go on without gasping for air. I had never been that exhausted; not even after a tour.
"I said you're not welcome. Leave." He stated again; this time standing at the top of the stairs to the porch. I trudged in my wet and dragging clothes to the bottom of the stairs.
"Anne, I'm sorry. I know it was my fault that you were in the hospital. I know I can't fix that." I stopped to take a breath.
"I told you to leave. She knows it was your fault and she doesn't want.."
"Let him talk." Anne interupted. He turned in shock. She began to stand and I smiled at her independance.
"But, Anne..." He begged. She stood next to him and adjusted the blanket over her shoulders.
"I want to hear what he has to say." She said strongly. He nodded and scowled at me.
"Make it count." He snikered. I stood straight and looked Anne deep in the eyes. Her black hair was thrown over her left shoulder and a slight smile lingered in her face.
"Anne. I...Every day you were in the hospital I visited you. I sat next to you and wanted to be in your place, and I know I can't truely ever apologize for the pain and embarrasement I caused your family." Her father mumbled to himself but Anne only stepped down onto a lower step almost into the rain.
"I'll never be on good grounds with your father and I don't care." I stepped up almost in front of her.
"I only care what you think of me." I lowered my head with shame and embarrasement.
"Please say something." I begged. She lifted my head with her hand and smiled.
"Michael Jackson, you're the most sensative, caring, some-what odd, funny, and smart person I've ever had the priviledge of being in a car crash with." She giggled. I smiled and took her hand.
"I forgive you. And I could care less about what my father thinks about you," Her father gasped, "because I think you care about me more than anything." She stepped down another step and threw off her blanket. I smiled and hugged her. She embraced me too; though I was soaked and covered with sweat.
"I ran all the way from the hospital here on the slight possability that I..." I couldn't say it quick enough when she kissed me. I kissed her back and somewhere I could hear her mother watching and exclaiming, "Aww." She leaned away and smiled.
"Michael I love you too." She laughed. I couldn't help but step back and pull her out into the rain with me. I twirled her around and for that moment I was truely happy and in love.

It was just us.