Status: Thought I'd try a little something differentone


This is the first thing.

Come a little closer,
As the night get older,
Of you I grow fonder,
Just let my hands wander.

I stood at the mirror singing the lyrics out as I applied a subtle smokey eye. I glanced to my best friend who was sat beside me curling her long hair whilst she also sang the same lyrics I did. It was always the same when we were getting ready for a party. I'd do my makeup in one mirror and she'd do her hair in the other. Then, once we were finished, we'd swap mirrors. We had to be ready for half six and it was already quarter to. We were never good with time management when getting ready. We changed the song. Nothing Without Love rang through my speakers. We bopped our heads to the music as we carried on getting ready. I smoothed over each of my curls in my hands, my phone vibrated on the dresser.
"Is that mine?" I looked up at Lana, My bestfriend. She took her phone in my hands and nodded.
"They're setting off now?"
"No way? What time is it?"
"Almost quarter past six" We both chuckled to ourselves. See what I mean about time management?
"We should probably get dressed" Lana said whilst removing the clothes from the bag she'd brought and closing my bedroom door. Switching the straighteners off, I stood and took out the my clothes for the night. My dress was simple, a short red chiffon number. Elegant and pretty. However, My shoes. Now my shoes, they were showstoppers. Eight inch Jimmy Choos. Sparkly all round. They were a early birthday present from my grandparents. They... they were my babies. I loved parties. Mind you, I love any excuse to dress up and feel pretty. Before we knew it, the other girls were here all dressed and ready to go. Megan looked beautiful (As always) in a short creamy top and a colourful aztec skirt paired with some white wedges. A look that only Megan could wear and actually pull off. We all envied her but she knew we did. Then there was Marina, who also looked beautiful. We always knew Marina only put effort in when it came to parties. She had put on a white lace skirt with a black crop top, a few gold necklaces and a greeny/brown blazer matched with simple black heels. Everyone looked so amazing. This is when I started to get excited.
"We going?" I asked everyone whilst slipping on a white blazer to match my outfit and keep me from getting chilly. Everyone nodded and made idle chatter as we walked downstairs and out the door towards the party. I was glad the party was only down the road from me. Saved me money on a taxi and when I was drunk at the end of the night, it wasn't too far for me to walk either. We rounded the corner to be met with the giant house, owned by our friend Harry. I'd known him since I was little, we went to the same school and hung out a little. We didn't know each other that well. I knew he was cheeky and flirty, and he knew I was the exact opposite. He made it his life mission to bring the bad in me out. No luck so far. We knocked on the door, abit anxious at first as no-one actually came to the door. We all exchanged some looks until the door was opened by our curly haired friend. He invited us in whilst giving us all a quick squeeze, leaving me until last.
"So Aria, You look really hot tonight." I pushed his hand from around my waist whilst shaking my head.
"Not yet Styles. I'm not drunk yet." I walked into the room where the party was and was immediately greeted by loud music, drinks and smiles. Friends. Alcohol. Loud music. Good night.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a new little story right here.
It's abit slow I know.. The next one will be better!:)
My names April:) nice to meet you little ol' readers! Don't be silent! I'm pretty sure you all have massive mouths so comment away!:D
Love ya!