Status: Thought I'd try a little something differentone


Setting fire to our insides for fun

I moved in and out of the people dancing in the darkness. I had accepted the fact that I had lost my friends as soon as I step foot into the blackout. I needed a drink and social interaction. I could see the light pouring in from the kitchen and thought that that would be my best shot. I reached the light and took a breath as I stepped inside. A little group consisting of Harry and all his cronies were gathered around the alcohol. I tapped the tall curly man on the back and he turned around and greeted me once again with a smile and a bear hug. He was drunk already. Or at least tipsy. He introduced me to all his friends. Who were cuuuuuute! There was Louis (A clear cheeky chappy), Niall (Happy little Irish man), and Liam (typical nice guy). I smiled at each one in return and then glanced back up at Harry before introducing myself.
"I'm Aria," I smiled once again, "Now, I'm sorry about interrupting you guys, but I am dying for a drink."
Harry walked over to the liquids and mixed a few, added a straw and turned back to me,
"I knew you were always a little rebel.." He gave me a cheeky wink and handed me the drink. I took it from his hands and took a big gulp and indulged in the burning sensation that followed,
"Well, I'm not drunk...." I turned on my wheels and headed for the back door, "...Yet." I gave him a wink back letting what little alcohol I' had intoxicate my actions.

I let the cool crisp autumn air hit me hard as I trotted further down the garden and then took out a cigarette. Cigarettes and the occasional urge to get drunk is the only badass thing about me. All in all I'm a good girl. Good grades, good personality, I am all about making the best impression I can. I set fire to the end of the fag and set it to my lips. I blew out the smoke feeling more relaxed.
"S'cuse me love," A hand touched my shoulder making me turn in the opposite direction, "But can I borrow your light?" I melted. right there and then. my insides looked like an ice cream on a hot day. My knees began to wobble. I attempted to shake it out and smiled up at the gorgeous face.
"Yeah, of course." I handed him my lighter. As he handed the small zippo back, he stood beside me and blew his smoke away to the sky. In reality it wasn't an awkward silence, in my mind it was Beyond awkward. I threw my cigarette to the ground and stubbed it out with the toe of my shoe the turned to walk back. the boy grabbed my arm once again,
"I'm Zayn." I smiled at him,
"Aria." He nodded slightly then turned back around.

Only then, when I was back inside did I realise just how cold I actually was. I wrapped my arms around myself and put my now empty cup in Harry's hands who laughed as he moved to make me another one.
"So how come you're all stood in here?" I glanced around at the whole group and took the newly made drink from Harry and took a sip.
"We're waiting for Zayn." Niall, the Irish lad said just coincidentally as he walked through the door. I turned to Harry,
"Well, come and find me for a dance later!" Oh how I loved winding him up.

A couple of hours later and I was pretty much fully intoxicated. I found Marina whom was dancing with this blonde guy I was sure I'd never seen before, so I just left her to it and went to find Harry to have that dance. This task however, was petty much impossible as there was no lights on and the only wash of colour was coming from the moon through the giant window. I stood on the very tip of my toes, my head barely skimming the service of every bodies heads,
"Looking for me?" I turned to meet the voice,
"Oh, why yes I was! Are you here for that dance?" I glanced behind him and met his friends faces. Harry guided me further into the crowd, as my eyes tried to peel away from Zayn. Eventually the music and alcohol took over my body and moved for me. The five guy, four of which I had recently just met, danced around me in a geeky fashion, but my eyes flickered between Harry, who had his eyes burning directly into mine, and Zayn, who was staring at the ground bobbing from side to side with the beat of the music. I grabbed his wrists and wiggled them about as he laughed in protest and began to move more. There was something different about him, and I just couldn't put my finger on it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it took so long to update between this chapter and my intro. I've been starting college and wow has it been hectic, plus PLL and Ravenswood happend. And well I have 3 seasons of Supernatural to catch up on. But I was in the mood to write and well here it is! I hope you enjoy and if you do drop me a comment or recommend to a friend!

I'm back bitches.