Status: Still in the works. I'm comment fed, so comment for more.

The Warden Heir

Drama on the Throne

I rolled over in the bed. I felt the silk encase my naked body and sighed. I opened my eyes and noticed no one lay next to me. I rolled onto my back and sighed pulling the covers over my head. I sat up and wrapped te red sheets around me and began to walk towards the cabinet that held my clothes.
Royal clothing hung from wooden hangers and I pulled out a green dress trimmed with light gold. I slipped it onto my body and then brushed back my brown hair and my elven servant came and braided it how I liked it, off to the side on my head.
"His Majesty requests you stay in the quarters until he arrives to collect you, my lady." I chuckled at the servants request.
"Thinks he is in charge now that he is king, does he?" I stood and slipped on my Warden's Oath. "Let's just see what it is he doesn't want me to see." I opened the solid wood door and made my way down the steps and smiled as many of the servants and guards greeted me.
"I would hope, Seralynna, that you are not making your way to the throne room?" I heard a familiar male voice call out. I turned to see none other than my brother, returning from Castle Cousland with guards in our Highever armor at his side.
"Fergus? Maker, something must be up since his Majesty sent for you." None the less, I hugged my brother and looped my arm through his as we made our way to the throne room.
"Oh, then he hasn't told you?" Fergus asked as the guards opened the door.
"Told me what?" I asked.
Fergus smiled. "Oh, you'll see."

"Her Highness, Queen Seralynna and Teryn Fergus Cousland!" The guards announced.
I looked at the throne. Alistair sat hunched over, obviously bored with whatever it was that Eamon and Teagan were carrying on about. But, once my name was annouced he lit up and stood.

"Yes yes, Teagan. Great strategy, now if you will excuse me." Alistair walked from the throne and Fergus handed him my hand.
"I found her lady coming down the stairs to the throne room when I arrived, your Majesty." Alistair smiled.
"Ignoring my orders to her no doubt." Alistair walked me up to the throne and gestured for me to sit.
He stood next to me and sighed. "Come then, Eamon, please explain to my wife what has happened." Eamon bowed.

"My lady, there has been reports of possible betrayal in your..old lands, in Highever." To this I stared in disbelief at my brother.
"Fergus? What do you say to this?" I asked.
"Those are only rumors. I assure you my lady, nothing is out of order in Highever, certainly no betrayal." I relaxed slightly.
"Then care to explain why my men were slain publically just inside the borders of Highever, Teryn?" Bann Teagan spoke.
I turned to Fergus once again.
He shook his head. "I only recieved report of this after my guards investigated it. I was not at the castle when this happened. I happened to be on private business for his Majesty." Fergus answered. He looked at me and smiled slightly. "You know how mice can be when the cat is away, dear sister." I smiled. It brought on memories of my last day with my father and mother. But I shirked them when Alistair spoke.
"It is true that the Teryn was on business for me when this was reported, Teagan. Have you checked on what your guards might have done to cause this?" Teagan got defensive.
"Your Majesty, my guards would have done nothing to provoke battle with the people of Highever. They were there to follow up on trade in the Market District." Teagan said.

"I suppose that it may have to do with the fact that Arl Howe was slain by none other than the woman sitting on the throne your Majesty." The whole crowd gasped and murmered. Alistair stared a Teagan with rage filling his eyes.
"Bann Teagan I will surely remind you who it was that saved Redcliffe from total disaster and destruction when she wasn't even required or forced to do so. Or of the fact who went on a near impossible journey that your men failed at, to save your brother, the Arl of Redcliffe. Not only that but she is the Queen and furthermore my wife, I suggest you leave here and calm yourself before coming back into my presence. Do I make myself clear?" I stood and touched Alistair's arm.
"Perfectly, your Majesty." Teagan bowed deeply and then left, guards shutting the door behind him.

"This hearing is dismissed until further notice, Eamon. Teryn Cousland you are welcome to stay here in the castle until we are able to complete the hearing." Alistair grabbed my hand and Fergus nodded.
"I am honored your Majesty, but I will only stay for a short while before returning to Highever." Alistair had everyone dismissed and I sat him on the throne. He sighed heavily and rubbed his head.

"You see, Seralynna, this is why I did not want to be King." I smiled and kissed the top of his head.
"Yes, but nevertheless you are a great and kind King. You're adored by the people." Alistair chuckled.
"Oh yes, after that performance I'm just the best King in the world!" I pulled on his hand telling him to stand.
He stood up and groaned. I began to lead him out of the throne room. "And just where are we going?" Alistair asked.

"You, are going to go upstairs and relax in bed, while I go to Highever." Alistair stopped.
"No, no, no, no. Not a great time to be there if there is a betrayal going on." I turned and looked at Alistair in his shining silver armor. The armor of a Grey Warden.
"Alistar, you forget who I am. Not only that but I am going with Fergus. He had guards all around him. I'll bring more from the palace if I must." Alistair sighed.
He wrapped me in a hug and kissed my neck.

"Alight then, but don't be gone for too long. The bed will get cold without you." I felt him smile.
"Alistair!" I said smacking his shoulder playfully.
"Oh did I say that out loud? Oh how unkingly of me! You'll just have to punish me then." I chuckled and kissed him.

"Now go, I need to go get things out of the armory." Alistair relunctantly released me and then trotted up the stairs. I heard guards and servants address him and I smiled when I heard him say, "Yes yes, thank you all." He always waved them off. Embarassed by the attention.
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