Status: Written and finished :)

What a Night


I woke up with a start. It seemed like every night that week I had night terrors that would wake me up in the wee hours of the morning. I looked at the clock and saw that it was close to when my alarm would go off, so it wasn’t even worth it to go back to bed. My room was empty. It had been days since my boyfriend stayed the night and I realized how cold and frigid my room seemed without his peaceful looking face sleeping on my bed.

I grabbed my robe and walked out of my room and into the kitchen to grab some tea and sat down to watch some news. That was a routine of mine, drinking tea and watching the news. My life frequently revolved around routine and I didn't think that I could have ever stray from my safe and simple routine life. The news held the same things that it always does, people dying and crime happening, it seemed like everyone else’s life revolved around routine also.

After my morning tea, it was time for me to get ready for the day. I quickly showered and walked out of my room to grab something to eat on my way to work.

“Good morning Miss Brock. Here is your breakfast. Hope you enjoy it,” my maid/personal chef said while setting a plate of food down.

“Morning Ms. Jones. Thank you this looks delicious,” I quickly mumbled while I stuffed my face full of food, which is unladylike and definitely not how I would’ve presented myself to anyone in the working world.

On my way out of the house, well actually apartment, I saw myself in the reflective surfaces of the elevator. My long dark brown hair was in the unruly waves that I was known for and my hazel eyes were actually shining with a brightness that was unusual. The reason for their shine was because of the excitement that my amazing boyfriend, Josh, would be back from his business trip. He had been gone for a week because he had to finish a deal with a company that he headed in London. It was hard trying to talk to him because London had a five hour time difference. We were also insanely busy people. One would think that if one owned a bunch of businesses and were extremely rich, one would have had time to take a break but that was not the case.

I jumped into the backseat of my beautiful ruby red Bentley Continental that I was so fond of. It truly was a gorgeous car. My personal driver and bodyguard was in the front seat like always and we were off to work.

On the way to work I was on my phone making plans for dinner that night. I was to work in record time and sat in my office chair at the stroke of eight. I set off to work and after about an hour, decided I needed another tea.

“Audrea, could you do me a favor? Please get me a cup of the strongest tea we have. Thank you," I quickly said over the phone to my personal assistant.

“Yes ma’am, I’ll be there as quick as I possibly can,” she replied. Audrea was a great personal assistant. She did everything I asked and she did it as fast as she possibly could have. She had short blond hair that was in a spiky pixie cut and big blue eyes. She was stick thin and could have done well as a model. She was in the approved clothing which was a black lace dress with a white underlay and sky high black heels making her already tall stature taller. She was one of the youngest people I had working for me in the main office with an age of twenty.

“Anything else I could do for you Miss Brock?” She asked politely while she sat my tea down on my desk.

“No that will be all thank you, Audrea.” I never looked up from my computer because I was swamped with how much work I had to get done. It looked as if I would have had to go to work once again the next day which was a Saturday.

I was a workaholic. I worked all the time. I had my hands in many companies and was well versed in many things. My main business, the one that started everything, was making energy efficient designs. Houses, cars, ships, anything. You name it, I had my hand in trying to make it energy efficient. I wanted the world to be a cleaner place. I spent my part of my life living in the country and I could tell the air was cleaner than it was in the city. I wanted the people in the city to know what it was like to breath clean air. I wanted the rate of asthma to decline and people to breath easy and I see making things energy efficient as my way of fixing the air problem.

At around one o’clock, I got a call from Josh.

“Hello, Baby. I’m at John F. Kennedy airport,” he announced in his deep voice that I loved. It always sounded like he had just woken up.

“Ok, Honey. I hope your flight was good. I’m sorry to cut this short but I have a meeting in five.”

“That’s alright, Alexis. I was just telling you that I’m in New York and I will see you at home. I love you.” That simple sentence. I love you. It gave me goosebumps. We just started admitting that we loved each other and every time it was said, I would get butterflies in my stomach.

“I love you, too. I’ll see you after work.” With that being said, I pressed end and rushed to the meeting that would be held.
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Please tell me what you think :)