Status: Written and finished :)

What a Night


At around 12:30 in the morning I woke to the sound of sirens. What’s going on? It sounds like a war is raging outside. I thought to myself. I looked over to Josh and saw that he was just waking up also.

“Josh, I think something serious is going on outside!” I muttered with a terrified voice.

“Come on, Alexis. Let's check the news.” With that he grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the living room.

We flicked through the channels. Each and every one had the same thing on it. There were videos of a large creature in New York. A creature large enough to make some of the biggest buildings in downtown Manhattan look small. It was red and black and walked on all four legs. The front legs were much longer than the back legs so it was slightly tilted up with its head the highest part of its body. It had a huge head that looked like it didn’t have a nose just holes where it should be. Its teeth were monstrous and looked razor sharp.

The news was saying that people need to start evacuating homes, businesses and anything else in the city. They said to leave everything behind and only carry necessities such as wallets with some kind of ID and to move as quickly as you could.

I was shocked. How could a creature that big get to New York and there be no warning.

I looked over to Josh with terrified eyes and silently started to cry. He looked nervous and his shoulders slouched like the weight of the world was on them. He grabbed my face and made me look at him.

“Alexis, we are going to have to get out of this city. I need you to stop freaking out for a couple minutes because this is serious. Go get some clothes on that you can wear for a long time and wear running shoes,” he commanded with authority. I nodded my head to show that I understood what he was saying, but my feet were stuck in place. I couldn’t move. I was terrified of what was happening. What were we going to do? He finally got so frustrated with me he dragged me into the room and started looking for things to wear as I finally got to my senses and ran into the closet. I grabbed some jeans, a sweatshirt and a pair of running shoes that I just bought. I threw everything on and grabbed my keys and wallet along with Josh’s.

We made our way out of the building by descending the seventeen flights of stairs to the bottom. At this point in time I was cursing myself for buying the expensive penthouse at the top of the building like I did. I was panting by the time we made it to the bottom and surely thought I couldn’t breath from all the stairs.

“Josh,” I huffed “Where are we going to go? How are we going to get out of the city?”

“Let’s go to the Brooklyn Bridge. It’s the closest one to here.” The Brooklyn Bridge may have been the closest bridge to us but it was still close to fourteen blocks away. I didn’t argue with him and we started on our way out.
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Please tell me what you think :D